Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Rumble's Journey

PIs were inconsistent today, but I had another session. My new heating pad came in early (was supposed to get Mar 3 from Amazon). It’s a bit strange with the hydrogel padding. Definitely need Velcro or a rubber band to keep it in place; I ended up using some tape since it was closest. So far I like the Total Man a little more, but I think this new one could be solid if I get it to fit a little bit better. The heat shut off on me mid session; it took a 3-5 minutes to realize, but it heated back up quickly. So auto shut-off is something to keep in mind. I’ll get a couple more sessions in during the next two days. Cheers.

Feb 25, 2022 - 7th
Hanging straight down while sitting & standing up
0-15 minutes: 20oz
15-20m: 24oz (begin applying heat)
20-25m: 28oz
25-50m: 36oz
50-60m: 48oz (remove heat)

Pre-BPFSL: 16.9 cm
Post-BPFSL: 17.5 cm (got up to 17.8-9 cm but it was a struggle and inconsistent)
Strain: 3.55%

Nice strain !!

PIs were again inconsistent today, but I had another session. I used my Total Man pad, because I think it provides better heat penetration, but that could be because I haven’t quite figured out how to get the TherMedic closer to the shaft and the heat type is different. The vacuum cup and silicone sort of get in the way with the TherMedic. I’ll buy some Velcro and try that out.

At some point, I think I might extend the cooldown, because the shaft is still quite warm when I stop; or I could remove the heat at 45m. Thoughts anyone?

Feb 26, 2022 - 8th
Hanging straight down while sitting & standing up
0-15 minutes: 20oz
15-20m: 24oz (begin applying heat)
20-25m: 28oz
25-50m: 36oz
50-60m: 48oz (remove heat)

Pre-BPFSL: 16.9 cm
Post-BPFSL: 17.5 cm
Strain: 3.55%

With your strain numbers i won’t change anything…

I used my Total Man pad. I tried the TherMedic, but even with the Velcro I’m having a hard time getting it close enough to the shaft for heat penetration due to the silicone and cap. I’ll try again at some point. I started off 0.1 cm bigger on my pre; it could be a fluctuation, but I got it twice on my measurement, so I’m running with it. I think I hit 17.7cm post, but I’m going with 17.6cm to be conservative. I extended the cooldown by 5m just to see if the post measurement stretch will last longer; no word, yet.

I’ll be taking a break tomorrow. Have a nice day.

Feb 27, 2022 - 9th
Hanging straight down while sitting & standing up
0-15 minutes: 20oz
15-20m: 24oz (begin applying heat at 15m)
20-25m: 28oz
25-50m: 36oz
50-65m: 48oz (remove heat at 50m)

Pre-BPFSL: 17.0 cm
Post-BPFSL: 17.6 cm
Strain: 3.53%


Really enjoying your progress reports Rumble. Also interested in your experiences with the TM heat pad. I’ve ordered myself one and will hopefully have it soon.

Originally Posted by IndyMan

Really enjoying your progress reports Rumble. Also interested in your experiences with the TM heat pad. I’ve ordered myself one and will hopefully have it soon.

Thanks for following. I’m a fan of the Total Man. The Velcro is really nice to have and the heat is pretty strong. I think you’ll be happy. I’ve been using it for 3-4 months pretty consistently with no issues.

I’m back. 0.1-0.2 cm higher today on the pre measurement. My heat pad didn’t get as hot tonight; I think it had to do with the extension cord I used. In any case, the session felt good. I’ll try to get a session in tomorrow and Thursday. I’ll be traveling, but I’ll bring my gear with me to get in some sessions.

Mar 1, 2022 - 10th
Hanging straight down while sitting & standing up
0-15 minutes: 20oz
15-20m: 24oz (begin applying heat at 15m)
20-25m: 28oz
25-50m: 36oz
50-65m: 48oz (remove heat at 50m)

Pre-BPFSL: 17.1 cm
Post-BPFSL: 17.6 cm
Strain: 2.92%

Same measurements as yesterday. Rinse and repeat. I need to determine when I will add weight. Strain seems good and my pre is still progressing. Anyone want to weigh in? I’m going to aim for a session tomorrow morning.

Mar 2, 2022 - 11th
Hanging straight down while sitting & standing up
0-15 minutes: 20oz
15-20m: 24oz (begin applying heat at 15m)
20-25m: 28oz
25-50m: 36oz
50-65m: 48oz (remove heat at 50m)

Pre-BPFSL: 17.1 cm (maybe 17.2.. But to be conservative sticking w/ 17.1)
Post-BPFSL: 17.6 cm
Strain: 2.92%

I bumped up the weight by 4oz across the board today. A nice good post stretch! I think the bump was a good move; I guess we’ll see. I begin traveling today, but am bringing my gear so I hope to get some workouts in.

