Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Megalophallus Hypoxia Growth Key.

Originally Posted by piratefluxx
Ok in the first example the patient started at 7 and ended by 17. Episodes were once or twice a year and last 4-16 (16!) hours.

I have to ask the question; Did his penis get big because of any hypoxia effect, or did it get big because it was stretched really large for16 hours straight??

In other words, if he had done 16 hour pumping sessions at the same size BUT with good oxygenation, how different would the gains be?

And would the guys all have similar size now but with better EQ because of no oxygen starvation nerve damage?

Obviously stretching the penis is a component, that could be why some clampers recommend expansion to see gains but the main component is Hypoxia inducible factor. These patients don’t just have a more stretched out penis they have more mass a heavier, hardened more fibrotic penis, anyone who has done clamping has noticed harder erections over time which could be due to fibrosis as these patients experienced without erection being affected. Hypoxia inducible factor is known to increase activity of fibroblast and cause fibrosis this may sound dangerous but when it is controlled not so much in my opinion. Here is a better read on HIF if interested:https://drive.g … iew?usp=sharing

I am skeptical that 3x10 min sets will do much but I am willing to try based on claims in the PE community and the study where the 56 year old man had an increased size beyond average, no starting stats but still. He clamped for 25 years and was still able to maintain an erection despite a more fibrotic penis, so that eases me a bit. Another thing that I wish I could try is to Pump while clamped seemed to work for 4myExistence(Clamping Inside The Pump !! I Did It !! I Figured It Out !!) but I would try to do it in a less dangerous way. That would allow for a good expansion and also stimulate Hypoxia inducible Factor for a while maybe 30 min or 20 of that every other day could be enough for remodeling. I also believe that all of these patients were able to maintain their erections due to the angiogenic effect of HIF. Most clampers will notice more veins after a couple sessions.

The rub or difficulty is that is that HIF and plastic deformity theories are different pathways and thus you’d approach them different. HIF can work with IPR theory but IPR theory also doesn’t jive with plastic deformity theory.

Obviously normal clamping programs over the course of a year would see a cumulative time factor well beyond the mags-phallous range of 16-30 or so hours in that same year.

I used to be all about plastic deformity, it made sense to me based on those ear rings that cause holes in your lives to spread wider and wider, or African women stretching their necks with rings and with lip plates. Also people going after foreskin replacement.

Not to mention clamping became the go to girth exercise under that theory.


Based on my own experience I think HIF works by a different mechanism and instead of structural integrity being warped, the low oxygen state seems to turn on a “switch.” To grow.

When you consider that people consistently report that it’s the base, the part under the clamp, which is the most constructed not the most expanded—that grows the thickets I think you could see that sort of effect in play.

I suspect just like with ligs, you can get some play in the tunica etc. Some people responding more than others. But sudden hypoxic shocks followed by long intervals without significant stimulus is what grew these mega cocks.

I feel pretty good about that line of thinking at this point, but I’m by no means a zealot who thinks he knows more than everyone else. My only real point is if you choose the plastic deformity route then more is more and better and in my case I quickly reached a point of stall under that school.

Yes HIF is exactly like that a switch and hypoxia turns it on by activating Hypoxia inducible factor 1 alpha in the beginning and afterwards with time Hypoxia inducible factor 2 alpha. These allow for the transcription to begin and behold you get a new type of cellular activity. I could go hours trying to explain why this makes sense. But obviously in science just because it makes sense doesn’t mean it will always work. I prefer to act on what I know to be most true and trickle down from that. So I will rely on studies first from what I know on priapism and HIF and yes after reading IPR theory it kind of goes hand in hand in a way. The reason I believe traction therapies worked to begin with was that the noose would cut circulation to the glans inducing HIF.

When I used an extender I really didn’t have much traction to begin with and still gained after some time my gains started to fade and I tried more traction but nothing I gained about 1 cm in 2 months most of it the first month and after that zilch. It became to painful so I tried a vacuum type extender I had double the hours and double the traction and still nothing so it didn’t make anymore sense. Baba_Booey claims he gained using an extender 2hours a week if I am not mistaken and if you read his thread (5 Years Of Extender Experience) his technique implied trapping blood in the noose which would obviously cause hypoxia. The fact that it was once a week could be enough to unadapt not from the traction but from hypoxia.

