New here, but not to PE.
Hey there guys!. I started my PE journey I will say about 4 years ago when researching on this topic. I stumbled upon this website and it all started then. My starting stats were BPEL: 5 7/8 inches. EG: 4 3/4
I first started with the newbie routine for about 2 months and saw a huge difference in girth at first and in EQ. About a year a ago I introduced pumping and stopped the jelqing, and lenght growth has stopped, but girth shot up.
I now stand at BPEL 6 7/8, EG: 5 3/8. I was very dedicated during my first year, which is when I saw the most gains. Those days I was jelqing almost everynight, I was addicted. Then I went through a bad break up and stopped completely for a year. I then started it up again and regained the losses and havent stopped since. I havent been jelqing and pumping almost everyday but around 3 times a week. I found that its enough to keep the gains there. I now want to reach my goal of 8 inches in length. I will be stretching and jelqing 5 days a week, with 1 pump session. I will be posting weekly updates and hopefully can share the journey with you guys! Thank you all for this community!