16 months old injury won't heal
I suffered an injury from jelqing over a year ago, and I have not yet healed. I am experiencing ongoing pain, swelling and dysfunction, and I am growing increasingly alarmed that I have not seen progress and worry that I will never return to normal functionality. I would like to have a relationship and one day start a family, but that is currently impossible with this injury. I have gotten no help from doctors. Can anyone offer advice on this condition and any potential treatments?
My best guess as to why I am not healing is that excessive pressure within the penis has caused the veins to stretch. I am worried that there is valve damage. Each night, I wake multiple times with strong, painful erections, and I suspect that this repeating physical stress is preventing repair and possibly causing scarring or other permanent damage.
About me:
I’m 30 years old, fit, and in overall good health. I eat a healthy, whole food diet. I occasionally jog and lift weights. I occasionally take limited vitamins and minerals to boost my immune system. I’m at about 12-15% body fat. I drink alcohol moderately a few times per month. No smoking or recreational drugs. I suffer mild peripheral, nonprogressive neuropathy, and mild epilepsy, and am treated for this by prescription with Lamotrigine and Propranolol.
- Constant pain, sometimes worse than others (stinging/stabbing) in what seems to be veins all over the penis (but some areas more than others)
- Swelling (tilts to the left when half erect, but not fully erect)
- Enlarged blood vessels
- An inability of the penis to retract properly. This last point is among the reasons why I suspect valve damage. Dorsal vein valve damage could cause issues with.. “draining the penis”? The pain can be triggered by my pushing on blood vessels.
What I have tried:
- I immediately stopped jelqing following the injury
- I was at first advised by doctors to continue normal sexual activity, but as time went on and I did not heal, I began limiting sexual activity and arousal. For nearly a year, I have been celebate. For the last several months, I have avoided erections and masturbation altogether because of increasing concern and discomfort.
- I have consulted with my general physician and multiple urologists. None have been able to diagnose my condition or offer therapeutic options. All they’ve done is rule out tunica albuginea injury.
- One doctor ran an MRI which did not reveal any abnormalities.
- At my last urologist appointment, the doctor half-heartedly offered to run a penile ultrasound, but didn’t indicate that any helpful information might be provided by this. Moreover, I am concerned that the procedure itself could worsen my condition in the process of provoking a strong erection for the scan.
- To my utter dismay, the doctors I have been in consultation with are not only unknowledgeable about this kind of injury but generally uninterested in my case. I hope that I will find others in this forum who can help me.
What makes the symptoms better:
- Avoiding jostling, irritation, and contact with the penis. I work from home and am able to go without pants, just wearing a towel around my waist
- Lack of erections. I can manage this during waking hours, so that by the end of the day the symptoms are better. I am experimenting with limiting my sleep to limit the number of nightly erections.
- Being parallel to the ground while doing pushups, or while laying on my back both seem to help the penis contract. Perhaps this position gives the valves a break from their role in draining blood.
- I experienced one small window of time, during which I successfully avoided all thoughts of sex and a significant decrease in arousal for a few weeks - no physical, mental or visual stimulation. I believe I began to heal. This period ended unintentionally with a night of strong erections, and I lost all progress. I have not since been able to recreate this state of mind and control over my body.
What makes symptoms worse:
- Erections
- external stimulation or irritation
- Wearing constrictive clothing
No effect:
- cold and warm compresses
- bandaging
Any help would be appreciated. Have you heard of similar injuries? Who could I contact for professional help? Do you know whether valve damage is possible? Would valve damage explain my symptoms?