Mar 3, 2022 - 12th
Hanging straight down while sitting & standing up
0-15 minutes: 24oz
15-20m: 28oz (begin applying heat at 15m)
20-25m: 32oz
25-50m: 40oz
50-65m: 52oz (remove heat at 50m)

Pre-BPFSL: 17.1 cm (17.2?)
Post-BPFSL: 17.7 cm (17.8?)
Strain: 3.51%
Cumulative growth (post BPFSL this workout minus pre-BPFSL 1st workout): 7.27%

Originally Posted by RumbleNthJungle
I bumped up the weight by 4oz across the board today. A nice good post stretch! I think the bump was a good move; I guess we’ll see. I begin traveling today, but am bringing my gear so I hope to get some workouts in.

Mar 3, 2022 - 12th
Hanging straight down while sitting & standing up
0-15 minutes: 24oz
15-20m: 28oz (begin applying heat at 15m)
20-25m: 32oz
25-50m: 40oz
50-65m: 52oz (remove heat at 50m)

Pre-BPFSL: 17.1 cm (17.2?)
Post-BPFSL: 17.7 cm (17.8?)
Strain: 3.51%
Cumulative growth (post BPFSL this workout minus pre-BPFSL 1st workout): 7.27%

You’re crushing it dude! Good call on upping the weights. I saw your post last night and was thinking 5.5 usually added 6oz every 2-3 weeks so yeah was about time.

I’m in a warmer climate for a little bit, so my flaccid has been a lot better and my shaft more malleable, so I’d take the measurements with a grain of salt because the increase in the pre measurement showed an unusual jump. The other thing is that I traveled with the TherMedic (it’s smaller and I don’t have the heat reflector on it) and my shaft was colder than usual after the session, so I think it affected my post measurement. The weights are also made by a different manufacturer so the load could be different due to weight variance. Essentially, I don’t have my usual workout gear and I’m in a different climate so the numbers might not be apples-to-apples. We’ll see when I return home. I plan to get a few more in the next few days.

Mar 5, 2022 - 13th
Hanging straight down while sitting & standing up
0-15 minutes: 24oz
15-20m: 28oz (begin applying heat at 15m)
20-25m: 32oz
25-50m: 40oz
50-65m: 52oz (remove heat at 50m)

Pre-BPFSL: 17.4 cm (17.5?)
Post-BPFSL: 17.8 cm (maybe 17.7 but I hit 17.8 a couple times)
Strain: 2.29%
Cumulative growth (post BPFSL this workout minus pre-BPFSL 1st workout): 7.88%

Originally Posted by StrangerComeKno
You’re crushing it dude! Good call on upping the weights. I saw your post last night and was thinking 5.5 usually added 6oz every 2-3 weeks so yeah was about time.

Thank you! Yeah I figured every 10 sessions might make sense.

OK, so yesterday was an abnormal reading. Things are back to normal, and I got the TherMedic to fit a little better today. I’ll try to get another workout in tomorrow.

Mar 6, 2022 - 14th
Hanging straight down while sitting & standing up
0-15 minutes: 24oz
15-20m: 28oz (begin applying heat at 15m)
20-25m: 32oz
25-50m: 40oz
50-65m: 52oz (remove heat at 50m)

Pre-BPFSL: 17.1 cm
Post-BPFSL: 17.7 cm
Strain: 3.51%
Cumulative growth (post BPFSL this workout minus pre-BPFSL 1st workout): 7.27%

My measurements have really varied recently either because I’ve gained, the different environment I’m in or who knows. I’ll be back home Wednesday night. My heating pad got loose at the end without me noticing so I think it affected my post measurement. I had an edging session yesterday; I do this because I really think it helps with the flaccid hang if I do it every 3-4 days. Anyways, I hit 6.5” / 16.5 cm numerous times, so I’m making some progress!

Mar 7, 2022 - 15th
Hanging straight down while sitting & standing up
0-15 minutes: 24oz
15-20m: 28oz (begin applying heat at 15m)
20-25m: 32oz
25-50m: 40oz
50-65m: 52oz (remove heat at 50m)

Pre-BPFSL: 17.4 cm (17.5?)
Post-BPFSL: 17.7 cm
Strain: 1.72%
Cumulative growth: 7.27%


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