NazR's road to 7 inches
Hi, I’m a longtime lurker and finally decided to start my own thread (for my dedication as well as potentially contributing to this community).
My routine is based on Gentlepsychopath’s thread, he achieved +1.7 inches of EL using only simple manual stretches.
In my mind, I’ve always been small in the below the belt area (I believe I measured 11.8cm BPEL in my mid-to-late teens). I’ve toyed with PE routines over the years, never surpassed a few months of consistent training, and my most recent measure clocked me at 15cm (with max EQ and painfully bone pressed).
I would be delighted to get my size to >17cm BPEL, that would contribute greatly to my mental health and quality of life. So here is my current routine:
I stretch for 90 minutes per day (total time-under-tension) and take rest days when I feel I need them. I also practice a few minutes of Angion Method before bed (for EQ).
I’m currently on day 37 of this routine. In my first month, I’ve accumulated 22 hours of manual stretching and 2 hours of downward fulcrum stretching.
I hope to eventually reach my goals and be able to enjoy a richer sex life.