Drunken Clamping = Bad Idea
I’ve been PEing with jelqs ADS (+6h) and kegels for 3 weeks. Note, I had also pre-emptively bought some cable clamps (stupid).
Last week I jelqed a bit too hard and got a couple of bruises, nothing serious but I decided to hold off untill they were completely gone, which took 5 agonising days!
That saturday night, I went out, ended up lonely and came home, decided to rub one out, but I was so drunk I couldn’t remain ‘excited’! Being incredibly drunk, I decided to chuck on a cable clamp on what I thought was a low tightness (with a cut up sock for a wrap) to help me reach climax. Well, I still couldn’t manage it (lol) but persevered for some time, taking the clamp off occasionally. So I was actually jacking it while wearing the clamp. Which i know is extremely stupid. I was extremely drunk. Eventually I gave up and passed out on my bed.
Woke up in the morning and when I went to take a piss I noticed my dick had this BULGE on the top side of it. It was like this soft, well, bulge, that I can squish and move around a bit with my finger. It didn’t hurt at all. Also the overall girth of my whole penis (not measuing the particular bulgy bit) save the head was about an inch larger than normal. There was no discolouration or anything.
That was two days ago and I haven’t really had any problems, it has been a little bit tender on the bulgy bit but apart from that it’s been fine.
I can still get normal erections but i’ve decided to avoid all penis related activity untill it feels normal again. The bulge has now gone down a bit I’m pretty sure, though the shaft still seems way more girthy than normal in the flacid state, I’m not sure about the erect state, avoiding erections and PE atm.
I did some searching and thought it’s possibble this is the Donut Effect, but what I’m experiencing doesn’t seem to quite match it. Though a lymph fluid accumulation does seem to make sense.
So any suggestions as to what’s happened? And, more importantly, assuming the buldge has completely gone in a day or so, how long before it’d be okay for me to start PE’ing again safely (and lock those nasty cable clamps safely away).