Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

New guy here from Europe.


A little update from me, that I can feel the Kegel workouts are paying off!
I have been doing kegel workouts (with Kegel app on my mobile) now for like three months. And now when I am fully erect and aroused my dick is looking upwards not just straight.
That is a good sign, that kegels work. Feels just like when I was 20 years old.


Originally Posted by Pirtsmilis

A little update from me, that I can feel the Kegel workouts are paying off!
I have been doing kegel workouts (with Kegel app on my mobile) now for like three months. And now when I am fully erect and aroused my dick is looking upwards not just straight.
That is a good sign, that kegels work. Feels just like when I was 20 years old.


Hello, what’s the kegel app?

With great penis comes great responsibility

Originally Posted by Jigolo
Hello, what’s the kegel app?

I use app called Kegels, just found it on app store. Helps to remember to do training.

Hello everyone!

Just added V stretches to my routine, because I can feel that steel cord when stretching.
Read multiple posts here and V stretches in my case, seems to be best solution.

This morning did measurements again - small gains just 0.2 cm.
Today I measured my BPFSL it is 18 cm, 2 cm more than BPEL! Does it mean that I have potential to someday reach those 18 cm erect length?

Have a good day!


Hello everyone!

Today I measured 16.9cm in BPEL, 6mm increase. This is amazing! And 12.9 cm in MSEG, 7mm increase. If these measurements will be there still after month, I will be incredibly happy!
Now I really believe that PE is possible!

My routine is the same, during morning shower:
Stretching, I do V stretches to take care of that steel rod.
Jelqing, 20 times.
After this I take as shower and my cock feels pumped and heavy.

During day I do less Kegels and started to do Reverse Kegels. Because my pelvic area feels very tight and during erection I feel those involuntary flexes.
And I think that is leading to premature ejaculation, because last couple of months, I have started to finish faster than before.

My conclusions after 5 months of PE:
Morning wood feels rock hard, when I wake up.
During sex my erection stays rock hard all the time.
With Kegeling I managed that during erection my cock “looks” up not just straight ahead.
My “pack” feel fuller when flacid.
Erect size feels great in my hands.
Managed to get my wife squirt in positions, she was unable to squirt before.


Cheers guys!

Originally Posted by Pirtsmilis
Hello everyone!

Today I measured 16.9cm in BPEL, 6mm increase. This is amazing! And 12.9 cm in MSEG, 7mm increase. If these measurements will be there still after month, I will be incredibly happy!
Now I really believe that PE is possible!

My routine is the same, during morning shower:
Stretching, I do V stretches to take care of that steel rod.
Jelqing, 20 times.
After this I take as shower and my cock feels pumped and heavy.

During day I do less Kegels and started to do Reverse Kegels. Because my pelvic area feels very tight and during erection I feel those involuntary flexes.
And I think that is leading to premature ejaculation, because last couple of months, I have started to finish faster than before.

My conclusions after 5 months of PE:
Morning wood feels rock hard, when I wake up.
During sex my erection stays rock hard all the time.
With Kegeling I managed that during erection my cock “looks” up not just straight ahead.
My “pack” feel fuller when flacid.
Erect size feels great in my hands.
Managed to get my wife squirt in positions, she was unable to squirt before.


Cheers guys!

This quote of yours, my fried, is the essence of PE. We all want bigger, girthier penises, which work as intended, giving pleasure to our loved ones. Keep it up!

Starting point - 15.5 centimeters BPFLS=BPEL, 12 cm. MSEG /// Goal: 20 cm BPFLS, 18 cm BPEL, 14 cm MSEG

Let the marathon begin - Flowsky's progression

Hello everyone!

I don`t think that this is a serious progress update, but..
I feel that my underwear feels very tight. I wear only boxer briefs.
I have not gained weight!
When I am sitting underwear feels very tight around my balls, bulge is like squeezed into underwear.

I think it is time for a bigger size briefs! :)

My routine still the same, all done in morning shower:
Manual stretching.
20-30 jelqs
3-5 ULIs
In final I like to kegel as much blood as I can into my dick when erect and squeeze it very tight around the base, and hold it for about 30 seconds. That pumped feeling is amazing.
Then I take a shower and my dick feels very heavy and hangs down very pumped.


Nice gains so far. Keep it up and you’ll make a big difference.

Thunder's Place: increasing penis size one dick at a time.


Today I heard magi words!
My wife was getting on top of me, to star riding me..
When she sat down on my cock, she suddenly told - mhm, fills me fuller than before..

A music to my ears!

Originally Posted by Pirtsmilis

Today I heard magi words!
My wife was getting on top of me, to star riding me..
When she sat down on my cock, she suddenly told - mhm, fills me fuller than before..

A music to my ears!

Niw this is what we call proven evidence that PE works. Good job.

Starting point - 15.5 centimeters BPFLS=BPEL, 12 cm. MSEG /// Goal: 20 cm BPFLS, 18 cm BPEL, 14 cm MSEG

Let the marathon begin - Flowsky's progression

Hello, everyone!

Today is the day I got my first bruising, about 3-4 mm in diameter.
I think I overdone ULIs.

Nothing hurts or anything like that, so I hope it will go away in two to three days time.


Originally Posted by Pirtsmilis
Hello, everyone!

Today is the day I got my first bruising, about 3-4 mm in diameter.
I think I overdone ULIs.

Nothing hurts or anything like that, so I hope it will go away in two to three days time.


Yes, just give it enough time to heal. Three days or so.

Starting point - 15.5 centimeters BPFLS=BPEL, 12 cm. MSEG /// Goal: 20 cm BPFLS, 18 cm BPEL, 14 cm MSEG

Let the marathon begin - Flowsky's progression

Hello, everyone!

I think it is completely normal, time will take care for it.
Today made a measurements and my stats are little lower..

I believe it depends on time of the day or mood and erection level!
Although I am still happy that I reached 17 cm!


I can’t bring myself to do manuals, jelqing or whatever and I imagine it’s somewhat difficult to be sure you’re applying the same pressure each session! For me an extender just hit the mark, you don’t need to know that much when you start, and you can learn as you go. You put it on and you can be consistent every time with your routine in terms of tension etc. Anyway each to his own. The good news is that you really don’t have far to go to hit your goal and the majority of people’s gains come relatively quickly, so you might be done with PE, in a couple of months or so.

Hello, everyone!

It is almost one year since I am doing PE and I feel happy about it.
I have managed to gain 2 cm in BPEL and 1,7 cm in MSEG and that is fantastic!
Now I hope I can reach 18cm in BPEL, right now it is 17,6 cm.

My routine is still the same, during work days, while taking morning shower.
5 min manual stretching.
Then I do 20 - 30 Jelqs.
ULI stretches.
And finally I kegel as much blood as I can and squeeze around base, and hold it for about 30 sec, cock gets super pumped.

After this routine my cock feels super heavy and stays pumped for a while - I would say about 30-40 erect.

I feel happy about My gains!
For everyone out there - You too can do it!



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