Thunder's Place

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100 percent erect jelqing


100 percent erect jelqing

On several websites across the Internet I’ve read that 100% erect jelqing wouldn’t be that bad, and when done correctly, it could even result in better gains. However, I think the members of this forum have more knowledge on this subject.

The question is: Is 100% erect jelqing any harmless and could it possibly result in bigger gains? (I always heat my third leg very well.)

Before taking action, what do you think/know about this?


I think for us newbies semi erect is the way to go, maybe down the road 100% erect might be good.


If you are new to PE I recommend to use the newbie routine or the linear newbie routine in order to get your dick used to PE for at least 3 months.

Jelqing at 100% is risky in terms of injuries. Extreme high pressure can create some nasty things to your dick. Maybe, just a very small maybe, it might be a technique for very experienced and advanced PE’ers. But until now (i’m in here since September only) I never found a posting claiming success with jelqs at maximum erection level in here.

It’s the only dick you have, so treat him gently (at least in the beginning)…

Modified forum rule #69: Your avatar must show a JUICY ass, may it be female, male, mermaid, even sheep or horses are accepted. :-)

My logbook: Richard65 - the roadbook

Dont even think about jelqing at 100% as a newbie, you only have one dick.

I think 100 % erect jelqing would be a good way to injure your penis. Not a good idea in my opinion.

Always be cool.

Now BPEL 7.75 EG 5.80 Goals for 2013 improved E Quality + BPEL 8.25 6.0 EG Long term goals, 8.75

Even for conditioned and experienced PEers erect jelqs are high risk. For a new guy they are a trip to the doctor in the making.

And they are not done at 100%, part of what makes them tricky. It takes self control, self monitoring, and experience to stay at <95%.

Running a Massive Co-Front.

Thank you for your replies, I was just curious. I always jelq at about 60% erect,

It just seemed logically, because the blood flow through the penis is bigger when fully erect.

But, hypothetically, if an experienced PE er did this, would he gain bigger length and girth increases?

Probably girth, like with Uli#3’s

Modified forum rule #69: Your avatar must show a JUICY ass, may it be female, male, mermaid, even sheep or horses are accepted. :-)

My logbook: Richard65 - the roadbook

I do them but this is year three for me, and I still get abrasions.

Began December 2009 at 5 7/8" length and 5" girth.

As of December 5th 2012 7 3/8" BPEL and 6 1/8" base girth.

Going for the magic 8"x6"

Originally Posted by TangoC
if an experienced PE er did this, would he gain bigger length and girth increases?

Ah yes: the mythical, magical “secret/advanced” PE that gives mo’better and mo’faster gains then the crap we peddle to the newbies! While there is a form of PE that gives a majority of guys a a majority of gains and faster as well; that PE is the newbie routine.

“Advanced” PE is what you do when the basics stop working. It does not mean better than the newbie routine. It does not mean bigger gains or faster or better. It means higher risk. And the more “advanced” the greater the chance you will break your penis. Erect jelqing is one of the forms of “PE of last resort”. It is something done with extreme caution by “Advanced” PEers because they have exhausted the gains from all other methods.

We played around with it back in the stone age of PE because we didn’t know any better. It can give gains if it doesn’t break your penis. But from a risk/reward POV you are better served by trying anything and everything else first.

Running a Massive Co-Front.

Originally Posted by a-unit
I do them but this is year three for me, and I still get abrasions.

Yep, warning message recived. Thanks!

Modified forum rule #69: Your avatar must show a JUICY ass, may it be female, male, mermaid, even sheep or horses are accepted. :-)

My logbook: Richard65 - the roadbook

Of course I know you have to start slowly (when you start with jogging, you don’t start with a three mile- run in 10 minutes on your first day either :) )

This is just about curiosity, as I hate imagining gross things in order to keep my erection below about 70% :P

Originally Posted by TangoC
This is just about curiosity, as I hate imagining gross things in order to keep my erection below about 70% :P

Sighing and having a little smile: I have to think nasty things to keep my erection UP to 70% when jelqing. Well, getting middle-aged has iz’s price.

Modified forum rule #69: Your avatar must show a JUICY ass, may it be female, male, mermaid, even sheep or horses are accepted. :-)

My logbook: Richard65 - the roadbook

Ever since reading this posted by Wadzilla I’ve started gainging girth after years of nothing, going to extremes and so on.

Posted by Wadzilla=

An “unloaded tunica” simply describes the state of the tunica when the penis is NOT erect (while erect, the tunica is under load - and the greatly increased pressure makes it far tougher to affect with PE).

Basically, the only girth work I ever did was jelqing, and I jelqed at around 75% (and my mid-shaft was a consistent 6.25-6.33, base about 6.8). I never pumped, clamped or did erect bends (or any erect girth work, such as erect jelqs).

If erect jelqing is dangerous (and most of the mods here state that it is), then how much more dangerous is clamping, erect bends, etc.? Besides, when the penis is in those extreme states (tunica maximally loaded - even to the breaking point), the tunica becomes like kevlar. Not easy to “deform” kevlar.

But when jeqling, slowly & with a firm grip, at about 75%, one gets a “rolling pressure” throughout the UNloaded tunica. Call it “focused tension” or “concentrated intensity” - whatever you like - but the tunica is actually NOT in the loaded state (because the penis is not erect).

I do them all the time, daily to be precise. I get a good pump from them, but dont try them as a newbie. I have been doing these for quite some time now so they are no longer uncomfortable.

Start: 17 Feb 2012, 8.25bpel x 4.92mseg; bpfsl=??; fl=6.5x4.5

Current: 29 April 2013, 8.875bpel x 5.8mseg; bpfsl=9.25; fl=7x5

Goal: 9NBP x 6.25mseg and the best EQ ever!

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