Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Mike's "Dick Juice" ?


Mike's "Dick Juice" ?

Hey guys,

I’m mostly a lurker here, and a couple of years ago I used Mem’s mementous rapid gain mechanism to add like 3/4” and a bunch of girth in a relatively short time period of like 2 months of regimented training. Haven’t been logging in much since then, but have over the last year been doing some PE off and on. Truth is, my wife loves it, so I keep giving her more and more ;)

I sort of stumbled across something that I wanted to share. Now, I am not selling any of this stuff (my wife does, but you can find it anywhere) so please don’t think this is a sales pitch at all. I’m not going to mention any brands, just the types of stuff.

So, I think I have posted before, eons ago, about using the Gold Bond Ultimate Healing lotion, day and night on my member after workouts, and during the hot shower routines as the lube to get good jelqs and stuff. I still do this, BTW, and am a firm believer in it.

My wife, in the between the last time when I really put on size and recently, has gotten into Essential Oils. To be honest, I’m an Engineer and was a SUPER SKEPTIC about all of it. However, in using these oils for multitudes of things, I have actually seen benefits and in researching how their made and stuff I get how they work. But, I don’t mean to get into that side of it.

I started using a blend of essential oils that I made up using some references on the internet, and some from trial and error.. And let me tell you guys, I don’t know if it’s just me or what, but holy crap does it help, and almost too fast.

I got back into PE again just doing the newbie type hot shower workouts to get the dick back in shape to put in the stretcher, but using this oil after the workouts, I was making girth gains WAY TOO FAST.. And I want to add length too.

Anyway, I’m just going to put my recipe here and maybe you use it, maybe you don’t. These oils are kind of expensive and I totally understand if you don’t want to find them. I do know some natural food type stores have these oils as well, and you can find them on the internet and such. It’s also tough that you need 6 specialty oils, and they can be expensive per bottle.. If you already have an SO that’s into the oils, then they probably have most of these on the shelf already! I knew my wife was into it, because she ordered the last one of these that she didn’t normally stock, because it’s an odd one.

Anyway, here’s the recipe. I figure the community needs this kind of thing:
In a oil dropper bottle, 30mL size with the dropper top combine:

15 drops (1 part) each of:
Lavender - Used for cleaning, common
Rosemary - Used for cleaning, common
Eucalyptus Globulus - Used when you get sick, common
Nutmeg - Not sure when you normally use it, but my wife had it on hand..
Coriander - Also not sure when you would normally use it, but she had this too
Cypress - She ordered this for me :)

Then balance with Almond oil for 6 parts, or 1:1 after you mix the first drops in (or 90 drops).

I put about 6-10 drops on the big guy morning and night, especially after working out or stretching. Definitely immediately helps with EQ bounce back after strenuous stretching and stuff.

Again, I’m not trying to sell anything, I just found that this combo works AWESOME, and I’d like to hear if anyone else tried anything?

BTW Oregano or Peppermint will burn the SHIT out of your dick.. I mean, it won’t really burn, but WOW what a crazy burning sensation.. I would suggest staying away unless you’re into that sort of thing.

In my new routine, I was hovering at something like 7.9/5.9 and have in only a short period of time pushed girth to over 6 and length to my new record tonight of a stretched flaccid length of 8.25. I am doing less of a work out than I did when I was doing the regimented workouts, and been really bad about how much I’ve been doing it, only like 3-4 days a week for the last 4-6 weeks.

This forum is AWESOME, you guys are AWESOME, and just remember, if you’re getting down on yourself because you’re not gaining, it’s not that you can’t, it’s that you have to figure out how to get your body to respond. I went through years of different things that didn’t work for crap and probably hurt my dick more than anything else.

Sorry for the long post..

Tl;dr: An essential oil blend can make your routine progress accelerate, maybe. It worked for me.

Thanks all,


Deleted by me to adjust my tone a tad. The essence of what I wrote is: “Sounds pretty fishy!”

