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PRP injecting - 20 minutes to add 1.5 inches in Girth?


PRP injecting - 20 minutes to add 1.5 inches in Girth?

I have read a little bit about PRP. Now it is in the daily mail. They take your own blood, remove the patlets and then inject it in to injured areas. PRP is used to heal injuries? Not increase size? But if combined with stretching, jelqing, clamping and or pumping, would it work? I have always said, the thing about steroids are they don’t make you bigger, but helps you recover, so you get bigger.

From the article:
He then started looking at a method commonly used in sports medicine: injecting PRP, blood that has been rid of its platelets, making it more concentrated.
In sports, this is done to boost and rejuvenate the muscle. The idea of PRP shots hit headlines in 2013 when Kobe Bryant got some at different parts of his body to fix injuries.
Soon after, Kim Kardashian posted a picture on Instagram of her face covered in blood after a ‘vampire face lift’ - by Dr Charles Runels, the same man that injects PRP into the clitoris to enhance a woman’s orgasm.

Read more: NY surgeon claims he can add 1.5 inches to men’s penises | Daily Mail Online
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Would YOU try the 10-minute bulge booster? New York surgeon claims he can add 1.5 inches to men’s penises by injecting their own BLOOD
Dr Norman Rowe, a board-certified New York plastic surgeon has debuted a 10-minute Botox-style procedure - that involves injecting one’s own blood into their genitals to create girth.
NY surgeon claims he can add 1.5 inches to men’s penises | Daily Mail Online

Here is an article off of Web MD

I agree with most of this article, but haven’t we here proven this statement wrong?

First, while it may be possible to temporarily increase girth by injecting temporary fillers and fluid into the tissues (just think of those women with swollen, puffy lips from collagen), you can’t permanently change what you were genetically given. The two internal chambers (corpora cavernosa) that allow a penis to expand in length and girth with erections are fixed in size. No amount of stretching, injecting, vitamins, surgery or hormones can make them any bigger. As an old professor of mine once explained, “they are what they are.”

Can PRP Injections Really Give You a Bigger Penis?

Can PRP Injections Really Give You a Bigger Penis?
By Sheldon Marks, MD

man with a measuring tape
If you’re unhappy with what you’ve got down below, you’re not alone – a lot of guys want to trump nature and increase the size of their penis. They’re constantly on the lookout for a new product or treatment that will give them a bigger package.

A new one on the market injects platelet rich plasma (PRP) into your penis to make it bigger. Widely marketed as The Priapus Shot™, invented by Dr. Charles Runels, hype about the treatment is growing. But is there proof that this new treatment will really it bigger? Will this really strengthen the penis or increase stamina, sensation and pleasure? And what are the risks of trying it (as there are always risks)?

Let’s talk about what the injection is, exactly. First, your own blood is drawn, then the platelets are concentrated. This platelet-rich plasma is then re-injected into your penis. The treatment is supposed to stimulate regrowth of new tissues and after one or more injections, lead to a bigger penis. Some marketers claim that the injection will increase penis size as much as 10 to 20% in length and girth.

In theory, the idea makes sense: use the body’s own healing mechanisms, goosed to new levels, to rejuvenate your penis to be bigger and work better.

But there are a couple of problems with this theory.

First, while it may be possible to temporarily increase girth by injecting temporary fillers and fluid into the tissues (just think of those women with swollen, puffy lips from collagen), you can’t permanently change what you were genetically given. The two internal chambers (corpora cavernosa) that allow a penis to expand in length and girth with erections are fixed in size. No amount of stretching, injecting, vitamins, surgery or hormones can make them any bigger. As an old professor of mine once explained, “they are what they are.”

Another problem with the theory: platelet-rich plasma injections prompt healing, not growth. Platelets accelerate healing of an injury by increasing inflammation (swelling) and growth of microscopic blood vessels. Platelet-rich plasma is often injected at the site of an injury to accelerate the rebuilding of the damaged tissue and restore the area to its original condition. So, PRP injections can be a helpful means to boost healing and tissue regeneration after orthopedic injuries, plastic surgery or for bad arthritis, but they’re not going to make those areas bigger or better than they were before the injury.

Plus, when it comes to injecting PRP into penises, we just don’t have enough research.

There are only 2 studies on platelet-rich plasma injections in penises – and those are in rat penises, after their genital nerves had been crushed. The studies did show that the treated rats had faster regeneration of the nerves, and consequently, better restoration of erections, than non-treated rat penises – but neither study showed that the treated rats ended up with bigger penises. Looking through hundreds of studies, I can find none aimed at testing using PRP in humans to make penises bigger. I did locate a Russian research paper indicating that it might be worthwhile to research the use of PRP in men for erectile dysfunction – and I agree that this is worth looking into – but the paper offered no other information, and no mention of using PRP to increase penis size. Of the research listed on The Priapus Shot™ website, only one of the studies was specific to penises, and it focused on correcting curved penises. So, as of right now, there are no studies to prove that PRP makes healthy penises bigger, neither in rats nor men.

