Strongrat's extender newbie routine thread.
Sup guys, very excited to start this thead.
I got into PE maybe 4-6 years ago when I discovered I had lost some size. I had been just over 7 inches in length BPEL but had shrunk down to 6.5 over the years. This was with good EQ. Looking at various studies on the matter I could only find research with extenders to have any weight to them so I bought a cheap knock off and managed to actually make gains over 3 months of wearing the device. I managed to get to around 7, and shortly after the device broke. I never bought another one and left it at that.
I seem to be in exactly the same position years later. Recent measurements show me at around 6.75 BPEL and 5ish EG wise. I dug out the extender and bought a few things to add to it based on various threads. I have a full time job with weird hours and a new baby so I know getting in extender hours will not be easy. My real goal is to have a NBPEL of 7 inches. I was pretty happy last time with that.
I’m going try to follow two routines and record them on excel.
The newbie routine posted here - 2 on 1 off.
The Jess extender newbie routine on the official site but also at the end of this - https://www.str … /80043-IFUS.pdf
Going to also record my EQ as a metric. I only record any new measurements based on morning erections. I measure 3 different times and if they are the same take that measurement. I don’t use stimulation to enhance it. Ill be recording my stats in this thread as well as problems and progress. I got my first hour in today. I dusted off the extender and was just getting to grips with it again, trying to get the right traction etc. Felt awkward and uncomfortable but that’s how I remember it being last time. Ill take my first measurements during the week of 07/07/2023!