Essential oils shouldn’t be played around with. I would recommend heavily researching any oil you use and to only use ORGANIC oils. Essential oils are highly concentrated and thus cheaper oils will have higher concentrations of pesticides and such when grown non-organically. With that being said, there are some oils that do boost collagen production. But again, know what you are consuming by researching thoroughly first.

“You have to take seriously the notion that understanding the universe is your responsibility, because the only understanding of the universe that will be useful to you is your own understanding.” ~ Terence McKenna

Originally Posted by Mike142

This forum is AWESOME, you guys are AWESOME, and just remember, if you’re getting down on yourself because you’re not gaining, it’s not that you can’t, it’s that you have to figure out how to get your body to respond. I went through years of different things that didn’t work for crap and probably hurt my dick more than anything else.

Sorry for the long post..

Tl;dr: An essential oil blend can make your routine progress accelerate, maybe. It worked for me.

Thanks all,


Thanks for sharing the recipe.

Out of curiosity in those years if mem’s rapid gains mechanisms helped, what did not?

Thanks for the feedback guys, and q’s. BTW, I double checked the Eucalyptus, it’s Eucalyptus Radiata NOT Globulus (one is the leaves, the other is the stalk or something).

HardCell, you are correct. I use a brand that guarantees purity, organic, etc. It’s expensive because it’s legit..

Abdiel, Yes, sounded fishy to me too. Just ask my wife how skeptical I was about essential oils. But, I’ve been sold because of a very simple example of something like Chamomile Tea. If you brew a tea from raw leaves, it has beta-blockers in it (I know because I also used to have a heart issue). But, the way they process it, they actually concentrate the attributes of the chamomile, so if you were to put a drop of chamomile essential oil into a glass of water, you’d get the same effect. My argument with her is that the essential oils movement is pretty much being misled and they would probably gain more ground with normal people if they just said “we industrially extract all of the plant benefits in plants to use in a concentrated form” because that’s actually what they’re doing.. At any rate, if you don’t believe me or whatever that’s fine, I am not offended. I mean, we are on the internet and all ;)


I tried lots of things, but on their own, and very sporadically. Ie: I used a stretcher, only a stretcher, for a while, it did nothing and my dick turtled up constantly.. Was probably doing more harm than good. I also tried just doing the jelqing and stuff just by itself. Also, some gains, but nothing crazy. When I did Mem’s routine, the morning/night split of the workout and learning to LISTEN to my manhood on what was working and what was hurting yielded the right routine to add size pretty quickly. Most people think LOTS of jelqs, LOTS of pressure, LONG duration etc works, but I would say that I have found (for my unit of course.. And everyone is different) that workouts nearly every day, with a morning “hot” workout of only about 20 minutes and an evening stretch for 30-90 minutes did the trick. When you learn to really listen to the little guy, that’s when you make the best gains. Workouts should leave you with a sort of “Deep aching” feeling in your tissues.. DEFINITELY not any sharp pains. Your workouts should also give you erections in the morning, and you should always be able to obtain an erection right after a work out. Lastly, all of my “hot” workouts were done with an engorged penis, NOT ERECT PENIS. I can usually tell the difference by squeezing the shaft with two fingers.. If it is “springy” then it’s in erection mode. If it is soft like a water balloon then it is engorged. It is possible to accidentally switch modes in the middle of the workout, just take a break for a second and let the erection go away.

All of these little things I learned are what I was doing wrong. Again, I was doing the same workouts basically, but the wrong way. I have the gains now to prove it. Started in college with a 7” member, and was wide at the base, and thin at the head. Now I’ve got over 8” and stretch out the wife (who has had our 3 kids BTW.). I strongly recommend talking it over with your S.O. Too. They often will support it even if they initially react with “good grief” or “you don’t have to do that” etc etc.

