everything went wrong
I started PE about 6 years ago and have been impotent for 4 years. I first had amazing results with jelqing, my engorgement was crazy high. The girls i was with were blown away with my girth and power. It felt great. I was using a power jelqing device(canning lifter) after about a year it snapped and so i just stopped and resorted to pumping. One day I was pumping and i couldn’t get it up so i just brushed it off and pumped flaccid. This happened a few times until i tried to have sex and i couldn’t keep it up. I was terrified and threw out my pump. At this point I wasn’t aware of thundersplace. I should’ve ignored my penis and let it heal for a good couple of weeks to a month. That would’ve saved my life but I was in the "use it or lose it" state of mind. So i spent my time trying to masterbate and watch porn as much as possible even though it wasn’t fully functional. I got some viagra and went at it. Things were going downhill so i went to the urologist who did a penile doppler ultrasound which showed arterial insufficiency, if he new better he would have told me i needed time off everything. I was constantly checking my penis with masterbation losing my mind.
Fastforward 2 years later still dealing with ED. I was at the end of my rope, totally devastated and desperate. So i searched for answers. I found shockwave therapy which would’ve cost me 4000$ which wasn’t possible for me. A little while later i discovered men online getting shockwave machines from aliexpress with great results restoring erectile function. So i studied their protocol and went at it. After a handful of treatments i started leaking urine in my underwear all day long which is happening to this day. I also developed soft glans syndrome which refers to a flaccid glans and corpus spongiosum no matter how hard your erection gets.
Fast forward another 2 years now i’m completely impotent and my only hope is a penile implant for 20 000$. The worst thing is that with the implant I will get engorged but it does nothing for my flaccid glans during erection.
All day everyday I’m now plagued with overwhelming thoughts of suicide. I can’t stop thinking of killing myself, it’s stronger then me. I don’t think I’m going to make it. I almost called the suicide hotline but I was afraid they would trace my call and put me in the psych ward. I started searching for ways to kill myself that will look like an accident so it wouldn’t have as much of an impact on my loved ones. I can’t go on like this, I’m losing my mind. I don’t think things could’ve been any worse then this. The distress is pilling up daily, I can’t do it. I don’t know why I’m writing all this here, i just don’t know what to do.
I know this site can have some pretty aggressive users but please don’t respond with comments of my ignorance towards PE. I hate myself enough as it is I don’t need your comments making this even worse for me.