8min 18 oz - no heat
53min24 oz -heat
14min cold -
Strain 1.25%
Idk if I even get a post strain that high, I think my pre really grew a few mm from 16.5 to 16.8bpfsl (but that can literally be measurmente error ,I don’t think so but who knows) ,but the weight is still not that high to really get a good post strain ,I pull hard and barely reach 17cm post(sometimes when the dick is cold in the last 10to 51mins of set is really hard to get a pull .
Considering that I stopped pe 6months ago ,even if my tissues can react better to lower stress this type of low weight is still probably barely effective considering that I already did pe before , btw this is only to conditioning my glans . But it really annoys me not getting good post at this lower weight ,probably really not that effective.