Ithyphalia's PE Progress
Hello there!
I’ve been lurking on Thunder’s on and off since last year. Tried the Newbie Routine for a month - 2 on/1 off, masturbation only on off days - in January of 2013 and achieved moderate but encouraging gains of nearly 1/4" BPEL and 1/3" EG. Then I fell off the wagon. Can’t even remember why.
I’m in my mid-twenties, rangy build without a lot of obvious muscle showing through. Not a lot of fat pad on top of the pubic bone. Penis-wise, I’ve never considered myself small - always felt pretty big, actually. It was actually a surprise when I measured myself properly for the first time last year and discovered I wasn’t as big as I felt!
So now I’m back. With some fortuitous developments possibly occurring soon, I’ve decided to shoot for more! Why? Why the hell not? It’s very true that what counts in the sack (or on the counter-top, leaf litter, lawn, back seat, et cetera) is the motion of the ocean rather than the size of the boat, but on the other hand one can’t take a dinghy out in storm swell. Having more means more to work with, right? Right.
Enough introduction; let’s talk data. I measure in metric, so conversion to United States customary units will make the latter look a little strange.
(↑↓ = Change since previous measurement / ▲▼ = Cumulative change since first measurement of that attempt)
January 2013 - February 2013 (First Dabble)
Routine: Stock-standard Newbie Routine, performed in the evening before or during a shower. Increased jelq count as I went along, started stretching portion about 2 weeks in. Warm wrap beforehand, steam from shower afterwards.
2014-01-11 Initial Measurements:
○ BPEL 6.690" ○ EG 5.400"
○ BPEL 6.930" (↑ 0.240") ○ EG 5.700" (↑ 0.3")
(Not at all disappointing, except for the fact that I stopped. Was never sure if I was jelqing quite right, and keeping at the just-right erect level was a challenge. PIs were excellent: I was harder than I’d ever been and popping erect like I was 16, to the point of inconvenience and discomfort. My guess is much of the girth gain came from improved EQ.)
May 2014 - ongoing (Shooting for More)
Routine: Tom Hubbard’s "3 step routine"/"Jelq 2.0" routine ( ), performed twice a day. Evening session followed by a soak in the bath to provide heat. I like the no-mess aspect, plus the shorter time commitment works well.
2014-05-16 Initial Measurements, two days after impulsively starting routine:
○ BPEL 7.010" (↑ 0.080") ○ EG 5.830" (↑ 0.130")
(Stage Goal 1 reached! Wait, what? That was suspiciously fast. Not complaining, but I’d like to know all the same. I don’t want some divine penis auditor showing up to reclaim my gains later, y’know? Flaccid hang looking good.)
○ BPEL 6.929 (↓ 0.081") ○ EG 5.827 (↓ 0.003")
(Negative growth! After a few days of good PIs, morning wood and general EQ started to drop. Perhaps 2x a day for 8 days was overdoing it. I immediately halted for a rest break between May 22 and May 25.)
○ BPEL 7.047" (↑ 0.118") ○ EG 5.709" (↓ 0.118")
(PIs back on track with morning wood and EQ restored. Seems that I healed up okay, with moderate net length gain. That reduction in girth is a worry, but I put it down to moment-to-moment erection wilt from having a ruler shoved against me.)
Routine Alteration: Using lighter grip, focus on quality of jelq "pump", drop frequency to 1/day in the evening, go 3 days on and 1 day off.
○ BPEL 7.165" (↑ 0.118" / ▲ 0.155") ○ EG 5.906" (↑ 0.197" / ▲ 0.076")
(Two weeks in, these gains are moderate but encouraging. PIs are a bit all over the place, with morning wood and EQ inconsistent. Flaccid hang isn’t as good as earlier, but I’m still growing so no alarm bells yet.)
Stage Goal 1: BPEL 7.000" (✓ 2014-05-16, 2 days in)
Stage Goal 2: BPEL 7.500"
Final Goal: BPEL 8.000" ○ EG 6.000"
Subjective Goals: I want to regularly be able to bottom out in my girlfriend, fill her completely. I want my size to be a point of inner swagger, a source of vain pride. I do not want to become so thick that I cannot have anal sex any more.
So there we have it! I’m going to keep on doing what I’m doing until the growth slows or stops. I’ll be honest; I’m a little doubtful of what I’m seeing. I’m absolutely thrilled with any length growth, and any extra girth is a big bonus. But, my habit of trying to measure myself when I’m at completely full erection might be distorting my results a little. I’ve noticed that a full erection can vary by as much as 1cm depending on whether I’m at rock-hard or merely hard, which two weeks into a routine can play havoc with the fluctuations. It’s leading to a mental situation where I’m not fully certain of my gains and I’m questioning whether I might be misreading the ruler or giving myself a little extra "pump" somehow to keep the numbers going up.
Also, the inconsistent EQ and flaccid hang I’ve been having lately is bothering me. It remains to be seen whether this sorts itself out or some tweaking of the routine is called for. Positive PIs are the benefits that keep me motivated in the short and medium term to keep growth up over the long term!
Despite my misgivings on some short-term detail, I’m super-excited about that gains so far and the gains to come! The day when I can brandish an 8x6 is not close, but I’m confident I can get there. After that, maintenance to lock in the gains and a re-evaluation of the next move.
Keep up all the great stories and inspirational reports, guys. I never would have even known this possible if it weren’t for all of you and the incredible body of knowledge which is Thunder’s Place.