Rokandfly Progress
Hi everyone,
First of all English is not my native language so please excuse any error I may commit and fell free to correct me.
I´m using this post to narrate my journey so maybe I can help others and also others can help me.
I´ve being following the linear newbie routine (Linear Newbie Routine) because I didn´t want to overtrain early.
My starting measurements are 6.7 BPEL, 6 NBPEL and 5 EG.
I started with 20 jelqs (3 to 5 secs), each weak I added 10 jelqs to the point I´m now doing 70 jelqs, so I have PE for 6/7 weeks by now.
This resulted in an increased EQ, and added 0.4´ in BPEL and 0.2 EG (I suspect these are not really gains but due to the increase EQ I could fill all my potential size).
Kegels where also in my routine since the beginning, I´m doing 50 for 5 seconds hold.
I started stretching later, in particular 2 weeks ago, I started doing 5 stretches for 30 seconds and added 1 more the past week.
As I started stretching I noticed a decrease in my EQ, I was very careful not to pull to hard but I think I was doing it anyway.
Yesterday I red `marinera`post about stretching (Tricks And Tips For Manual Stretching) and it was very helpful for me, mostly when he writes about not pulling but holding and applying force with you lower body and wrists not your arms.
I´m planning to give stretching a rest for one week while I continue jelqing and doing kegels and after that restart again with very low force and following marinara`s tips.
Please ask me what you want or comment what you think about my routine, mostly my stretching problems.
Best regards to all.
Started - BPEL:17cm NBPEL:15cm EG:12,5cm
Current - BPEL:18cm NBPEL:16cm EG:13cm