Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

I'm New To This

May 30 - Did the routine,I get easier erections now but yesterday when I had sex,my dick was very hard and stayed like tha forever but when I finished it couldnt get up no more.Is it not fully recovered yet?I remember before starting PE I could go for 7 times and still be hard.I’ll try and go down on the intensity of the manual clamping because yesterday I did them with a lot of pressure and kegeling..Also my gains have stayed I believe,Measured yesterday and Im still 12.8 cm in girth (5.03in) from 12.4cm which is a 0.1 inch increase!!Length before was around 16-17 but now goes more for there is an increase there also..

BPEL 7inches(18cm) Goal 8.2(21cm)

NBPEL 6.7(17cm) Goal 7.9(20cm)

EG 5(12,7cm) Goal 5.3(13,5cm)

May 31 - Did the routine normally but felt my dick a little bit tired after the 30 seconds of manual clamping and lowered the ammount of jelqs on the second set.

June 1 - Today I dont feel like taking a rest day,maybe tomorrow.Today Im gonna add 5+ jelqs on the first set making it 25(5sec)jelqs- 30 sec manual clamp-20 jelqs-30 sec manual clamp.For stretching I do 1 minute each side and Im gonna add another minute pulling down.

BPEL 7inches(18cm) Goal 8.2(21cm)

NBPEL 6.7(17cm) Goal 7.9(20cm)

EG 5(12,7cm) Goal 5.3(13,5cm)

June 2 - Yesterday I did take a rest day,I did very few fast jelqs just to get a good erection thats all. Today Im gonna start with 25 jelqs - 1 min clamp - 20 jelqs - 30 min clamp. I was thinking that I might start a routine based on manual clamping as Im chasing girth more..What do you guys think? Should I start a clamping routine with a light jelqing between sets and also another stretching routine on off days of clamping?Need suggestions

BPEL 7inches(18cm) Goal 8.2(21cm)

NBPEL 6.7(17cm) Goal 7.9(20cm)

EG 5(12,7cm) Goal 5.3(13,5cm)

You should do it. Carefully though.

BPEL 7 EG 5.5 NBPEL 6.5 Flaccid length 4.5. Started Jan 2015 at bpel 6.5 nbpel 6.0 and eg 5.2 flaccid length was 3.5

I have reached my goal. At least for now.

If you feel your dick is ready for a clamping routine and you want to try it, then try it. Don’t do 30 minutes straight in the clamp. Do ten minutes sets max. I would start off very lightly and slowly. Clamping has a way of sneaking up on you and it can be overdone very easily. Monitoring your PIs is key when doing any PE but especially heavy girth work.

From your profile you have no prior PE experience. Your progress Report it only appears you have been practicing PE for a little over a month. If that is correct, disregard everything I just posted and wait a couple more months.

Last edited by G263 : 06-03-2015 at . Reason: Spelling and addition of content

Originally Posted by G263
If you feel your dick is ready for a clamping routine and you want to try it, then try it. Don’t do 30 minutes straight in the clamp. Do ten minutes sets max. I would start off very lightly and slowly. Clamping has a way of sneaking up on you and it can be overdone very easily. Monitoring your PIs is key when doing any PE but especially heavy girth work.

From your profile you have no prior PE experience. Your progress Report it only appears you have been practicing PE for a little over a month. If that is correct, disregard everything I just posted and wait a couple more months.

I’ve been doing PE from march when I first signed in but I had to stop and start all over again because my PI’s were bad,I wasnt having the best EQ but I believe my dick is conditioned for some light clamping.Also Im talking about manual clamping which I think is less harsh than clamping with cable clamps…Nevertheless,I’ll wait till the end of june and if I dont see any gains from my lite routine I’m going to start slowly manual clamping.

BPEL 7inches(18cm) Goal 8.2(21cm)

NBPEL 6.7(17cm) Goal 7.9(20cm)

EG 5(12,7cm) Goal 5.3(13,5cm)

June 2 - Wasnt able to do PE I had some problems with the police and I had to stay there for the night.

June 3 - Had an injury on my leg that is distracting me a little bit but managed to do my routine normally…Every 2 days rest Im gonna add 10 jelqs and 30 secs clamping.