If, despite all of this, you are still considering this treatment, you should consider the risks. Though I am sure that some men will complain of pain, I am more worried that repeated injections might lead to scarred, disfigured penises. Plus there are some concerns about rare risks leading to life threatening blood-clotting problems.

For a lot of men who have been searching for a way to increase their size, this treatment may sound like the Holy Grail. But there is no evidence to show it is scientifically proven to work as claimed and it has not been thoroughly tested for safety. Additionally, at a cost of several thousand dollars per shot, it’s an expensive gamble. Unless new research comes to light, I won’t be recommending this treatment to my patients.

Quoting another Doctor (salesman)

Dr. Runels has since discovered that the men who see the biggest gains in penis size are the ones who use the pump in conjunction with the injections. “It’s like taking steroids and lifting weights, if you don’t lift weights while you’re taking them, you won’t get any bigger.”

Here’s the progress reports + pics from someone who tried… or was paid to pretend to be trying. He left after a few weeks, personally I suspect sponsored content. Anyway it seemed to have immediate effect of undetermined duration. Priapus Shot - 1st Day

Personally I’m going to stick to my clamping routine.

February '16: 173 mm BPEL (6.81") 132 mm MEG (5.20")

November '18: 190 mm BPEL (7.48") 137 mm MEG (5.39")

Goal: A sustained 7.7" by 5.8" during intercourse

To echo Crusher above, I looked for reviews and there was a guy here who tried it. “insecurewith9” and he basically said the effects were temporary, had some minor losses related to it. Tried I think 3 injection sessions?

I’d definitely steer clear. The medical community likes it because it’s easily standardized and safe, so they’re unlikely to be sued if it provides no results.

It’s legal medical PE snake oil.

Now: 9" BPEL x 6.25" MSEG as of 11/10/2019 This is my story, a few progress pics of me here, and all my methods.

Then: 6.25" x 4.37" in 8/2009 Are you new to PE? Here's some advice I wish someone had given me when I first started.

My Extender and forward to 10" and balls enhancement project. There is no "Holy Grail" of Penis Enlargement. Only time and effort works. I'm *10* years in and counting. All you have to do is put the work in and keep the faith.

Originally Posted by SteadyGains
you can’t permanently change what you were genetically given. The two internal chambers (corpora cavernosa) that allow a penis to expand in length and girth with erections are fixed in size. No amount of stretching, injecting, vitamins, surgery or hormones can make them any bigger. As an old professor of mine once explained, “they are what they are.”

This is bullshit. You can think what you like but there are plenty of guys here with well documented gains from stretching, jelqing etc. if you want to try the quick and easy way feel free to join the rest of the guys who didn’t put the time and effort in at the circle of failure and lost money.

Originally Posted by SteadyGains
No amount of stretching, injecting, vitamins, surgery or hormones can make them any bigger. As an old professor of mine once explained, “they are what they are.”

We are miracle maker.

Start 6.8” x 4.7” (4.9" BEG)

Latest 8.2” x 5.1” (5.3" BEG)

My pictures

I have an idea instead of injecting my penis with my blood and fillers for a possible temp gain I’ll keep to pumping and clamping since my gains from those seem temporary but painless and inexpensive.

Originally Posted by SteadyGains
Quoting another Doctor (salesman)

Dr. Runels has since discovered that the men who see the biggest gains in penis size are the ones who use the pump in conjunction with the injections. “It’s like taking steroids and lifting weights, if you don’t lift weights while you’re taking them, you won’t get any bigger.”

Yeah, just on its own you wont get any size increases. Maybe through having long lasting erections.
But else I would combine such a treatment with PE methods. Then again if you do that already you just might stick to it and skip injecting.

Originally Posted by G263
This is bullshit. You can think what you like but there are plenty of guys here with well documented gains from stretching, jelqing etc. if you want to try the quick and easy way feel free to join the rest of the guys who didn’t put the time and effort in at the circle of failure and lost money.

To be clear, I was quoting an article. I know this not to be true. I have gained at least 3/4” in girth, a little length.

I just think that when you start with the wrong premise or facts, you most likely will lead to wrong conclusions. I lived through the days when they debated whether or not steroids worked. While people like Sergio Olivia, Arnold and Ferigono where getting huge.

Originally Posted by dickerschwanz
Yeah, just on its own you wont get any size increases. Maybe through having long lasting erections.
But else I would combine such a treatment with PE methods. Then again if you do that already you just might stick to it and skip injecting.

You got my point exactly. Taking this stuff with out working out makes little sense. Add, stretching, pumping and clamping and it is like working out and taking steroids.

It would be very interesting to test.

Keep in mind the long term effects of roids when comparing the two. It’s way too new to know the long term effects on the body from the P shot as it’s called. I personally would stay far away from a needle with my dick.

Prp does not work as advertised, you can even check threads on peyronie’s forums.

What make sense to me is the healing effects, like for ligament damage and the like. Translate this to micro tunica tears and it adds up to a good tear / heal cycle.

Newish study -

Cannot vouch for researchers, institution or journal it was published in.

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