In most PE techniques you can find an element that can cause Hypoxia that others may not use. The IPR theory also makes sense but maybe the time frames are wrong or who knows. HIF needs to be talked about more and refuted by the veterans who claimed to have gained to maybe give pointers from their experiences.

Thanks for the info on HIF. :)

I’ll have to do some reading!

I toyed around with the idea of extended clamping sets (up to 18 minutes) after researching the ideas in this thread a bit. It gave me mild semi-permanent discoloration around the base (just above the clamp). Hopefully it will fade more over time, just throwing it out as a warning.

Before 5.5" x 4.1" ///////// Now 7.4" x 4.9"

Originally Posted by BeardedDragon
I toyed around with the idea of extended clamping sets (up to 18 minutes) after researching the ideas in this thread a bit. It gave me mild semi-permanent discoloration around the base (just above the clamp). Hopefully it will fade more over time, just throwing it out as a warning.

I did 2 hour double clamped edging sessions for weeks and weeks.
I eventually injured myself, I believe it it was just a skin related injury though, looked like a hicky.

I have NO discoloration whatsoever.

Don’t do what I did though, stupid risky and I didn’t gain anything at all.

Originally Posted by piratefluxx
The rub or difficulty is that is that HIF and plastic deformity theories are different pathways and thus you’d approach them different. HIF can work with IPR theory but IPR theory also doesn’t jive with plastic deformity theory.

Obviously normal clamping programs over the course of a year would see a cumulative time factor well beyond the mags-phallous range of 16-30 or so hours in that same year.

I used to be all about plastic deformity, it made sense to me based on those ear rings that cause holes in your lives to spread wider and wider, or African women stretching their necks with rings and with lip plates. Also people going after foreskin replacement.

Not to mention clamping became the go to girth exercise under that theory.


Based on my own experience I think HIF works by a different mechanism and instead of structural integrity being warped, the low oxygen state seems to turn on a “switch.” To grow.

When you consider that people consistently report that it’s the base, the part under the clamp, which is the most constructed not the most expanded—that grows the thickets I think you could see that sort of effect in play.

I suspect just like with ligs, you can get some play in the tunica etc. Some people responding more than others. But sudden hypoxic shocks followed by long intervals without significant stimulus is what grew these mega cocks.

I feel pretty good about that line of thinking at this point, but I’m by no means a zealot who thinks he knows more than everyone else. My only real point is if you choose the plastic deformity route then more is more and better and in my case I quickly reached a point of stall under that school.

I don’t think plastic deformity and IPR are mutually exclusive theories as they relate to PE. I think it is likely there are multiple mechanisms by which the penis can be enlarged.

Perhaps long term hanging or extender use gradually enlarges the penis through plastic deformity, but clamping and similar methods enlarge the penis through HIF/VEGF/etc in a method that conforms to IPR wound healing principles.

Start 11/30/17: 6” BPEL, 4.25" MSEG - My Progress Report

Latest 1/29/20: 7" BPEL, 4.75" MSEG - My Progress Photos

I understand the draw to figure out what’s going on with these medical cases. It does on some level seem like a lead.

One thing I’d add to the conversation is, if I’m remembering correctly, usually the tunica has two layers, fibers of each going in different directions. Some guys only have one layer while others actually have three (would assume hard gainers). Just putting that out there as a variable.

Also nobody try this at home lol. Seriously, trying to recreate a medical emergency could land you with permanent ED.

Originally Posted by Lilhelp
Also nobody try this at home lol. Seriously, trying to recreate a medical emergency could land you with permanent ED.

Plenty of people have gained using PGE1 (or trimix, quadmix, etc) to induce priapism. stagestop, Ronielle, and OMG! are a few more well known examples, but plenty have mimicked the Dr. Adams patent to one extent or another and seen significant gains. I think this is probably more due to the collagen unlinking properties of PGE1 and internal stress on the tunica than hypoxia and HIF/VEGF/etc, but I’m just speculating about things that are a bit beyond my current level of knowledge.

Start 11/30/17: 6” BPEL, 4.25" MSEG - My Progress Report

Latest 1/29/20: 7" BPEL, 4.75" MSEG - My Progress Photos

Originally Posted by miguel coto
Yes HIF is exactly like that a switch and hypoxia turns it on by activating Hypoxia inducible factor 1 alpha in the beginning and afterwards with time Hypoxia inducible factor 2 alpha. These allow for the transcription to begin and behold you get a new type of cellular activity.

