Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Zen and the Art of Penis Enlargment and Maintenance

Zen and the Art of Penis Enlargment and Maintenance

Hi guys,

This hopefully will be my first post of many. I have been PEing for around 3/4 months (+1 month of reading back in September) now and would like to write a piece here weekly not just about PEing but about the importance of becoming the person you want to be. These posts will also be a way for me to curb my obsession (as I wish not to PE for longer than 6 hours a week max). These posts are also probably designed for a younger audience trying to cope with balancing social / self-improvement. The gold-rush of discovery of PE is probably at an end but I still wish to contribute (as I do to science) in a small incremental way. I want to do this by focusing on psychological issues and the benefits of PE.


I am a 22yo science PhD student at Oxford University who has roughly 3 hours a night of relaxation time on weekdays/weekends. I do not have a partner and am unlikely to ever have a serious partner until I finish (when I am 26). I like to spend my nights playing hearthstone (its a slow computer game and a perfect accompaniment to PE). I tend to have a sexual encounter usually once per month (dependent on workload). I am short (5”8/9) and have had body-image issues for quite some time. I am a committed /r/nofap -er and semi-commited buddhist (I will explain how this feeds into everything in future posts). I am a yoga enthusiast and gym regularly.

PE inclinations:
I believe firmly in Bib’s LOT theory. I have a high LOT (around 11) which has decreased since I started (it was probably around 10). This is how I think I made promising gains early on. I believe that you can push yourself too hard too quickly. I also believe that measuring all the time is not good. Rely more on how you feel about your size rather than constant empirical assessment. Don’t let it control your life! If someone asks you to the pub, go! The session can wait until tomorrow. I am ALWAYS a student, never a master. I will always listen to any advice commented after my posts.

My Routine (very unlikely to change unless someone suggests otherwise):

1hr gym (30 min run / 30 mins of compound movements squats/chest press/dead lift etc.)


5 min hot flannel warm up
15 mins BTC stretch (to work on those ligs)
15 mins unusual fun stretches (twisted stretch/v-stretch)

Old girth routine:

30 mins jelq
7 mins horse squeeze

New girth routine:
10 min jelq
12 mins pump (I have the UK mustang (its excellent!))
10 min jelq
12 mins pump

Bath or shower.

Total time: 1 hr 20 mins x 5 = 6 hrs 20 a week. With gym 11 hrs a week.

That’s just 11/168hrs in my week dedicated to sculpting a body I would feel at peace with.

Begin (3/15): BPEL 5.9in EG 5in -- Now (7/15): BPEL 6.5in EG 5.15in -- Goal: Happiness and 7.5in by 6in

Hi maxis333,

Welcome to the forum.

Science, eh. That’s broad subject for a PHD, it’s almost worth adding “and Alchemy”.

With LOT, it’s not a matter of whether pulling up targets the tunica more and pulling down targets the ligs more, that’s a given. It’s whether it’s actually a useful determiner of speed of gains and type of practise that should be attempted. In PE, unfortunately, we are often a sample of one, and only have one history of our PE, so it’s fairly easy to confirm ideas that aren’t particularly useful in the broad scheme. Had you been stretching upwards more you might have gained at the same rate. Check out LOT Simulator and LOT Simulator Feedback.

Your routine looks fairly balanced. A halt in gains is the only reason you will find the need to change and that will happen. This is where monitoring actually comes in useful. It’s natural for a PE routine that leaves you in an extended state to seem like it’s working, even when it’s not.

Edit: I forgot to say, your thread title has a nice quality to it.

Thunder's Place: increasing penis size one dick at a time.

Last edited by memento : 07-04-2015 at .


I am sorry for that mistake. I should maybe have said that I was going more for ligs at first rather than throw down some fancy theory about LOT! Can you elaborate on what you mean by “monitoring”? From what I understand you mean I should be careful about losing temporary gains?

Also thanks for the comments on my routine. I’ve had a play around with that simulator! Constantly amazed at the great work put into this site.

My PhD (or DPhil as its called here) is in maths/computer science. I only said science as I am paranoid that my supervisors could be looking in on this at any moment!


Begin (3/15): BPEL 5.9in EG 5in -- Now (7/15): BPEL 6.5in EG 5.15in -- Goal: Happiness and 7.5in by 6in


Also as an aside your rapid gains thread was one of the first I read on here. I use a tennis tube for V-stretch rather than an E45 tub though.

Begin (3/15): BPEL 5.9in EG 5in -- Now (7/15): BPEL 6.5in EG 5.15in -- Goal: Happiness and 7.5in by 6in

There are probably nice word frequency algorithms floating around Oxford to take the work out of finding you :) Yeah, it’s an issue probably not for now but in 5 years, once it’s commercially available in a robust form.

It looks like you read and worked out a routine. I’m not sure I would have gone straight to pumping in your position but it looks like you aren’t over egging it. Pumping has, imo, a problem in that you immediately come out of the tube and look down with awe at your newly massive appendage so the fairly natural thing is to pump a little harder next time or stay a little longer in the tube and before you know it you are just generating lymph under the skin. It takes a hard head to avoid the mistakes (like not mixing in jelqing).

This site’s been around for a long time, a LOT of thoughts have been had. Enjoy becoming a part of that.

You mean the tennis ball tubes that carry 3 balls? Wide legs, no?

I’m from the UK as well. My location is USE because I’m an avid supporter of the idea of a United States of Europe, with maybe a proper democratic process. In the same way that the rest of the UK gains from Scottish liberalism, I think a USE would end the parochial naval gazing nature of the UK. But you didn’t ask for politics. My apologies.

Good luck with your gains.

Thunder's Place: increasing penis size one dick at a time.

Update for Week starting 13/5/2015:

I have stuck to my schedule above and have actually seen some pretty pleasing gains in just the 10 days from my last post. I have reduced my stretching time slightly as the overall goal is to get everything running efficiently at sub 1:15. Have noticed a .1inch gain in length but much better EQs since I started pumping (which is strange because I thought it would have the opposite effect). I slot my PEing in after a gym session as my post-workout shower doubles up nicely as a warmup to PE. This week I plan to increase to 5 sessions just because I will have to take a week off after that for holiday. Summers are often dry for my social calendar so I’m not having any problems in sticking to my schedule.

As an aside I have also made significant girth gains from pumping however I am very unsure as to how permanent these are so I will only talk about my pumping success once I am sure my girth is stable.

To anyone reading this: have a great weekend. I hope you have time to sit and reflect (and possibly do some growing at the same time!)

Begin (3/15): BPEL 5.9in EG 5in -- Now (7/15): BPEL 6.5in EG 5.15in -- Goal: Happiness and 7.5in by 6in


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