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Loose Or Stretchy Skin On Penis

Loose Or Stretchy Skin On Penis

Hey guys -

As I said in another thread, I’ve been doing PE for 3 years now. I’ve noticed in that time that the skin on/around my penis is a lot "looser" now - is this normal (because of all the stretching/pumping)? It’s not just the foreskin - it’s the whole shaft (even when I’m erect). I hardly ever masturbate or have sex now without physically holding the foreskin back - if not, it just goes up and down (so there’s not much friction).

So is there any method or way to tighten the penis skin. Or maybe a cream or something I could try?


When you are wearing your extender, is the skin on your penis tight? Ideally when you stretch your penis you want the internal part of the penis to be stretched while the skin is still mostly loose. My guess is if you use the noose to extend you will not be able to avoid stretching the skin as mush as you could with a vac extender for example.

Originally Posted by pantera2994

When you are wearing your extender, is the skin on your penis tight? Ideally when you stretch your penis you want the internal part of the penis to be stretched while the skin is still mostly loose. My guess is if you use the noose to extend you will not be able to avoid stretching the skin as mush as you could with a vac extender for example.

Hi - the skin is pretty loose/normal when I’m wearing the extender.

Anyone have any suggestions? I’m currently using a Nivea "skin firming" cream every night…

The skin on the back of my hand is really tight - I can only pull it up by about 1 cm (or less) and it quickly goes back to normal. But I can pull my penis skin up by about 3cm(!) and it takes much longer to go back to normal… It’s like my penis was once really fat - and now it’s lost weight and is left with excess skin 🥴.

Start: BPEL 6.7" MSEG 4.8"

Now: BPEL 8.4" MSEG 5.6"

Goal: BPEL 9.0" MSEG 6.0"

Personally I don’t have any input, but would like to know how strong your erections are? Are they hard or soft?

Originally Posted by Mostek

Personally I don’t have any input, but would like to know how strong your erections are? Are they hard or soft?

Hi - they are pretty hard (ie. no problem in getting/maintaining one).

Start: BPEL 6.7" MSEG 4.8"

Now: BPEL 8.4" MSEG 5.6"

Goal: BPEL 9.0" MSEG 6.0"

Unusual, but I don’t think it’s anything to worry about.

My skin was so tight it would tent up my abdominal skin when fully erect, probably due to a very tight circumcision. I’ve spent the last year and a half stretching more skin to grow into.

Originally Posted by AndyJ
Unusual, but I don’t think it’s anything to worry about.

My skin was so tight it would tent up my abdominal skin when fully erect, probably due to a very tight circumcision. I’ve spent the last year and a half stretching more skin to grow into.

Thanks, Andy. I mentioned it to my mrs the other day and she said it looks and feels fine and is nothing to worry about… you know what us guys and our dicks are like though, lol 🤦‍♂️.

Hope you have success with your skin stretching, my friend 👍.

Start: BPEL 6.7" MSEG 4.8"

Now: BPEL 8.4" MSEG 5.6"

Goal: BPEL 9.0" MSEG 6.0"

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