Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

drops of blood from urethra due to manual stretching?


Originally Posted by Printman
Dr. Gus

OK … So you’re an MD … I guess that makes me a “little” less concerned.
Also … you’re in the UK … so I understand the trama associated with entering into the NHS phone center hell required to see a specialist.

That said … I still don’t think that ANY form of PE should cause ANY sort of bleeding for ANY reason … EVER.
When I do my manual stretches … here is how it goes. I use a cotton comfort rag and I grab my John Thomas with an under hand grip and pull pretty much as hard as I can for 45 seconds … up down left and right.
I do this for 4 or 5 sets with 5 or 10 uli’s in between each set. When I first started out I got some red dots on the glans but that went away after a week and it hasn’t re-occured.
No blood … not any … not EVER.

If you are bleeding it is very unlikely that it is the very tame and unaggressive routine that you have been doing that has caused it … particularly if you are not new to PE.
My concern is that it is potentially something else that has changed that the PE is exascerbating.

Doctors (God bless your little white socks) are historically UNBELIEVEABLY BAD at self diagnosis. This is not a new concept

At a minimum … get onto one of your “Doctor” blogs or websites … or find an old med-school buddy that decided to specialize in urology and have a Doctor-to-Doctor phone call with a urologist just to verify that you are correct and that their years of study as a specialist has left them no more insightful than a qualified MD.

This is an investment of a couple hours max … that you can do it from your couch in your boxer shorts … you don’t even need to put your pants on

Wow… What a mixed message… Hostility packaged as helpfulness. Or help packaged as hostility. You tell me.
Thanks… I guess…
I’m not sure how to respond to this.

So you suggest I call a friend and say:
“I have pulled REALLY REALLY hard on my penis and now I found a droplet of blood on the tissue I was using to be able to pull even harder… What is your medical opinion?”
Are you even remotely serious? You don’t need medschool to come up with an answer:
“Stop pulling!! And if it continues to bleed, THEN come back to see me.”

So, YES, I am concerned I caused trauma. And so I won’t do this again. But am I worried that I have underlying penile/prostate cancer, STIs, or whatever? No. Would I see a doctor immediately when this happens when not doing PE? Sure thing! But I am talking extreme point pressure on the glans here (grip + grip the gripping hand to increase that grip).

Anyway, I guess I appreciate you took the time to respond and help me out. Still am not sure why you were being a bit snarky though.
(PS: my socks are black. I mean, why did you even say that??)


I had blood coming out from my penis. It is not a sign of STD or diseases etc..

These threads are on the same topic:
Blood From Penis
Blood came out during vacuum hanging

As a side note: I would avoid, any time a guy posts about an issue, to make the most theoretic speculations about possible illness - and even less cures or medicines to take. If you had something similar happening to you, post about; if not, don’t be carried making online diagnosis, because this is going only to cause frightening anxiety on the guy who is asking for advice, without any odds to be helpful. If you suspect he could have a serious disease, just advice him to speak with a doctor, without saying ‘that could be this or this other illness’.

I’m not pointing any finger, just speaking in general terms.

I’ve had this happen to me and it really didn’t bother me that much either. I would just stop my exercise and continue with it a few hours later. I started warming up with a washcloth and haven’t had it happen in a while. Never got any pain or anything but it was weird to see.

Thanks everyone for their input. I have changed my routine, and will report back in a couple of weeks to let you know whether this solved the problem.


No hostility intended … Just a bit of poor judgement and sarcasm with a lack of sensitivity.

I’ll admit that I didn’t do the math on how the conversation with a med school buddy would have to go … That was a dumb idea.

I wish That I could offer some diagnosis or verification that this is a passing thing … But I can’t. Possibly I am too quick to get a doctors opinion …

From the other responses it sounds. Like you are not alone in your experience. I think that a change to your routine is a sensible approach. I guess a slightly more conservative approach may be taking a 2 - 3 week decon break and then start back slowly.

Starting (10 / 2011): 6.50 BPEL, 5.50 MEG

Current: 7.50 BPEL, 6.00 MEG

Goal: 8.50 BPEL 6.50 MEG

Cool, many thanks for your input!
I am indeed taking a break.

Originally Posted by Printman
No hostility intended … Just a bit of poor judgement and sarcasm with a lack of sensitivity.

I’ll admit that I didn’t do the math on how the conversation with a med school buddy would have to go … That was a dumb idea.

I wish That I could offer some diagnosis or verification that this is a passing thing … But I can’t. Possibly I am too quick to get a doctors opinion …

From the other responses it sounds. Like you are not alone in your experience. I think that a change to your routine is a sensible approach. I guess a slightly more conservative approach may be taking a 2 - 3 week decon break and then start back slowly.

Are you sure its from the urethra?

Today i had a small spot of blood on my left finger and i was almost freaking out, until i noticed that it came from that thin “strand” on the middle of the underside of the glans (the one that runs to the urethra opening).

Thats a very vulnerable part. A friend of mine actually ripped his “strand” in half when he was pumping a girl doggystyle. The girl freaked out cus he’s pretty hung, she thought he had ripped her insides. Turned out the guy was the one taking a beating :D
Oh and the guy healed just fine.

yeah, I think so… I’ll check it next time, which I hope will be never.



It hasn’t happened anymore now that I grip with one hand only. I’m not sure what this will do to my gains (because I can stretch less hard), but the point pressure on my glans is much less now, and I feel much better about it. Clearly, any blood is a sign of bad technique, and better no gains than a broken unit.

I had this happen... No lasting problem

I had this problem, a few drops of blood from my urethra during jelqing. I just stopped jelqing, blood stopped. Gave it a few days rest, no problems to report. That was like two years ago, no problem since.

2008 Starting size: 5.25 BPEL, 5.5 girth, vol. 12.7

2009 Plateau reached 6.5 BPEL, 6.0 girth, vol. 18.6

Stretching the external urethra

Yes, practice makes perfect. I work out every 2 days for about 1 to 2 hours by Hegar dilator. Of course, a Pain Relief gel is helpful for a diameter increase. I use Xylocaine gel 2%. Then of course you have to be careful that you do not increase too fast, because you can hurt yourself otherwise, because you feel less pain. So slowly increase the diameter. The only way I can take the next leap 0.5 mm in 2-3 months. Meanwhile, I’m at 18 mm, I started at 6 mm diameter. A 12,5 mm diameter and 19 cm long Hegar dilator I get past the prostate. Very pleasant feeling, then I can masturbate just fine. There are in the urethra into the bladder on the way three constrictions. The first is the lack of space which is located on the gloss side at the level of the frenulum approach. The second bottleneck is at the entrance prostate and prostate. The third bottleneck is the bubble entrance.

Masturbation is better than sex!

This happens to me when I stretch downwards, god knows why.

I’ve tried taking a rest for a couple of weeks twice keeps happening eventually,
Now I’m doing only fulcrum stretches I’ll leave downward stretches for a down the road maybe I’ll wait 6 months
But no big deal.
My penis it’s fully functional only happens when I stretch downwards.
I guess it’s a little injury that needs months of rest, so I’ll focus on fulcrum stretches in the mean time


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