Again, nothing against anyone who has smaller and looking to get bigger. The unit is a piece of flesh, you can shape it and mold it. Just remember, MORE is not always better when it comes to working out. Use your head(s).

Wow.. Another long post.. Sorry all!


Does this this concoction smell really potent? Will my girlfriend ask me you my cock smells like the organic hippy store?

Start: Dec 2016 BPEL: 6.125" MEG: 5.5" (5' - 9" 264 lb)

Curr: Oct 2017 BPEL: 6.75" MEG: 5.625" (5' - 9" 245 lb)

Goal: 7.5" x 6" .......I want to win the dick swinging contest.

I’m skeptical, but curious. I would love to add girth “too fast.”

What is the actual intended effect of these ingredients? You only listed the non-penis uses for them, not why you picked them.

I use a 50/50 mix of shea butter and extra-virgin olive oil as lube for jelqing. I’m curious if you think it would be effective to mix in the essential oils, and if so, at what quantity? What’s the brand you’re using?

(Wow. I just looked, and these oils are expensive!)

Why the Smithsonian? Because you could walk around it for a week and not see the whole thing.

i dont think i wanna try this without proof of what each oil does and if they work synergistically or how they interact with one an other…

I’ve never used them but have taken an interest in them as of late just for myself and my kids general health and well being. I’m still in the researching phase but supposedly oils like myrrh and frankincense are great for the skin and wound care and are also deep penetrating. These sorts of oils have been around for millennia and it’s really great to see people turn their attention to them once again. It seems to me that the more corrupt and greedy some of these pharmaceutical companies get the more you see people seek out alternatives. What I’m thinking is researching out the oils that seem to resonate with me and making my own mixture and adding 1 or 2 drops to the unit after exercising it and before sleep. That would seem to be the optimal time to use it.

Hey all, sorry for the delayed response, RL is nuts.

Kavemonster: Yes, it does have a floral scent, not a bad scent. If you use too much of the coriander it does smell strong. BTW, these are also supposed to help with mood as well.

Smithsonian: I can take a crack at what *I THINK* they are doing.:

Lavender - relaxant, penetrant, blood circulation, disinfection
Rosemary - Anti-inflammatory, healing
Eucalyptus Radiata - Anti-inflammatory, healing, disinfecting,
Nutmeg - Supposedly is an oil-effect booster/amplifier
Coriander - Analgesic, aphrodesiac, stimulant, hormone boosting
Cypress - Treats cramps and pulled muscle, treats varicose veins, boosts blood/detox, heals wounds, anti-inflammatory
Sweet Almond Oil - Adds strength to tissues and is great for skin and such, lots of vitamins. Mainly acts as a base/dilutant for the above oils.

Basically, most of them promote healing, reduce inflammation, and increase blood flow and function. May I suggest trying the Gold Bond healing lotion and Sweet Almond oil instead of shea butter and olive oil? Might give it a try..

Where I got the info was *THE INTERNET*.. Honestly, I was cruising around for info and kind of came up with my own concoction after trying a few different blends. I could feel the effects of them as I changed things. Ie. When I switched from Eucalyptus Globulus to Radiata, there was a different feeling (better feeling), and when I added Corriander last it seemed to make the whole thing “pop” I also tried some that I would stay away from, ie the “burning sensation” ones, like the oregano aahahah.

Keep in mind, all of these are of the grade that you can drink them if you want (obviously not a whole bottle at once). They are safe AFAIK.

Sweeternuts, I’m not saying that everyone has to try it, I’m just posting my own results..

HardCell, I use the oils in the morning and at night, if I’m working out I use it before and after. If I’m stretching I just use it after. You’re absolutely right on doing what you feel is best. I’m a firm believer in that even the workout routines/stretching and stuff depend on your own particular physiology and body response. If something doesn’t work, don’t keep doing it!

Thanks all!


How long does one of your concoctions last you?

I’m getting an order together and I’m wondering if I could get away with 15ml (0.5 fluid ounce) of each just to try it out. Do you think 15 drops of each is equal to, or less than, 0.5 ounces?


