I’m extremely skeptical by nature myself and I honestly have to say that there is still a little doubt about the possible side effects from too hard jelqing and stretching. Only talking about the most established and “safest” methods like conservative jelqing, stretching, do you see any chance in this leading to a permanent erectile dysfunction in an otherwise healthy male ?
I know you’re not an urologist (yet), but at least you have certainly a lot more knowledge in this field than I do.Appreciate any constructive thoughts,
Bateman, first of all epic nickname. I can’t decide if you want to be Batman, if you do a lot of (mastur)’bating, if you feel in any way related to Patrick Bateman from American Psycho (who definitely PE’d judging his lifestyle), or if that is actually part of your name.
Secondly: I don’t plan to become an urologist, but a radiologist. That said, I have enjoyed a full medical education and I won’t ever sell you bullshit. If I don’t know something (and that is a lot) I always try to read up on it. All this lurking on PE has made me more knowledgable, but there are old timers on this forum who know much more, and those Saintly guru’s are the real deal.
That thread on Steady sustainable lengthening, linked to above, sounds promising. It seems very safe. I read it, and I will try it too for a few weeks! The beginners routine is safe too - just make sure to follow the advice on starting gently and never go for pain.
The best advice I can give you: do what feels right. Especially in the beginning, a bit of stretch, a bit of discomfort is okay, but don’t ever make it hurt. Stretching should not hurt the ligaments, because a tear there will cause a scar to form, and that can lead to shortening or curving of the penis. Pain during jelqing (especially in the head of the penis) is equally bad.
Beginner’s gains are 75% improvement in erection quality and 25% actual tissue expansion. Trust me, it will feel great.
* 7 July 2015 (start): BPEL 17 cm (6.7") / EG 13 cm (5.1")
* 6 december 2015 (latest): BPEL: 18.7 cm (7.4") / EG 13.6 cm (5.4")
note: I study medicine, will be honest and skeptical, but I never mean to offend :) My picture thread: TCG's pictures, gains and rants.