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Belly button : the fools lenght gain benchmark ?

Belly button : the fools lenght gain benchmark ?

OK I will go straight to the point.

Even-though the ruler registers gains in term of length, the distance of the gland and the belly button doesn’t change when I do up wards stretch.

Does anyone have a theory to solve that puzzle ? Maybe the lig stretch lowers the point where my penis erupts out of the skin ?

Wow. That’s a tough one. I think that you may be onto something. I have gained quite a bit of length, however, when erect I only reach about an inch closer to my navel than when I started. I have really stretched my ligs, so that may explain it.

Jelktoid :trash: More meat for the money!


<------- You likey?

If you don't take the time to do the PE exercises how do you expect to gain? The fairy godmother of PE?

“Maybe the lig stretch lowers the point where my penis erupts out of the skin ?”

Exactly! I have theorized this for some time. Once below a certain LOT, around 8-8:30, I don’t think additional lig lengthening results in any more usuable penis.

Lengthening ligs allows more shaft (tunica) that ALREADY exists to be pulled away from the body. Only so much shaft can be pulled away, and while it does give some more insertable length, it only can to a point, unless you get into some crazy positioning…

Tunica stretching is the only thing that will get that glans closer to the belly button, which is why I think the LOT is so important. Once you hit 8 or lower, you might as well concentrate on your tunica if you want additional insertable length gains…

Twatteaser: the man, the myth, and the legend in his own mind.

so the anus would be the ultimate barrier for lig stretch :D ?

My theory is that with the added gains we make we congratulate ourselves with a beer or two or maybe a six pack.

And since we’re getting such long schlongs we don’t need to worry so much about working out at the gym to look good for the opposite sex we rely on word of mouth about our dicks.

So with the expansion of our dicks so goes the expansion of our guts and thus there never seems to be any change in distance to our belly buttons.

That’s my story and I’m sticking with it.

You seem to be stretching your spare tire (ponch) along with your cock ;)

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