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5 Years Of Extender Experience

5 Years Of Extender Experience

Having used an extender for about 5 years, I would like to share with you how I currently use it. These are techniques that I’ve found work best for me through trial and error. I wouldn’t suggest that a newbie do this until they are familiar with the device and conditioned to use it. This should probably not be in the Newbie Forum, but I don’t have a lot of posts.

I’m using an electric heating pad, x4 Labs extender with girth base, comfort strap, memory foam comfort pad, 2 small nails (don’t be scared) with the ends filed, and a cable clamp.

1. Use electric heating pad for 10 mins as a warm-up.
2. Put on memory foam comfort pad. (I may have found a cheap alternative to these, which I will post after I have tested)
3. Put cable clamp at base and stimulate to full erection. Hold the top of the comfort pad & pull back skin to avoid being bunched up.
4. Put on the head attachment with a comfort strap & tighten. (I usually pull back the skin again)
5. This is the nail part. I have a small hole in the middle of the comfort strap on each side. I put the nails through the strap to keep it from slipping at high tension. I got this idea from this forum, but the guy used twist ties instead, but small nails go through easier and don’t bend.
6. Let erection subside, trapping blood in the glans, but being soft throughout the shaft.
7. Put the x4 girth base over the head attachment. (This cannot be done with traditional bases)
8. Insert the elongation bars into the head attachment, compress the base springs, and screw the bars into the bars that are attached to the base.
9. I usually pull my testicles through the girth base and angle it downward. Angling downward allows me to wear it for over two hours and still not have numb glans. The only pain is where the bottom of the base is (if you pull your testicles through, this is the taint) which I relieve by pulling the extender up and adjusting.

Hopefully extender users find this helpful.

Starting length: ~ 6” BPFSL (Mid ’06)

Current length: ~ 9.35” BPFSL (June 2020)

Wow Baba Booey,

This is quite a contraption you have come up with. I am not sure what cable clamps
are and how to use them nor do I know about the girth base for the x 4. Can I do this
with a generic x 4 from Le Luv? So sounds like your now using the comfort strap rather
than the old noose you used for a while. Can you put a pic up sometime to see it all.



Cable clamps are pretty common in PE for engorging and gaining girth. I’ve tried attaching the headpiece with a normal erection, but I prefer to use the clamp because it makes the glans much bigger than normal.

If you have a standard base, you would have to have it on before you attach the headpiece. I like the girth base a lot more because, while I’m not that thick, I have a lot of extra skin at the base, and standard extender bases were uncomfortable for me. Plus, the girth base gives you the option of pulling your testicles through or not.

I used noose extenders for a long time, but at high tension, I would have to stay in one spot and couldn’t really move. With this setup, I can comfortably stand, sit, or walk.

If people only get one thing from this, it should be the holes through the comfort strap with the nails through. It completely takes care of any slippage. I’ve attached a pic.

Starting length: ~ 6” BPFSL (Mid ’06)

Current length: ~ 9.35” BPFSL (June 2020)

Last edited by Baba_Booey : 06-15-2011 at .

Nail Mod

(30.1 KB, 2897 views)

Starting length: ~ 6” BPFSL (Mid ’06)

Current length: ~ 9.35” BPFSL (June 2020)

Does this look like the x 4 generic model? And how wide is it?


That looks like the x4 with the standard base. The springs might not have the same tension, but that isn’t something that a customer can measure. X4 says that they have different springs with different tensions, I have the highest (2100g), but who knows the differences between the springs.

Starting length: ~ 6” BPFSL (Mid ’06)

Current length: ~ 9.35” BPFSL (June 2020)

Hello I have 3 question for you man.

How many hour a day are you using the extender?

Are you doing any other exercises?

Any girth gains if yes are you think they are from extender or other exercises?

Thanks man.

12.2009 - BP 6 x 4.7 :cutlass: Goal - BP 7 x 5.1

Women love cats. Men say they love cats, but when women aren't looking, men kick cats.

Thanks Baba Booey is the reason that you don’t use the extender more than 2 hours a day because the

head starts to collapse? Mine is starting to collapse more. I either gotta figure out a way to fix it

or do the high tension stretcher under a heating pad;


How much have you gained in your extender usage.

I’m not understanding the nails for high tension. I have been extending with the X4 and have not found a need to over tension. Over stressing your shaft will result in tearing of the cells and scar tissue forming. So why would you want to put so much pressure on the shaft that you are forced to use nails to hold the straps in place?

I forgot to write that you take the cable clamp off after you attach the headpiece. It should be obvious that you can’t wear a clamp while extending, but I didn’t want anyone trying it.

If you want to read my detailed history, it’s here. /forum/en/showt … ad.php?t=129866

@wadafac The extender is the only thing I currently use. I usually put it on once a day for a little over two hours. I never measured girth when I started, but the extender appeared to add girth and kept me the same proportions. When I gained length, it never looked thinner than before.

@marshall09 The two hours a day is to avoid glans numbness. I’ve brought up on here before that if I put the extender on again in the same day, I get numb much faster. Someone suggested that this is from the nerves not having enough time to fully recover. I’ve only experienced head collapse with a noose extender. With my current technique, the head is full of blood from the clamp and it’s trapped by the comfort strap, so there’s no way it could collapse.

@shomuff40 I’ve gained around 2 inches total, and probably more than half of that was from an extender.

@funflyer Even when I used a noose extender, I always used a lot of tension. Use the lines on the bars to see how far you are stretching. The x4 website has a sample plan that goes up to 1800g, and it’s difficult to use that much tension without having the strap slip.

Starting length: ~ 6” BPFSL (Mid ’06)

Current length: ~ 9.35” BPFSL (June 2020)

@funflyer Also, if you have the 2100 gram springs and you are stretching at max tension, that’s only 4.6297 pounds, so I wouldn’t worry about scar tissue.

Starting length: ~ 6” BPFSL (Mid ’06)

Current length: ~ 9.35” BPFSL (June 2020)

Baba Booey,

What do you think about this routine? Five hours of the stretcher in day hopefully
I can figure out the x 4 method if not I do the noose style. Than one hour of high
tension at night under heating pad.


Measure your erect shaft length (not including the glans) and compare that with you shaft length while in the extender. If your shaft length in the extender is less than your erect shaft length, you’ll likely only gain flaccid length. The reason why it’s good to measure just the shaft and not include the glans is because the extender attachment is behind the glans, and the traction is only affecting the shaft between your body the glans.

@marshall09 Measure this way to make sure that you are stretching above erect shaft length. If your extended shaft length is less than your erect shaft length with low tension, then it’s a waste of time unless you are only looking for only flaccid length or cementing. If what I’ve outlined feels comfortable for you, you’ll be able to move freely with high tension.

Starting length: ~ 6” BPFSL (Mid ’06)

Current length: ~ 9.35” BPFSL (June 2020)

I have no idea on how much tension my extender gets. It has no springs just metal treads?\Do you think

ts more than 4 pounds since there is no springs.


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