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My Exp with PE - Extender and Phallosan Forte

My Exp with PE - Extender and Phallosan Forte

Hi guys, just wanted to make a quick thread to explain who I am and my experience with PE over the years. I’m 26 and from Australia, I have been trying to enlarge my penis since I was 18 and tried a penis pump, creams, vimax pills, andropenis extender, abit of hanging and about three months ago the phallosan forte. This is by far the hardest thing I’ve ever done in terms of dedication, motivation, practicability and results. So first of all we all probably know the creams and pills don’t work and after years I’m still getting phone calls from viamax trying to sell them to me. Ill try to be brief and not bore you all, as a new member I had to post in this section. PE exercises I found I was unmotivated for and could never be discreet enough. Hanging I found painful as I felt a sharp burning sensation from friction on the base of the penis, although afterwards the flaccid length was a big difference. The extender was hard to get enough hours up due to slipping and unable to wear it while asleep ( I always sleep on my stomach and side). Also the pain from the noose after a while. About November last year I started to use the andropenis extender again making a sure this time I don’t add the links on two too fast as I always get carried away and love to see fast progress.

After a month I found and bought the phallosan forte. It appealed so much as it says you can wear it while sleeping. I was sold. It is what I’m using currently and I can honestly say I have been using it very very consistently and after almost three months I really can’t see too much results. Like after I take it off of a straight 4,5,6 hr stretch. Yes its stretched and swollen but then returns back to the original size afterwards. Also the sleeves tear very, very easy and are sooo expensive. This is by far the most practical device and easy to wear but after a few weeks if my sleeve hasnt split, my penis starts slipping out of suction I think due to the condom being stretched over time. I always re baby powder the sleeve for grip, protection but seems not to work and I’m forced to replace another sleeve even if not torn. I have been wearing the Phallosan Forte every day at least 8-12 hrs sometimes more if I can with the random rest day. My erect length was about 12.5cm when I was 18-19 yrs old and after I started using the extender not long ago somehow at the moment it maxs out at dead on 15cm (I am now 26)which is 6inches. I would really like just one more inch to be happy, and I want to cement these gains so I never have to PE again. Like I have wanted this for a long time and spent hundreds and hundreds of dollars.

So this is where I am with PE at this point in time, anyone feel free to add or message me any time. I own an andropenis extender which I don’t use too much I now use the phallosan forte. I will post reviews once my account has passed the required days in the right sections. Maybe you guys can help me with my device problems and help me reach new gains. I’m hoping this site can help me out and I can help others. Ill do what ever it takes if it works. I would also like to know what people think is better for faster results assuming you could wear both devices effectively and successfully. I find when taking the andropenis extender off the flaccid length is stretched far more than the phallosan so would this mean the andropenis extender is better for lengthening? The phallosan just seems to swell the glands up for an hr or so then goes back to normal.

Do you feel some soreness once you’ve used the phallosan all day long?

You could add hanging, and then use the phallosan during the day. There is a way to mod the phallosan to use it as a hanger (only for beginners since you can’t use too luch weight with it). It is worth looking into if the phallosan is not intense enough.

Three months is rather a short time span, you already gained, and gains may happen once you take a few weeks off.

This are great gains anyways. How has your gaining experience been? All with extenders? If so, gaining more with the phallosan will b hard. Congrats on your great gains man. Those are impressive as somebody who gains 2 cm from smaller size has grown more proportionally than somebody who gain the same thinng being bigger.

When conguering a golddigger you need a large bank account, when conquering a dickdigger you need a large tool. When conquering a woman you need a minimum of three things: money, class and yes: dick size. Good news are, you can actually improve in all these three aspects.

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