Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

My experience with prp, p-long and hang size


My experience with prp, p-long and hang size

Hi everyone. I’ve been receiving questions about my posts on the P-Long thread posted by Dr. Brandeis on PhalloBoards, so I thought I would share my experience here for the benefit of all.

A few months ago, I decided to try a P-Shot (penis PRP injection) to help with E.D. I went to a clinic in Detroit. The doctor added a GainsWave (penile shockwave massage) treatment and gave me a Dr. Kaplan pump to use at home, 10-20 mins twice a day at “green” to “yellow” pressure (<10). I am a grower, and my penis is on the smaller side (2” flaccid, 4.5” erect). So, when flaccid, my penis usually sticks straight out like a little stub! But, about 2-3 weeks after the P-Shot and pumping, it started to remain puffier and hang more towards the testicles in between pumping sessions.

I got a 2nd P-Shot after that (different clinic in Bloomington Hills, north of Detroit) and erections improved even more a few weeks later. I started getting some morning wood again! (Not always but definitely more than usual).

[As a side note, an endo switched me from Androgel to Clomid after this and it totally killed my erections again. So I had to start daily Cialis until I can be seen by a different doctor].

The Dr. Kaplan pump is a very high quality pump. It has a gage with green/yellow/red zones with 1-30 (1-5 is green, 6-10 is yellow, above that is red). If you ensure you stay in the green zone, and only go to yellow for the last 2 minutes, it doesn’t hurt at all even if like me you have slight penis curvature). However the Cylinder I got from the doctor was a size XL or about 2.5” diameter. I got a cylinder on ebay for $40 that is 1.75” in diameter which made a big difference in terms of comfort. It is compatible with the Dr. Kaplan pump and hose. Unfortunately it is also rather long - 9” - but I could not find anything shorter.

Recently, I learned about the P-Long protocol. I decided to give it a try, if anything to go from grower to shower even of I don’t get much erect growth. I was able to purchase the RestoreX device ($400) and Affirm l-citeulline NO booster. I started actually following the protocol about a week ago. Just yesterday, I went back to the clinic in Detroit to get the first of 6 P-Shot treatments (plus GainsWave) that are part of the P-Long protocol. I will post some results after my next treatment! Treatment total at this particular clinic was about $7500 split in 6 payments. I really wanted to try exosomes as they are said to be more powerful than PRP but I could not find anyone in Michigan that offered Exosomes for the penis specifically.

I will post some updates as I go along. Wish me luck!

Originally Posted by phalloguy100
Hi everyone. I’ve been receiving questions about my posts on the P-Long thread posted by Dr. Brandeis on PhalloBoards, so I thought I would share my experience here for the benefit of all.

Thanks for stopping by!

[As a side note, an endo switched me from Androgel to Clomid after this and it totally killed my erections again. So I had to start daily Cialis until I can be seen by a different doctor].

That’s… unusual. Did the endo say why? Clomid is sometimes used off-label for men when their estrogen level is too high, but it’s not a substitute for testosterone.

However the Cylinder I got from the doctor was a size XL or about 2.5” diameter.

Unfortunately that seems to be very common. At least, a number of Thunder’s members who had reported on having the P-shot have run into the same problem.

I got a cylinder on ebay for $40 that is 1.75” in diameter which made a big difference in terms of comfort. It is compatible with the Dr. Kaplan pump and hose. Unfortunately it is also rather long - 9” - but I could not find anything shorter.

9 is about as short as cylinders get. Other than trying to avoid depression looking at all the unused space and being somewhat cumbersome, it will work just fine.

l-citeulline NO booster.

L-citrulline is supposed to be the top dog of its chemical family, for our purposes… but I have had better luck with plain old L-arginine. Caveat: I’ve been using citrulline malate, which is L-citrulline mixed with malic acid. Plain old L-citrulline might work better. Not everyone seems to respond to supplements in the same way.

I will post some updates as I go along. Wish me luck!


This is incredible - just two days after the P-Shot, I had to adjust the RestoreX traction device to go up two nudges! That is probably not a lot of growth - small enough to be a measurable error with a measuring tape - but since RestoreX is a rigid device, the length adjustment signifies real growth.

That’s exciting. I will definitely keep going with the P-Long protocol!

Well, I have some anecdotal evidence that P-Long is working. Last night my wife said I “felt bigger”. Like I was “rounder and thicker.” ;)

Needless to say she liked it. Great ego boost for me!

Nice to see you feel a difference so soon. Keep it up.

How is the RestoreX? Comfortable? Easy to use? I’ve seen mixed reviews.

7/4/23 : BPEL - 15 cm | MSEG - 13 cm

Last edited by Dickosaurus : 07-10-2023 at .

The RestoreX is comfortable. It’s definitely a stronger stretch than any extender I’ve ever tried. The only that’s hard at times is having some slippage so I have to either make it super tight, really squeezing the head of the penis, or ensuring I wrap sufficient self-adhesive tape.

You’ve posted this on at least 3 other forums I’ve seen, verbatim.

Weak, cheap advertising…

Originally Posted by squid7
You’ve posted this on at least 3 other forums I’ve seen, verbatim.

Weak, cheap advertising.