BPEL 7inches(18cm) Goal 8.2(21cm)

NBPEL 6.7(17cm) Goal 7.9(20cm)

EG 5(12,7cm) Goal 5.3(13,5cm)

These days I have been doing some light jelqing and hand clamping for around 15 minutes I dont count or anything..I go by the feel.Hope I get some improvements in EQ or in size

BPEL 7inches(18cm) Goal 8.2(21cm)

NBPEL 6.7(17cm) Goal 7.9(20cm)

EG 5(12,7cm) Goal 5.3(13,5cm)

Why don’t you stick to the newbie routine? Complete it and then alter your routine. I am not telling you what to do, I am just asking.

BPEL 7 EG 5.5 NBPEL 6.5 Flaccid length 4.5. Started Jan 2015 at bpel 6.5 nbpel 6.0 and eg 5.2 flaccid length was 3.5

I have reached my goal. At least for now.

Originally Posted by bill10
Why don’t you stick to the newbie routine? Complete it and then alter your routine. I am not telling you what to do, I am just asking.

Because he… “Didntwantto”? :leftie:

Seriously though. Consistency is typically much more effective than intensity. Changing too much too often doesn’t give the exercise enough time to prove if it is really effective and as a result, you might prematurely pass over what may have turned out to be a really effective exercise and become frustrated or injured trying something or everything else.

Keep an open mind and a closed wallet... unless it\'s open to making a donation!

Originally Posted by cantlook
Because he… “Didntwantto”? :leftie:

Seriously though. Consistency is typically much more effective than intensity. Changing too much too often doesn’t give the exercise enough time to prove if it is really effective and as a result, you might prematurely pass over what may have turned out to be a really effective exercise and become frustrated or injured trying something or everything else.


Well said my brother.:-)

Starting Stats: BPEL 7.4", MSEG 5.1" [16 May 09]

Current Stats: BPEL 8.25", USEG 5.75'', MSEG 5.5", BEG 6.75'' [7 Jun 15]

Long Term Goal: BPEL 8.5", MSEG 6.5"

Well guys I dont see much improvement with the jelqing and I used to do it for a month with no results. I added some light manual clamping and I saw a 0.1 increase in girth, Im not sure if I still have that but it worked.Also, yesterday I focused more on the clamping and it gave me a better hang and it felt that much better work was done.My erections today were feeling fuller but it might just be in my head.Jelqing is not interesting and I dont see much expansion from it and it doesnt even come close to the pressure that the clamp I do with my hand provides.Im going to start lightly doing more clamping so I wont overwork my penis and also to not block any future gains by making my dick more tolerable to the pressure. Thanks for the suggestions though.If it still doesnt work Im thinking of taking a break and starting all over again with the newbie.

BPEL 7inches(18cm) Goal 8.2(21cm)

NBPEL 6.7(17cm) Goal 7.9(20cm)

EG 5(12,7cm) Goal 5.3(13,5cm)

Originally Posted by cantlook

Because he.. “Didntwantto”? :Leftie:


Rotffl.. Well said.. Funny but true

Well guys do I have to stick to a newbie routine? In my head its just excersises to help you get your first easy gains and to make you more conditioned. I’ve read in many different places that people just jelqed or just clamped from the start and gained the same way..I feel my dick is conditioned for the preasure it goes under from the excersises I do.I will do some light clamping with my hand and some jelqing and if i dont see any improvement I will take a break and start over with a newbie routine but now I want to do this thing and I need some opinions :/

BPEL 7inches(18cm) Goal 8.2(21cm)

NBPEL 6.7(17cm) Goal 7.9(20cm)

EG 5(12,7cm) Goal 5.3(13,5cm)

Did some manual clamping today and some erect jelqs.My penis is staying almost fully erect when I jelq it and after some jelqs I got the little red dots on my shaft and stoped for today.I should get back on a schedule because I have messed up things latly.Im going for 2 on 1 off and my routine will be 2 sets of 3 minute manual clamping and jelqing in between around 100,50 after each clamp set(3sec per stroke).I stretch for around 5 minutes focusing more on down.I know its not organised very well but I have a lot of things going on.If I dont gain with this way Ill try to dedicate more time and effort but for know I do this.

BPEL 7inches(18cm) Goal 8.2(21cm)

NBPEL 6.7(17cm) Goal 7.9(20cm)

EG 5(12,7cm) Goal 5.3(13,5cm)


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