Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

PE log and journal

LOL LOL I’m appreciate your compliment. I just like to have a good time.

Then 01/15/08 EBPL: 6.25 EG 5.10 Now 10/05/09 EBPL 7.75 EG 5.25 Girth work for 103 days.

New Short Term Goal: EBPL 8.0 EG 5.5 Lifetime goal 9x6.5 PE log and journal

Need a roommate? I’ll just pick up the extra pussy that hovers around all these crazy and awesome girls you meet.

Jelq, ADS, repeat.

Final Goal: 8EL x 6.2


No PE today, work was a long day and wore me out.

Then 01/15/08 EBPL: 6.25 EG 5.10 Now 10/05/09 EBPL 7.75 EG 5.25 Girth work for 103 days.

New Short Term Goal: EBPL 8.0 EG 5.5 Lifetime goal 9x6.5 PE log and journal

I did my stretching this morning and it did not feel as good as it has in past days. I’m gong to do my jelqing later on this evening.

Then 01/15/08 EBPL: 6.25 EG 5.10 Now 10/05/09 EBPL 7.75 EG 5.25 Girth work for 103 days.

New Short Term Goal: EBPL 8.0 EG 5.5 Lifetime goal 9x6.5 PE log and journal

Didn’t get a chance to finish my routine today. I had to much to do and then one of good friends wanted to go out and so we went. It was a good night. I met two strippers and we exchanged numbers and I brought one of them home. I’m hoping that tomorrow I will be able to do my complete routine of PE.

Then 01/15/08 EBPL: 6.25 EG 5.10 Now 10/05/09 EBPL 7.75 EG 5.25 Girth work for 103 days.

New Short Term Goal: EBPL 8.0 EG 5.5 Lifetime goal 9x6.5 PE log and journal

I hate you.

Jelq, ADS, repeat.

Final Goal: 8EL x 6.2


TheContinental, sorry for causing you to be so hateful. I know your kidding. So today I want to PE, but for some reason when I go out and drink and have sex, the next day I just want to keep having sex and do not feel like PE’ing. I think I have to make myself PE today.

Then 01/15/08 EBPL: 6.25 EG 5.10 Now 10/05/09 EBPL 7.75 EG 5.25 Girth work for 103 days.

New Short Term Goal: EBPL 8.0 EG 5.5 Lifetime goal 9x6.5 PE log and journal

I know what you mean jp, about the sex and PE. I had one of the best orgasms I can remember tuesday night, and the next day didn’t want to PE at all. I just had to force myself into it, and get the habit back in my system. I think this is why a lot of guys post “I did on and off PE for a year”. We hit a short term goal, and start getting more action, and think “ok I’m good enough, I’d rather focus on sex now” and our progress slows.

I can see it being more of a chore for you, since you’ve been having a lot of successful dates and positive feedback from the girls. If I had your girth I would probably be the same way. You just have to keep looking farther down the ruler and keep those goals in your mind. Sex is a good way to PE when not actually PEing. It’s like edging kind of. But we both want to be 8x6, in your case 9x6, so we have to keep at it.

9x6 is a huge number, that not many here have attained, so you really have to commit to PE for a long time man.
Get to work!

Jelq, ADS, repeat.

Final Goal: 8EL x 6.2


I am. I have every intention of continuing with the PE’ing. I think I just need to stop going out as much as I have been recently. Don’t get me wrong I have been enjoying the endeavors which I’ve been participating in, but I do need to get back to being more serious about PE. I think my reasoning for gaining so much is that in the first 4 months I didn’t miss a day of exercising. I was consistent with my routine and I feel I’ve backed off a little. I am actually ready to resume my routine.

Then 01/15/08 EBPL: 6.25 EG 5.10 Now 10/05/09 EBPL 7.75 EG 5.25 Girth work for 103 days.

New Short Term Goal: EBPL 8.0 EG 5.5 Lifetime goal 9x6.5 PE log and journal

I did the first part of my routine today. I’m planning on going to the gym and then coming home and completing the second part of my routine. My friend wants to go out tonight, but I’d rather go to a local bar and shoot pool or play cards. I am not in the mood to go to the strip clubs, you never know though. It might happen.

Then 01/15/08 EBPL: 6.25 EG 5.10 Now 10/05/09 EBPL 7.75 EG 5.25 Girth work for 103 days.

New Short Term Goal: EBPL 8.0 EG 5.5 Lifetime goal 9x6.5 PE log and journal

Finished the second part of my routine and now I’m sitting around with a ADS on. Last time I wore this I thought it gave me NI. It could be that the last time I wore this I also increased the time I was jelqing and I think I wasn’t ready for the increase. So I am going to wear it and see how it goes.

Then 01/15/08 EBPL: 6.25 EG 5.10 Now 10/05/09 EBPL 7.75 EG 5.25 Girth work for 103 days.

New Short Term Goal: EBPL 8.0 EG 5.5 Lifetime goal 9x6.5 PE log and journal

TheContinental, where are you when I need you? This stripper wants to come over and her friend is with her. My friends are all asleep and her friend doesn’t want to do a threesome.

Then 01/15/08 EBPL: 6.25 EG 5.10 Now 10/05/09 EBPL 7.75 EG 5.25 Girth work for 103 days.

New Short Term Goal: EBPL 8.0 EG 5.5 Lifetime goal 9x6.5 PE log and journal

On the way at 160mph! I prefer brunettes but either way I am down, and your friends are weak-sauce.

Jelq, ADS, repeat.

Final Goal: 8EL x 6.2


By the way, what ADS are you using, and how has it been? Do you wear it under your pants at work, walking around, etc?

Jelq, ADS, repeat.

Final Goal: 8EL x 6.2


It’s a traction device and I still find that I can’t wear it longer than an hour. My head becomes discolored and numb. So I am looking at a new ADS. It is a little more conspicuous than I would like it to be. I was thinking about the type which fasten to your leg. It seems those are less noticeable as they are only a piece of cloth.

As for my friends being weak, believe it or not it’s one of the few times. Still once is enough to be called weak.

Then 01/15/08 EBPL: 6.25 EG 5.10 Now 10/05/09 EBPL 7.75 EG 5.25 Girth work for 103 days.

New Short Term Goal: EBPL 8.0 EG 5.5 Lifetime goal 9x6.5 PE log and journal


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