Thunder's Place

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Corpus Spongiosum injury

Corpus Spongiosum injury

Hey everyone I’m a long time lurker here. This is my first post and unfortunately it’s a bad injury. I hope maybe the moderators can move this to the injury section since I don’t have that permission yet

Me: 33 years old. No pre-existing conditions. Avid biker, weighing-lifting, running, soccer. High energy, outgoing, usually happy person. Admittedly anxious. Light smoker (5 cigs per day). No alcohol of illicit drugs.

My injury: I inured what is likely the fascia of the CS whilst jelqing fully hard also kegeling. Felt tingle upon kegel, then pain on ejaculation. In the CS area perhaps .5 cm just below glans.

Approx 2 months have passed, did a poor job resting it. Pain has gotten much worse. First of all, I massaged it brusquely and anxiously in desperation while I was in pain after masturbation trying to make it better…which I’m sure made things worse. After said massage, pain was constant dull ache. I also tried to stretch it to relieve symptoms by gripping the glans and pulling slightly, and well, that made it worse too. After these stupid and failed attempts to make it better I would feel sensations of tearing with nighttime erections as well as simply sitting down/ raising from seated. Unfortunately, I began waking up numerous times per night with horrendous, red-hot pain with erections. I had to go to the ER because of penile pain as well as nerve pain all over my body The location of pain was first about .5 cm under glans, which has now extended to just underneath frenulum as well, but deeper of course, in the erectile tissue

Currently: Is not in such bad pain, but that’s because I have to take Valium at night to prevent night time erections. I am just not touching it at all, no masturbation of course.. Since Valium it is less sore to the touch during the day, and I have much less pain with urination. The penis is bending left more than normal now with semi-erection

. Before Valium the daytime pain flaccid would be so bad that I couldn’t do anything. There would be a deep ache and sharp pain on underside of penis if I moved it in any direction. That is getting better, but I only have 7 more doses of Valium and I’m worried I’ll need it for longer to prevent the penis from stretching erect overnight while it’s healing. Notable is that pelvic floor stretches do relieve some pain if I’m flaring up; I have a PF PT appt. On Monday Jan 10.

MD Notes: upon palpation no scar tissue perceivable, ultrasound negative. MRI with contrast also negative.

Meds: Valium, mobic, gabapentin

Any advice would be great because I’m really worried

Thank you all for helping me through this

What were the doctor’s instructions?

Initial: 7” BPEL; 6” NBPEL; 5.25” - 5.5” MEG

Current: 7-7/8” BPEL; 7-3/8” NBPEL; 8.5” BPFSL; 6.5” MEG; 6”x5” Flaccid.

Goal: Improved/consistent EQ while managing ED. Secondary: maintain current stats.

Originally Posted by 32quarters
What were the doctor’s instructions?

The PA for the local Urologist told me to rest for 4 weeks, which was 2 weeks ago. In that time I developed the tearing sensation and night time erection pain. For this, they reluctantly prescribed me Valium at 5mg for 10 nights to cease nocturnal erection. They have no further rec. Other than pelvic floor PT and to go to the Pain Clinic if it persists. They have reluctantly indicated they may re-prescribe me the Valium after 10 days if very painful night erection and loss of sleep persists

Another urologist who is more attentive to me has told me to halve the Valium at night 4 (tonight) to prolong the medication (since I may not be re-prescribed it easily), which may also serve to lessen any withdrawal symptoms. He told me not to touch it at all, and on day 7 attempt to have a light erection and check for pain.

And a 3rd opinion urologist has told me to alternate hot and cold and give the penis very gentle massage. He as well as my local Urologist have indicated that this may be the acute stage of Peyronies, but that it is not yet possible to know.

Best regards

When I blew up my Dick from wearing a cock ring that was to small the only thing that helped with pain was pelvic floor exercises that increased blood flow to the area. It took about 4 months to fully heal with no residual or phantom pain.

As far as taking a narcotic to reduce erections you maybe be sleeping through them and not know it. I would try a natural sleep remedy first and maybe ibuprofen.

Oh and which ever doc you decide to listen to… a well intentioned doctors first remedy should be to teach not prescribe.

Originally Posted by Crimsonwarrior
When I blew up my Dick from wearing a cock ring that was to small the only thing that helped with pain was pelvic floor exercises that increased blood flow to the area. It took about 4 months to fully heal with no residual or phantom pain.
As far as taking a narcotic to reduce erections you maybe be sleeping through them and not know it. I would try a natural sleep remedy first and maybe ibuprofen.

Thanks for your response. I was able to sleep through the normal nocturnal erections at first. But as the injury progressed, probably due to a massage I gave myself that was not a good idea, the erections became so incredibly painful at night that this medicine is actually helping. I don’t want to be on the med either but I see no other option in the short run until the tissue calms down.

Best regards and thanks again

Originally Posted by Crimsonwarrior
Oh and which ever doc you decide to listen to.. A well intentioned doctors first remedy should be to teach not prescribe.

I agree with you. The doctors were very reluctant to prescribe me this medicine and it was only given upon serious worsening of symptoms at my third visit. I do not want to be on the medicine either, but it is the only thing allowing me to sleep at this point of the injury. Unfortunately prior to this med I could feel the tissue “ripping” in certain points in the day. I think the term is delaminating. And the night time, unintentional erections were tremendously painful and accompanied with nerve pain in my legs, feet, arms, back and face. The supply is only for 10 days. I’m hoping the tissue will have calmed down and had some measuring of healing by then

Thanks for your reply. Best regards

Originally Posted by EyesBlue2200
Thanks for your response. I was able to sleep through the normal nocturnal erections at first. But as the injury progressed, probably due to a massage I gave myself that was not a good idea, the erections became so incredibly painful at night that this medicine is actually helping. I don’t want to be on the med either but I see no other option in the short run until the tissue calms down.

