I Really Gained
I’m just posting to say that you can truly gain with PE. Don’t give up! It’s not a quick journey and you must pay attention to how your body responds to exercises, but it really works!
I bought a penis extender at the end of last year, but have only started using it more regularly the last couple months. Recently, I’ve incorporated rest days. But most of last year was the most basic jelqing and stretch exercises in the shower. I took off a couple months last year because I was frustrated with my progress, but when I came back to it, I found I’d grown a bit! So, I started up again.
I am very happy that this is real!
Note: These are maximum measurements.
Start 4.12.2021:
BPEL 5.6 inches
EG 6.1 inches
Current 4.7.2022:
BPEL 6.4+
EG 6.25+
Current goal
BPEL 7.3+
EG 6.25+ *I will just let this measure do its own thing.