Yes on three forums I participate in - excelmale, phalloboards and thunders place. As stated in my post, I was getting lots of questions about my experience on phalloboards so I decided to post about my experience in the three forums to help those who maybe looking for non-surgical options. There is nothing “weak” or “cheap” about that, not am I advertising anything or anyone.

But don’t worry, I’ll stop updates on this forum since you are so disgustingly offended by it. I’ll stick to my other two forums, where people are more civil and kinder.

Originally Posted by squid7
You’ve posted this on at least 3 other forums I’ve seen, verbatim.

Weak, cheap advertising…

Allot of members here don’t participate in the those other forums, I for one, do not. Nothing wrong with having an opinion and sharing experience. That’s how this place works.

Nothing amiss to me. We all like what we use and talk about it, or we wouldn’t be using it.

Originally Posted by phalloguy100
But don’t worry, I’ll stop updates on this forum since you are so disgustingly offended by it. I’ll stick to my other two forums, where people are more civil and kinder.

I wouldn’t let that stop you. Keep doing what you’re doing. For those interested, your posts are informative, detailed, and to the point. Those not interested should probably consider the value of their own posts when breaking topic. A cool head and an eye for the bigger picture is worth a thousand words.

No need to carry this on.

Looking forward to your next update.

-Stay safe

Thank you for posting your experience.

Please continue to do so in this forum.

I am interested, as are others, in following your journey.

Originally Posted by phalloguy100
Yes on three forums I participate in - excelmale, phalloboards and thunders place. As stated in my post, I was getting lots of questions about my experience on phalloboards so I decided to post about my experience in the three forums to help those who maybe looking for non-surgical options. There is nothing “weak” or “cheap” about that, not am I advertising anything or anyone.

But don’t worry, I’ll stop updates on this forum since you are so disgustingly offended by it. I’ll stick to my other two forums, where people are more civil and kinder.

Does anyone know if getting stretch marks on the penis is a good sign or a bad sign? I would think they mean I’m successfully stretching it, but I’m worried they won’t go away.

I’m getting the stretch marks on the upper part of the shaft that’s more pink (lighter skin), just under the glans, where my circumcision occurred. (I was circumcised as adult so I still have lighter/darker skin and a scar line).

By the way, I went up one more nudge on RestoreX last week. That’s 3 clicks higher since I started. (I still have to measure though).

Last edited by phalloguy100 : 07-16-2023 at . Reason: Added missing info.

From the reports I’ve seen, stretch mark are most common at the base.

You might want to add some skin-stretching exercises. Generally, hold the skin down at the base and stretch or jelq toward the glans. It works, though as with most things PE, it’s slow. I had to do it when grew enough to start "tenting"; skin pulled up from the abdomen as the shaft ran out of skin.

Shea butter, hyaluronic acid (premium skin care stuff despite the name) and Retinol will all help keep the skin soft and stretchy. You can use any, all, or all at once if you want to mix them up and shotgun it.

Another update. I have not seeing any more length gains this week, though I also haven’t been as consistent. It’s hard to find 45 minutes twice a day, to myself, with a full time job and family responsibilities!

I noticed a little bit of pealing of the skin - though only the darker skin - around the shaft. I suspect this is because one time I pumped too much, around 35 minutes (with breaks in between, but still longer than usual). I’m starting retinol cream to help with that and with the stretch marks.

On the positive side, I had NOTICEABLE GIRTH RESULTS. For the first time ever I FILLED A 1.75" CYLINDER. It’s happened for the past 3 days. At first I wasn’t sure if maybe I was imagining it, but today I even hard a time getting it out of the cylinder! I guess I really need to start using some lub for pumping, and happily start looking for the next size up (width wise)!

Pretty exciting!

Another update (repost from phalloboards).

I had the 2nd P-Shot in the series of 6 this week. For some reason, it was a bit more painful than the previous one. I was sore for the rest of the day.

Once again I combined gainswave with it. I asked the doctor about doing gainswave before p-shot instead of after, but he explained that doing p-shot first and gainswave second makes more sense because it helps activate the platelets that were injected. He said they do something similar with PRP for hair growth, where the inject first and then activate it with micro needling.

The gainswave treatment also felt more intense this time. It’s almost like my penis is more sensitive. Honestly it even felt a little painful this time, especially when the wand got too close to the glans. I think I also had an erection during the whole shockwave treatment. A little embarrassing but the doc didn’t say anything. :)

One thing to note though is the side effects. After the previous p-shots, I developed a mild fever and headache about an hour after. This time it was a little worse - the headache was terrible, and I even got chills. Fortunately, it got better with a couple of tylenols and a short nap. But now I’m wondering if perhaps I’m starting to get some kind of allergic reactions? If so, would it get worse with each p-shot?

Lastly, I haven’t measured yet this week but I also haven’t noticed new gains since my last update. Overall I’m 100% sure I grew 0.15-0.20in in length, plus my hang size has increased by about 25% and my wife has taken notice of the girth increase. I am also filling the 1.75” cylinder when pumping (as mentioned in my last update), which was a massive improvement since before starting.

I’ll try to post actual measurements soon, once the post-pshot swelling goes down (it lasts about 3-4 days). I am still hopeful that this whole thing will work and give me decent gains. I’m a bit worried about the p-shot side effects thus far though.

Great post.

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