So I received my shipment of 23 different essential oils yesterday. I’ve decided to use 1 part olive oil, 1 part almond oil, & 1/2 part Aloe Vera juice as my carriers. Also ordered a nice cobalt blue 30ml bottle with a metal roller ball for applicating the mixture. I’ll update here with a recipe when I decide which essential oils I am going to use and their benefits.

“You have to take seriously the notion that understanding the universe is your responsibility, because the only understanding of the universe that will be useful to you is your own understanding.” ~ Terence McKenna

Alright, so here is the final starting lineup I have brewing in the agitator as we speak..

1 part almond oil - anti-inflammatory
1 part olive oil - skin conditioner
4 drops lavender - anti-inflammatory, wound repair
4 drops rosemary - blood circulation, skin decongestant
4 drops black pepper - skin circulation, deep carrier penetrate
4 drops helichrysum - skin repair, skin conditioner
4 drops frankincense - skin tone, wound repair
4 drops cypress - vein repair, skin decongestant
4 drops orange - collagen formation support
4 drops myrrh - wound repair accelarant
4 drops sandalwood - anti-inflammatory, skin moisturizer

The goal here is to keep myself off the disabled list. So that I can maximize my PE time and get more out of PE by minimizing injury over the long haul. I had some sort of burst capillary this week and so took the past 5 days off but things are looking better and I will be trying this formula tonight for the first time. Hopefully it doesn’t burn my dick off.! Haha!

“You have to take seriously the notion that understanding the universe is your responsibility, because the only understanding of the universe that will be useful to you is your own understanding.” ~ Terence McKenna

Last edited by HardCell735 : 10-21-2017 at .


That is quite the concoction!


I blend my stuff up into one of the 30mL bottles, and it lasts me more than a month with daily application of a few drops AM/PM. I used to go heavy on it, and I don’t see much difference going lighter. The ingredients are there :)

HardCell, Did you burn your dick off? I see Orange in there, I’m not sure how “citrusy” it is..

Let us know how you made out!


Originally Posted by Mike142

That is quite the concoction!


I blend my stuff up into one of the 30mL bottles, and it lasts me more than a month with daily application of a few drops AM/PM. I used to go heavy on it, and I don’t see much difference going lighter. The ingredients are there :)

HardCell, Did you burn your dick off? I see Orange in there, I’m not sure how “citrusy” it is..

Let us know how you made out!


Hey Mike!

I am happy to report that I am still intact. I have had a couple of slight injury related issues which were sort of purposely self inflicted as I am trying to gauge the maximum amount of pressure I utilize while jelqing. A few weeks ago I had a burst blood vessel just under the circumcision scare on the underside of the shaft that resulted in a blood spot a little smaller than a dime. And this week it was a smaller burst vessel on the glans.

I ended up tweeking the above ingredients somewhat and transferred the original mixture of about 30ml into a 4oz spray bottle. I added another part of Aloe Vera juice so there is now about equal parts Aloe Vera, olive oil, and almond oil. The Aloe Vera also helps to carry the other oils deeper into the tissues.

This diluted down the essential oils in the original mixture slightly as I compensated with 11 additional drops of each as the original was exceptionally strong!

I’m really happy with the texture of this mix because it results and promotes slower and smoother jelqing. It’s got a very deep and masculine smell to it and my unit stays saturated by it into the next morning. After jelqing I use a Bathmate and the water in the Bathmate helps to drive the oil into the skin.

And it’s been good to see with my own eyes how well this mixture has responded to my injuries. Both issues cleared up in a matter of 4 days or so. I have also been working in about a minute of Firegoat Rolls as I work into my 3rd month of the Newbie Routine to assist with healing and appearance.

“You have to take seriously the notion that understanding the universe is your responsibility, because the only understanding of the universe that will be useful to you is your own understanding.” ~ Terence McKenna


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