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Clotting again

Clotting again

As always, trying to keep this short. I’ve posted about clots a few times and actually just updated one of my old threads just my reference. This time seems to be a bit different, so I wanted to get some advice. I’ve got a large vein that protrudes from body just to right side of the dorsal and quickly curls down to the underside of my penis. Since I started PE over a year ago, I’ve always noticed that jelqing can put some uncomfortable pressure on this point. I have had, I think, 2 clots in this vein since I’ve started and this is my third. The clots are rather large, maybe the size of pea. The first one cleared rather quickly with no pain. The second one took about 4 days, was a bit sore and I treated it with aspirin and heat. Once it left, I felt fine. This latest one I had for 6 days, it hurts (mainly from all the prodding). What concerns me the most is that after 6 days of heat and aspirin and massage, I think I got it dislodge. It was was gone for about 8 hours, but with my next erection it seemed to return. I noticed it forming quickly and managed to massage it away. My erection maintained, but the lump and pain was gone. This was yesterday. It came back again today. Anyone else have anything like this? Any advice or comments are appreciated.

Maybe this belongs in the injury section?

I know this probably isn’t going to help, but it did for me. When I had an issue similar to your’s I increased my circulation. I did cardio, and took vasodilators and fixed me right up. Have not had that problem since. I’ve gotten lazy and stopped working out, but I do pop my pills (omg that sounds horribe lol).

Start:7.5 BPEL X 5 MSEG

Goal: 7 MSEG

Heere We GOOooh!

Thanks Vayne - It’s funny you say that cause I just started hitting the gym again because of this. The last few years I’ve been “on again off again”. Seems like once summer is over I go into a funk and have a hard time working out. Anyway, I’m taking aspirin and hitting the gym (with some cardio).

I went way overboard in the shower today. I’ve read about people “popping” these typse of clots by forcing them up or down the vein. I’m pretty sure it worked for me the other day, but it just came right back. Anyway, in the shower today I really worked it and now it’s fucking huge and sore. I’ve come to the realization that I just can’t clamp. If I do, I get clots.

It’s still here. Hard as ever and I’ve noticed a small string of pearls moving up the shaft to my head. Any suggestions. I’ve tried aspirin, but I don’t want o be on it for too long. I’ve tried heat and massage with no luck. This is starting to freak me out

Day 3 of Bio Oil - Love the oil, no improvement yet. Application 3x daily on whole penis.

I think the bio oil along with aspirin is helping. The large clot is not visible, but I can still feel it. I also have a rubber band running the length of my penis that also feels like a really tiny string of pearls. Just updating.

2 more days and It will be a full month off. No signs of this clearing by then. Still taking 650mg aspirin a day along with bio oil applied 1-2 times daily with some heat. Lots of massage as well. As always, any help is appreciated.

I replied to another of your threads re Bio-Oil. Forgot to mention that I used heat all day also and that seemed to help a lot.

Just to update. I finally just started back last week and the clot and rubber band vein are now gone! I think getting back to PE after a month rest and treatment got me over that final hump.

Reading that all, it was almot certainly a lymph node, not a clot. Glad its cleared up. Take it easy!

firegoat is fully RETIRED from Thundersplace.

All injuries happen from "too much", or "too much, too soon" or "doing the exercise incorrectly".

Heat makes the difference between gaining quickly or slowly for some guys, or between gaining slowly instead of not at all for others. The ideal penis size is 7.6" BPEL x 5.6" Mid Girth. Basics.... firegoat roll How to use the Search button for best results


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