7 month injury.
Hi guys I will try figuring this out here as whenever I post on PEGYM I get banned, not sure why as I was only needing advice.
I did jelqing for 3 months and now my flaccid penis is basically turtled 100% of the time, feels like there is no blood flow and is no longer plump like it was, not to mention I can’t get erections normally and this has been the case for the last 7 months.
It just feels different overall, flaccid I’m much shorter and thinner and even doing helicopters doesn’t make more blood flow into my penis like it used to..
On the underside (corpus spongonosium?) I can feel a sort of ‘line’ or a scar I’m not sure what it is but it was never there before.
I’ve tried reverse kegels etc as I was advised and there has been no different so what could I have damaged to make my penis THIS much different?
I am not even anxious about it anymore, I’m just fed up of seeking answers and getting nowhere.