Clamped down on my dong a little too hard.
The other night when I was doing my routine I clamped down on the base of my penis a little to hard and I felt a shooting pain right around that area, but what others have told me is that it was the big vein that runs at the top of my penis where I felt the shooting pain in (but only at the base of my penis). Anyway I continued my routine with no other problems. I’m not in any pain, but that next day after my routine it felt a little weird maybe even a little tender but no pain. When I touch the vein at the base or push on it or put some pressure on it, it doesn’t hurt. This all took place on 6/3/07 so I will be taking a full week off and resuming PE on 6/10/07. Anyway has this ever happened to you, and do you think I will be ok?
Here is a rough sketch of the area that I clamped down on.
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