Greetings everyone,
I have been practicing some PE on my own for a few months now and 3 months ago I added pumping to my workout. I have taken great care to adhere to the beginning pumpers thread here, never go over 5.5 in. Hg (even though my body seems to tolerate the pressure well) and I am only up to 2 10 minute sets with a thorough massage in between for 6-8 minutes. I will go more into why I don’t jelq later. But anyway, today right after my second pumping session, I noticed a dark purple blotch about the size of a pencil eraser, on the top of my penis, I was immediately concerned, as I never stray into the higher pressures. I alternate between milking the tube and kegels, as I have read here on Thunder’s as being a good exercise and a productive way to pass the time while in the pump. Can anyone venture an educated guess on whether I have somehow injured myself or maybe pinched the skin while milking, but I have experienced no pain during or after the session?
Not what I had planned for my first post to be, but safety first.
I appreciate any help or advice from you gentlemen. Thank you