Once more, progress report
Hey everyone, I’ve decided to give it another go at PE, after stopping about a month in my newbie routine, as I underwent adult circumcision.
Starting stats:
5.5" BPEL, 4.5" EMSG
I started last week with a rolling routine that increases the load over time, as I have some experience with the process.
Every routine starts and ends with a 5-min warm up in the shower and I also add 50 kegels each day, including rest days.
My routines so far have been:
Day 1:
80 wet jelqs, 15 sec of O-bends
Day 2:
80 wet jelqs, 15 sec of O-bends, 2 Sad’s Head Exercises
Day 3:
Day 4:
90 wet jelqs, 15 sec of O-bends, 2 ULIs
Day 5: 20 secs of stretches (up-down-left-right-forward), 90 wet jelqs, 15 secs of O-bends
Day 6: Rest
I’m more interested in girth and I’ve had success with o-bends and dry jelqing in the past, so I’m sticking with that, except that all jelqs are now wet due to being cut.
So far I’m feeling heavier when flaccid, with a mild irritation of the circumcision scar area (it’s been close to 5 months, still not entirely healed).