Anything you do regarding peyronies you need to do daily for as long as it takes.
Acetyl l carnitine with dmso.
vitaminc c with dmso.
vit e with dmso.
msm with dmso.
iodine with dmso.
magnesium with dmso.
Apply all of them once a day but from time to time switch up and do something more and something less. Get everything in the most bioavailable form.Mixing all together is possible but some might interact.
make glasses with solutions and apply them unto a clean white cloth. Wrap around your dick soaked with the solution. Wrap a dmso safe plastic wrap around it.
I do clamp my dick lightly during the first 10 minutes to avoid the supps to go systemical and stay with my dick.
Apply as often as possible and keep the skin moist between applications cause any big skin irritations will stop further applications.
Using at most 80% dmso is for me a good way to avoid skin irritation. Star slow with maybe a 10 minute application.
My experience is that the plagues get softer and will get smaller over a long time. All the above supps are said to help with scar tissue and fibrous plagues.
Whenever I stop application for more then one day they get hard again.
Add Ubiquinol oral therapy and everything that is good vs. scars. Enzymes on empty stomach might help too (bromelaine, nattokinase, serrapeptase).
Keep your dick always with blood circulation. healthy fresh blood.
You have to be in a good health state. Good blood circulation. Read about alkaline food.
Your pelvic floor needs to be relaxed. aim for 100’% relaxation. ( light reverse kegels. Every tenseness needs to go)
I think thats what HF is about and some pages back it is maybe explained.
Stretch your dick lightly and look out for any tenseness you can let go during that.
Dont pinch the plagues and refrain from hard masturbation or sex. Massage of the plagues might be ok
I do all that but Its hard to keep up and progress is slow with peyronies.
If I get rid of my plagues within 3 years of daily applications Im happy.