Originally Posted by dverak
Hello fellow gainers!
2 days ago i noticed a strange thing, i had a big(1cm) dark blue spot, that looks like a wain. but the bulge is just 1 cm in length, and its just the one cm that’s blue. it is not painful but i do feel sore if i scuise it. has anybody had something like this. i think I’m going to the doc, but yeah if its not dangerous it would be great to drop the doc.
thanks Axl
Hi, dverak!
I think it would help members to give you advice ,if you give a few more facts.
First. Where on your penis is the bump? On the upper or lower part ? On the glans? On the hole?I’m not quite sure what the word ‘scuise’ is. Can you amplify that a bit please? As I can’t figure what Scuise would do.
So, Give as much information as possible. Otherwise the guys and girls will have difficulty in helping you.
And just a couple of points if I may. Please use I not i. And can you capitalise the fiirst word in a sentence please Thanks!
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