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Can Venous Leakage caused by erect jelqing heal itself?

Can Venous Leakage caused by erect jelqing heal itself?

That is, the ability to get an erection but you lose it much sooner than you should during sex. For example, if I look at highly stimulationg porn I can get a firm erection but it ‘deflates’ rapidly.

I’m wondering if anyone has experienced venous leakage after heavy duty due to jelqing while fully erect and whether their bodies healed the problem with time off or other remedies.

I’m not sure what to do. Massage? Total cessation of masturbation?

How does erect jelqing damage the valves so they don’t function normally. Has anyone ever recovered? What have they done to expedite the healing process?

Please help. I’m definitely worried.


Where do I start?

>>How does erect jelqing damage the valves so they don’t function normally. Has anyone ever recovered? What have they done to expedite the healing process? >>

How did you come to the conclusion that erect or any kind of jelqing caused ED? Because someone said so? What is the evidence that it does? I don’t believe that it does because i started jelqing (conventional) to strengthen my erection and got a bigger dick as a bonus. My erections are as hard as they were 20 years ago (I’m 44).

>>That is, the ability to get an erection but you lose it much sooner than you should during sex. For example, if I look at highly stimulationg porn I can get a firm erection but it ‘deflates’ rapidly.>>

You probably overuse porn and have desensitized yourself and require a lot of stimulation. Now you are getting worried and have presumed a pe related problem. You are getting performance anxiety. Cure:
Lay off porn, PE, and masturbation for 2 weeks. (I didn’t include PE because I think it has anything to do with it but because you seem to think it does). So leave the trout and porn alone and it’ll come back with a vengeance.

Check it out guys, no need to have a big dick if you ain't gonna use it!!

read this post...

Check it out guys, no need to have a big dick if you ain't gonna use it!!

To get an erection the tiny vains leaving the erectile tisue ristrict them like little valves, when you jelq with an erction you cause them to open, the more pressure you use the largrer they get.You wont be able to get an erection when they are stretched out.Venous leakage is the leading form of erectile disfunction, will it heal?….well if i where you i would give up any form of PE exept PC exercises to allow them to close up again…rest and recouperation man.The body heels….all parts of the body including the penis.Im no expert or MD so do some homework on it or see a doc or uroligest. Whats the point of a big dick if you cant get the thing up.

>>Venous leakage is the leading form of erectile disfunction, will it heal?….>>

As far as I know the venous leakage problem is cause by a reduction in the compressability of the venules due to aging, not a dilation of these venules due to jelqing. As a matter of fact jelqing could theoretically make relatively incompressable venules more compressable over time. I think the main danger of jelqing too erect is bleeding from the urethra or causing a thrombosis or bruising a nerve (temporary numbness). I have to admit there are guys who are very in tune with thier bodies and don’t get problems jelqing erect. But there are also idiots who can’t help but go medieval on their dicks and of course they get every complication.

Check it out guys, no need to have a big dick if you ain't gonna use it!!

Thanks for responding

I’m going to take some time off and see if it helps. Not that I really have much choice. I”m afraid that jelqking may be correct. I had no idea how dangerous erect jelqing can be. I can only pray that given time it will heal itself. Again, thanks for the info.

Digan: urologists can diagnose venous leakage easily - you don’t have to tell them you’ve been jelquing - just go in and see one.

*I measure PRE-WORKOUT, normal erection* Started: 7 EBP x 4.9 EG. Several years on and off PE, now 8.125 EBP length x 5.5 EG midshaft (5.8 base). Working on girth (clamping) again after breaks due to injuries - fast recent gains! Pics

That was over 3 1/2 years ago, I wonder if he is OK now.

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