RefuseToLose's progress report
After reading a lot about PE for a long time, decided to begin.
Started today (01/29) with the newbie routine, pretty much textbook:
— 10 minutes with a hot towel. Avoided my balls.
— Held a stretch in the 5 different directions for 30 seconds each. Was gonna do a 360° but forgot.
— 10 minutes jelqing. My jelqing technique is still very amateur, so I probably didn’t do it 100%. It’s okay. I’ll get better every time. I didn’t have any lube and I know people don’t recommend using soap, but I found it hard to do a decent continuous jelq while dry (circumcised, no loose skin to pull). Towards the end I realized I could use saliva. Probably gonna buy lube or use saliva next time. My erection level varied a lot, sometimes it would get a bit higher but I kept bringing it down.
— About 7 minutes with a hot wrap again.
—I couldn’t hold a kegel for 5 seconds like described, seemed too long. I can only hold it for about a second (but when urinating, I can control it for any amount of time, I can start/stop at command easily). So I did about 2 minutes of kegels while trying to hold them as long as possible.
I tried to not go too hard with jelqing, better to err on too little than too much. Gonna see if I get any PIs by tomorrow. Like I said, my technique is still all over the place but I’m sure I’ll get better, just like getting used to going to the gym
Starting: 13 cm (5.1") x 12 cm (4.7")
First goal: 15 cm (5.9") x 12 cm (4.7") ~~~~~~ Ultimate goal: 17 cm (6.7") x 15 cm (5.9")
Don't even think about hope if not willing to think about discipline.