Phallosan Forte
Tested for 7 months, for the first month I kept it in the high green - low yellow, over the course of the next 2 months I kept it on high (in the red) to try to make gains but the PF team told me it does not work that way and to reduce it. I wore it for a further 3 months “perfectly” as described. After this, and being unimpressed, I modded it and made it forceful to the extent of twice it’s natural hardest tug. This was based on how extenders such as the SizeGenetics or the Penimaster seem to have more positivity written about them. I cannot say if indeed they are better, but they surely cannot be worse unless you get an injury from it.
I read all the literature relating to it; all the studies and came to the conclusion that 12 hours was optimal and complemented with jelqing and stretching was ideal.
Performed for 6 days per week, I stretched for 10 minutes in a hot shower, jelqed for 15 / 20 minutes and edged for 15 / 20 minutes in the morning before work, and then put the device on. It is NOT invisible, so dressed accordingly.
In 7 months, I had only 4 unscheduled days off due to dryness causing skin cracking. This was remedied by the days off and moisturising.
The results: Temporary flaccid gain which disappeared after 3 days. No growth whatsoever in any dimension.
Takeaway from the trial: Don’t bother with it :)
Any questions, feel free to ask.
LightningZee; following Thunder's religiously for the next year!