MaxHardcore's Project Belly Button
Hi guys,
I’m doing PE now for 7 months.
I started PE at the end of September 2016.
My Measurements were: 16 cm NBPEL, 18 cm BPEL, 19 cm BPFSL, EG-13cm, 15,5 cm , 15 cm (top,mid,base)
My routine was:
10 mins heat up
10 mins of Stretching
10 mins of Jelquing
10-30 mins Ballooning
10 mins heat up
Then I measured again at 31.December 2016 and made some gains.
NBPEL: 17 cm (+1 cm)
BPEL: 19 cm (+1 cm)
BPFSL: 20,5 cm (+1,5 cm)
The Routine stayed almost the same.
Heat up, 12 mins Stretching, 12 mins Jelquing ..
Two weeks before the next measurement I added BTC-Stretches to my routine.
Now I have the Problem that my EQ has gone a little bit.
I have to admit that I got some Stress in the moment.
So the EQ lost could be a resolve of that.
Now I’m doing following program:
10 min heat up with some myofacial unlocking
12 min classic Stretches
4 min BTC/BTL-Stretches
10 min Jelques
10-30 mins Ballooning
10 min heat up
My Goal is that my dick reaches my belly button when I’m standing.
So 20 cm/8 inch in length and girth 16 cm circumference top to base.
I’m 22 years old and I live in Germany, 190 cm tall, Weight around 70 kg.