This is one of the reasons I started taking TB-500 (Thymosin β4).
Thymosin β4 induces the expression of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) in a hypoxia-inducible factor (HIF)-1α-dependent manner

BPC-157 seems promising as well.
Modulatory effect of gastric pentadecapeptide BPC 157 on angiogenesis in muscle and tendon healing.

I’m not expecting any magical spontaneous gains, but I’m hoping the two contribute to growth when combined with a thorough manual routine.

Start 11/30/17: 6” BPEL, 4.25" MSEG - My Progress Report

Latest 1/29/20: 7" BPEL, 4.75" MSEG - My Progress Photos

Originally Posted by Wanting7x6
I did 2 hour double clamped edging sessions for weeks and weeks.
I eventually injured myself, I believe it it was just a skin related injury though, looked like a hicky.

I have NO discoloration whatsoever.

Don’t do what I did though, stupid risky and I didn’t gain anything at all.

Well see that’s what I believe goes against the activation of HIF because to clamp for 2 hours preventing oxygen demand is just too much. I believe the edging you did required new blood to enter thus not allowing enough HIF to be activated and allowing such a long time of clamping.

Originally Posted by Lilhelp
I understand the draw to figure out what’s going on with these medical cases. It does on some level seem like a lead.

One thing I’d add to the conversation is, if I’m remembering correctly, usually the tunica has two layers, fibers of each going in different directions. Some guys only have one layer while others actually have three (would assume hard gainers). Just putting that out there as a variable.

Also nobody try this at home lol. Seriously, trying to recreate a medical emergency could land you with permanent ED.

I think its not trying to recreate a medical emergency but the stimulus or stressor which is hypoxia. I accept that the people in the studies were probably lucky. I think the reasoning now if you choose to accept the theory is how much is too much and how much is too little and is once every three months enough etc. And about the tunica yes that could restrict some gains but according to the studies what grew was the corpus cavernousum and only that.

Still sifting through some of this thread so pardon me if this is out of turn, but this study on the presence of growth factors in rat penile tiasues in response to specific periods of time in a penile tourniquet is rather suggestive. They found ten minutes in a clamped hypoxic state resulted in acutely raised VEGF levels whereas twenty and thirty minutes resulted in abnormally low VEGF levels, even below starting levels if I’m not mistaken. Not sure how to tie this into priapic theories, but it’s at the least a very suggestive study. Maybe VEGF isn’t the mechanism of growth in priapism or maybe on a vascular level there’s a distinct difference between penile tourniquets/clamping and episodes of spontaneous priapism. Perhaps these priapic episodes have a more complex chemistry at work than we understand so far, as in are caused by or happen in tandem with spikes in specific growth factors? Anywho, interesting questions abound in this thread, loving it!

Effect of penile tourniquet on growth factors in rat penile tissue
Effect of penile tourniquet on growth factors in rat penile tissue - PubMed

Last edited by Golddinger : 03-30-2018 at .

OK so for anybody reading this I want to share my story for anybody going down this path, here is what I have to say of my experience. First off you don’t find many negative experiences with clamping or read of clamping people like big girtha, juke and Aristocane and it seem to work well for them like xeno with his IPR method and well this is my experience.

As you can see I experimented with clamping focusing more on hypoxia for about nine minutes a set. At first I had a good experience where I experienced to have better flaccid and erections but that was due to the inflammation which lasted about six days or so, I kept doing this and after about three weeks I stopped due to poor EQ and what I noticed was a decrease in size after 3 weeks apparently seemed to be mediated by myofibroblasts from reading the literature on IPR and I guess now I am also in the remodeling phase where collagen type one is being replaced by collagen type III which could explain the reason I’m having trouble having harder erections and why I also a decreased in length without taking sildenafil or tadalafin.

Here’s the link https://emedici … 129-overview#a5 of wound healing. If anyone has had a similar experience that would be great. What scares me is that the remodeling phase can last anywhere from 6 months up to years. I might kill myself if this gets any worse it’s been a pleasure helping people out if I did in anyway. I’ll start a thread on the dangers and see what people have to say. Don’t worry I’ll let anyone know before I kill myself so not yet.


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