Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

7 month injury.

You can’t have erections?

Have you tried any pills like viagra? Even a pump would help to at least see if you’re able to have erection even if not naturally

Start 30/06/2016 - BPEL 13cm MSEG 11,50cm

Now - BPEL 16,20cm MSEG 12,00cm BPFSL 18,00cm BPELIT 18,00cm Clamped BPEL 17,50cm

DREAM! 19cm BPEL 17cm NBPEL 14cm MSEG

No even with viagra my erections are weak (if I can get them at all) it’s been this way for the last 7 months.

Hence why I am so desperate for answers.

You are asking the people here to be doctors. That cannot be done. No one here is a doctor, no one here can physically examine you and conduct test to find the origin of the injury, so what would you like told to you? That’s you’ll be fine?

If I make a mistake in what I say excuse, my language is not English. With the jelq you made it strong? You have to say you did.

Be honest so others know. We are not doctors, please explain what you did and after that what you felt, how the erection loss progressed.

If you now notice that it curves, somewhere rather than before, it hurts. Details of this way is better

Nbp 15 cm , 12'8 G

Luego de cuatro meses en el foro pero ya realizando bien los ejercicios 2 meses llevo , ahora 17 Nbp , 14 G . gracias a Dios mejorando curvatura y Peyronie. Gloria a Dios .

Sorry you are having such a problem with your unit. People are not the most compassionate on here.. But They are right to an extent. You need to see a doctor.

I’ll PM you. See if I can offer you advice.

I know, well hopefully nobody else suffers this injury because I wouldn’t wish this on my worst enemy.

Yeah, the bottom (corpos spongonosium) feels different entirely. It doesn’t bend that I’ve noticed but there is pain that comes generally after I’ve had sex. Erections are very weak (70%) and if I leave it for a few seconds it will go down.

Flaccid penis is also shorter and thinner and just feels like there’s no plump Ness to it like it was before this injury.

There is a line running across (horizontally) in the middle of the CS that only hurts if I massage it, deeply.

I really hope this heals guys. I’ve been waiting so long for this appointment that I just don’t know what to do.

Do a daily routine of just soft massage, maybe some gentle squeezes and so on.

To promote bloodflow and to expand the scar tissue, keep a sock on always so it stays warm

Even if it hurts its not going to get worse by massage and putting some pressure, not after 7 months anyway. Work your way up and see if the pain lessens after a few weeks.

But im no doctor.

Start stats NBP: 6.7 inches length, 5.12 inches girth.

Goal: 7.0x5.6 // 18x14,3cm nbp

Current: 6.8x5.314

Is it likely to be scar tissue or could it still be something else? It goes horizontally across, like a line.

Thats for the doctor to say.
Keep your dick healthy and wait.

I guess your injury caused the scar tissue to block bloodflow.
Your CS is not a hollow tube but like an actual sponge with many many tubes inside. So scar tissue could severely block bloodflow if it goes right across the CS.
Either it will eventually fade with time, or you have to expand your girth and hopefully make up for lost space.

But as I said, wait for doctor.

Start stats NBP: 6.7 inches length, 5.12 inches girth.

Goal: 7.0x5.6 // 18x14,3cm nbp

Current: 6.8x5.314

What are your diet and sleep like? Do you do a lot of sports?

Not really much sports now, I did before the injury but now I’ve lost a lot of motivation I had. I wake up every morning and things are the same.

If this scar tissue is blocking blood flow is there no surgery or anything that can be done and will it ever heal to what it was?

Blood vessel find their around scar tissue. I guess you never had an operation.

Stay healthy, do your sports and eat good food.
Even if your dick is damaged you can make your bloodflow better through exercising regularly. Just as with any type of erectile dysfynction. (maybe not if it is chopped in half)
Wait with PE til you have talked to a doctor. Then begin again with a light routine if he doesn’t know what to do.

Your motivation is kind of backwards. If anything you should have even more motivation to be active.
If your dick can’t heal on its own then create the best environment possible for it to do so.

Last, don’t worry about your dick. Live your life and do it well, that is the biggest chance you have on your dick healing properly.

Start stats NBP: 6.7 inches length, 5.12 inches girth.

Goal: 7.0x5.6 // 18x14,3cm nbp

Current: 6.8x5.314

What are the chances of this being permanent damage? I have done a lot of research and from what I’ve read it could be a tunica tear or scar tissue on corpos spongonosium but whatever it is its severely hindering blood flow and my flaccid size is now pathetically small and just feels dead.

I know it’s been 7 months but during that time I was having sex till, could it still heal now if I don’t touch it? I hope so. I don’t want to live like this otherwise.

I’ll take the advice on exercising and eating healthily but I don’t know how much different that will make.

Originally Posted by Jimmybob55
Blood vessel find their around scar tissue. I guess you never had an operation.

No I haven’t had an operation I’m still waiting for a urologist appointment. I could get one faster in Africa, it’s a joke.

What do you mean blood vessels find their around scar tissue?


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