So, I keep a set of notes on my notepad on the computer. I cut and paste so I can edit and I pasted an entry from a few months ago as apparently my notes are all messed up. I have been back at PE for bout 3 months. Disregard the previous post about the infection, as it is older than the posted date.
After looking through my notes, I realized that I am not taking any breaks. I mean, I may take one day off every six or seven days. I start getting resentful of the whole thing. I should not be. I started PE way back in the day and I have actually gained from it. While I was pumping, I noticed that I wasn’t filling it like I used to. About two years ago I had to increase tube sizes because I was hitting the end of the tube (8” tube, but about 9” of length). I was not 9 inch long except when in the tube, when out, fresh after, I would hit 8 x 6. If I went a week or so with no PE I stayed a consistent 7.5 x 5.65 NBP.
Now, here I am, and while I am over 7 NBP and 5.5 or more normal (no PE), I expected quicker gains (?). I am not seeing any increases immediately after PE. I have found myself going beyond the safe pressure of the pump (15 mmg +) and worse of all, I find myself thinking less of my size and it messes with my head.
I also realized that I LOSE length when I lie down. A lot of length. I have read up on leaky blood vessels and wonder. I am convinced that I just jumped back into this fool-heartedly. I recorded the wife and and I look (in my head) smaller. This has driven me to go overboard. I know my size is good, in my head. I have pics and it looks big. But only if I see it next to something comparable. The mind can be a serious issue some days. I am posting this instead of going back and doing another round. Is there a way to move this entire thing from the public to the private forum section? Should I? Meh.