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Testicular Implants.

Testicular Implants.


Last edited by Codyusaf : 09-06-2022 at .

Are you talking about the “shoes” that go over your testicles, or just adding a couple of extras?

I’ve wondered how comfortable the shoes are; your balls change size noticeably during the day, and they could go from rattling around in there to tight. You might want some feedback from someone who’s had that done. I haven’t seen any complaints on the forums, though.

The four-ball guys all seem happy with the additions, as far as I’ve noticed. It’s not stealthy like the shoes, though.

Originally Posted by AndyJ
Are you talking about the "shoes" that go over your testicles, or just adding a couple of extras?

I’ve wondered how comfortable the shoes are; your balls change size noticeably during the day, and they could go from rattling around in there to tight. You might want some feedback from someone who’s had that done. I haven’t seen any complaints on the forums, though.

The four-ball guys all seem happy with the additions, as far as I’ve noticed. It’s not stealthy like the shoes, though.

I don’t know what these shoes are you’re talking about. Do you have a link? I was meaning this link. Do you have a thread where people have the four balls look?
Plastic Surgery Case Study: Custom Wrap Around Large Testicle Implant Results - Explore Plastic Surgery

What about 8 balls. Is it possible?

Period 1: 06/08/2020 BPFSL: 22cm (8.66") BPEL: 22cm (8.66") EG: 15.8cm (6.25") => 09/07/2020 BPFSL: 23.9cm (9.40")

Period 2: 05/01/2021 BPFSL: 24cm (9.44") BPEL: 22cm (8.66") EG: 15.8cm (6.25") => 07/24/2021 BPFSL: 25.4cm (10.00") BPEL: 23.5cm (9.25")

Goal: 1 Foot x 7.5 Inches (30.48cm x 19.05cm) NBPEL

Originally Posted by Codyusaf
I don’t know what these shoes are you’re talking about. Do you have a link? I was meaning this link.

[from your link]

“The alternative approach to placing an implant with a testicle present is to have it encase or wrap around it. This requires a special implant design that has a hollow center and an opening at one end. The existing testicle will sit inside the chamber and the attached cord will pass through the opening. “

That’s a shoe.

Do you have a thread where people have the four balls look?

[again from your link]

“While most think of a testicle implant as a replacement for a lost one, they can also be used with an existing testicle present. If the testicle is small enough, usually 3.5cms or less, a much larger testicle implant (6cms or greater) will displace or camouflage the smaller testicle taking a dominant role in appearance. This is the side by side technique and is main advantage is that it is easier to place and has a very low risk of complications. Since it is a solid implant the device can not fail or become displaced. The only aesthetic risk is whether the naturally smaller testicle can ever been seen. In my experience as long as there is a greater than 70% increase in size of the implant over the existing testicle this is not an issue.”

This is a recurring topic on the forum. There are some pictures there. Generally not noticeable unless you’re looking for it; the add-ins hang low, the natural ones wind up above them. You might try an image search on your favorite search engine.

FYI, the Newart guys are friendly and helpful, but their thing is “genital modification”, not “penis enlargement”.

Surgery, any surgery, is not the answer unless you medically need it.

Originally Posted by AndyJ
[from your link]

“The alternative approach to placing an implant with a testicle present is to have it encase or wrap around it. This requires a special implant design that has a hollow center and an opening at one end. The existing testicle will sit inside the chamber and the attached cord will pass through the opening. “

That’s a shoe.

[again from your link]

“While most think of a testicle implant as a replacement for a lost one, they can also be used with an existing testicle present. If the testicle is small enough, usually 3.5cms or less, a much larger testicle implant (6cms or greater) will displace or camouflage the smaller testicle taking a dominant role in appearance. This is the side by side technique and is main advantage is that it is easier to place and has a very low risk of complications. Since it is a solid implant the device can not fail or become displaced. The only aesthetic risk is whether the naturally smaller testicle can ever been seen. In my experience as long as there is a greater than 70% increase in size of the implant over the existing testicle this is not an issue.”

This is a recurring topic on the newart. Com forum. There are some pictures there. Generally not noticeable unless you’re looking for it; the add-ins hang low, the natural ones wind up above them. You might try an image search on your favorite search engine.

FYI, the Newart guys are friendly and helpful, but their thing is “genital modification”, not “penis enlargement”.

Yes I obviously read my own link. I asked if you had a link, meaning on this forum or another where I can talk with a person who has them.

After 10 minutes on Newart, my eyeballs are burning less from images of bifurcated dicks than from Newart’s last-century webpage graphics. And I still haven’t found those rumored multi-balled sacks.

I don’t see this ending well at all. Good luck.

Originally Posted by Codyusaf
I asked if you had a link, meaning on this forum or another where I can talk with a person who has them.

No. I found the pictures on newart by starting at the beginning of “Body Piercing and Modification” and reading each thread.

Another amusement: Look at the esteemed, crazed Dr. Barry Eppley on his homepage. He’s Willem Dafoe crossed with Iggy Pop crossed with Eric Roberts, but scarier because he has a scalpel in hand.

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