Blood came out during vacuum hanging
I was hanging 9-12lbs with a vacuum hanger, straight out (SO), and I had my glans wrapped in tape. There was slight pain, but I thought it was fatigue, and then I decided to end at the 3rd set. I removed the vacuum cup, and I noticed there was some blood in there. Not sure how much, maybe 1-2ml, it could be less, but I was freaked out anyways.
I remember I did become erect while hanging because maybe I had some sexual thought, I don’t remember. I need to know what happened, where did the blood came from or why. There is no visible damage on the glans, so I assume it came out through the urethra.
I know something must have ruptured inside my penis but I don’t know what, so I stopped hanging and it’s been a week so far. I noticed my erections aren’t that hard anymore, it takes time to get erections, and I stopped getting night time erections since that day. I did get night erection once/twice but it wasn’t that hard. I’m hardly getting horny, so it somehow effected my libido I think, but I have masturbated couple of times, just so I could check if my dick is working ok. I did get hard, and I did cum, but my erection is not that hard and I don’t feel pain.
I’m getting worried, will my dick get healed? What happened, where did the blood came from? What ruptured? How long will it take to heal? When should I start hanging? Will light hanging (2-3lbs) help heal my penis quicker? What can I do to get healed quickly?
I’m really panicking right now, I need your support guys.