Best regards and thanks again


I’m wondering if your injury was in a specific place or just all around. Mine hurts just under the glans on the CS, as well as just left of that on the CC. The MRI says there is a redundancy of tissue on the CC perhaps in that area. I worsened it to that point by stretching it during recovery stupidly. Since the bad stretch that tissue is painful, and penis bends left a little more with light erection. Even though the doc said give it a light massage, that causes a flair up. I’m still taking that med to prevent night time erection, and I’m definitely wondering if it’ll ever get better.

Do you have any more advice? I’m in pelvic floor Pt currently and I can finally pee without pain, and have light erection without pain. But I’m not pushing it at all


Mine was more cc related with some cs.

Another thing I believe that helped alot with recovery was staying hydrated due to the natural reflex of the penis staying full flacid instead of turtled while fully hydrated or a full bladder stimulating the nerves that relax the penile tissue. I also would occasionally press the perinuim tissue or press behind the balls to force blood into the penis. I believe the extra Circulating blood flow helped alot to when I didnt feel like the kegels where circulating enough blood.

Alright y’all, update

My problem has grown worse. I am still on Valium to prevent extremely painful night time erections. Well, last night I had a powerful one and it sent me into extreme pain in the moment and for the entire next day. When I get the full, NTE, it really feels like the tissue is on the verge of tearing, or tearing. The only thing that helps is no erection, no touching, no manipulation. The thing is, I can’t stay on Valium forever, the penis needs night time erections to stay healthy and not get fibrotic. I obviously have fibrotic scar tissue. I have no idea how to get to the place where I can sleep normally without this medicine. I’m not even worried about sexual function right now, I just want to be out of pain, be able to sleep and have normal NTE without pain. The doctors say keep resting, taking Valium. And by the way, my Uros are in Mexico City. I can’t even find someone locally who I can have a local relationship with. Duke and UNC are so backed up.

Does anyone know what can be done in a situation like this? I am about 3.5 months in, and things keep getting worse it feels like.

Can someone point me in the right direction? I good urologist, a good medicine, an anecdote of a similar situation that did heal, I’m reaching out and I appreciate any help you can offer

Are you still attending pelvic floor physical therapy?

What type PT does this entail?

Has the therapist provided any thoughts or guidance on your situation?

Have they seen anything similar to your situation?

Initial: 7” BPEL; 6” NBPEL; 5.25” - 5.5” MEG

Current: 7-7/8” BPEL; 7-3/8” NBPEL; 8.5” BPFSL; 6.5” MEG; 6”x5” Flaccid.

Goal: Improved/consistent EQ while managing ED. Secondary: maintain current stats.

Originally Posted by 32quarters
Are you still attending pelvic floor physical therapy?
What type PT does this entail?
Has the therapist provided any thoughts or guidance on your situation?
Have they seen anything similar to your situation?

So the pelvic floor PT had me do a massage of the penis which sent me back. The Uro says that fibrotic tissue needs to heal. I’m worse now.

The PT I think is incompetent. But I have done some pelvic floor stretches that did help. I’m not sure if I should or even can go back to her right now. I’m so fragile

There was a pelvic floor studio in Raleigh called Carolina pelvic health that said they’d seen situations similar to mine which healed

Another doctor in Mexico City thinks electric stimulation of the pelvic floor would help. But he thinks I have only neuropathy. I do have neuropathy, but it’s the damages unhealed or inelastic tissue being agravated that causes the nerve flair up, likely from inflammation. Right now all I can do is rest, and walk. Sitting is hard, many things are hard

Thanks for sharing.

When I think of pelvic floor physical therapy I think of kegels and reverse kegels as the primary exercise to strengthen pelvic floor muscles. One needs to do both types to keep the muscles from getting unbalanced. Did your instructor discuss kegels/rk s an option for you?

Did Carolina Pelvic Health provide guidance on what you needed to do to heal?

Initial: 7” BPEL; 6” NBPEL; 5.25” - 5.5” MEG

Current: 7-7/8” BPEL; 7-3/8” NBPEL; 8.5” BPFSL; 6.5” MEG; 6”x5” Flaccid.

Goal: Improved/consistent EQ while managing ED. Secondary: maintain current stats.

Originally Posted by 32quarters
Thanks for sharing.

When I think of pelvic floor physical therapy I think of kegels and reverse kegels as the primary exercise to strengthen pelvic floor muscles. One needs to do both types to keep the muscles from getting unbalanced. Did your instructor discuss kegels/rk s an option for you?

Did Carolina Pelvic Health provide guidance on what you needed to do to heal?

My Urologists in Mexico City say I need to have total rest. There may be some scar tissue/fibrotic scar tissue on the bodies on the penis right now, especially the corpus Spongiosum that need total rest

I have yet to see a doctor in the US, only the PAs at UNC and Duke. Tomorrow I am going to WakeMed Urology to see Dr. Lissen and tell him my story. I’m hoping he can share some insight onto if this can heal, or if I need other medical intervention

Thank you so much for your reply. My life is tough
Right now that I feel my future in general is in jeopardy and I cannot really do anything except walk. Speaking of which, I’m going to go take a walk right now and ease my mind. Please stay in touch, I greatly appreciate it

Be careful with the narcotics man. Valium withdrawal is fucking insane. Been there before.

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