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Extender injury - 10 months ago - Please help

Extender injury - 10 months ago - Please help

I couldn’t post in Injury forum because I am new member, but need help.


I injured myself 10 months ago. Penis extender injury.

History: 3 weeks prior to injury I was using extender device somewhat aggressively. On the day of injury, I was wearing shorts and the extender was on and penis was angled to the right so it fit in shorts, and then I felt a sandpaper rubbing feeling on a particular spot on left under-side of lower penis, where the stretching was greatest because penis was angled to the right. It was not particularly painful, but it felt weird, like something had been over-pulled. I discontinued use of extender at that moment. This was how injury occurred. I have not used extender since.

I had used extender device at very low levels of intensity in the past several years, and I am a somewhat experienced user, but this time I guess I pushed it too far.

- First week after injury: felt like fresh pull of muscle or tendon, similar to how I’ve felt in past with shoulder or athletic injuries. Not super sensitive but inflamed. In first week I iced and took anti-inflammatory ibuprofen.
- During first month after injury: penis was mostly turtled, and I was using mostly ice compresses to calm inflammation and still anti-inflammatory ibuprofen.
- During second month after injury: turtling had mostly calmed, and was using ice to calm inflammation feeling and did warm compresses with hot wet cloth to soothe pain

By end of second month injury had stabilized, and now 10 months since injury, it is basically the same as it was after 2 months:
- Feels like cold throbing bruise all the time in same particular spot on left under-side of penis near base. Persistent cold pain of 1 out of 10, feels like a very thin scalpel has been inserted into the injury spot and it is staying there. Not sharp but dull aching cold pain.
- Sensitive to physical touch - touching it feels like pushing on a bruise.

Movement, including walking up several flights of stairs, going for a longer walk, swimming, jumping, squats, fast movements such as kicking my leg all seem to aggravate the spot and cause inflammation, presumably re-injuring it. For example, if I go for a walk for 15-20 minutes, the spot gets an inflamed feeling afterwards, with pain level of 1-3 out of 10, and I need to not move for a day or so for the pain to subside.

Saw urologist about 6 weeks ago. They did extensive ultrasound. He said “nothing was severed, but white tissue around corpus cavernosum has been injured and inflammation is seen”. He said to take Nimesil (aka Nimesulide, stronger anti-inflammatory) twice a day for a week and advised no sex, no erections and also said “I am surprised that movement like walking aggravates it, but if it hurts, don’t do it - so don’t walk, do squats, swim, etc.”

I have followed his instructions and still feel same level of pain and symptoms as I did 2 months after injury.

I had sex a few times after the injury but have basically stopped all sex and erections for the past 9 months, with the exception of night wood which occurs without pain, but those are generally not full erections. The few times I’ve had a full erection since injury it has been 1 out of 10 on pain scale on that spot, and I feel the spot of injury is sensitive and weak and bruised feeling, and with full erection a pulling feeling. Full erections are straight, maybe angled 5% to the left coming out of the base (meaning straight penis itself, but pointing 5% to left), but if I recall correctly, it was like this prior to injury. Urine passes more angled to the left than post-injury, maybe 10% to the left, whereas in the past it was 2% angled to the left.

When I do visual inspection today, I see left side of penis around where injury occurred is very slightly purple/brown bruised looking compared to other side in same spot. Also the left side around where injury occurred is slightly less “full” looking than the right side - left under-side of penis corpus cavernosum area seems like it is very slightly “deflated” in unerect state.

Because this injury has not changed much for the last 8 months, I am looking for help:
- Advice and help with healing and recovery. Things I can do or not do to speed recovery.
- Recommendations on better urologists, rehabilitation clinics, procedures that can speed recovery.
- Any long-term concerns I should keep an eye on and bring up with doctor

Please PM me or reply here. Really appreciate any suggestions or thoughts.

Overall: Age: 41, Good health, normal weight, no smoking, no recreational drugs, no prescriptions.

Note that because this is important to me, and because I am so busy with work, I can potentially pay you to help me with research or for your knowledge etc as most doctors don’t seem to know what they’re doing and for me time is money.

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By the way, has anyone used this “Aspirin protocol” to prevent scar tissue and stop inflammation:

1) first eat: 1 tablespoon honey (manuka may be better) (empty stomach)
2) then eat: 1 tablespoon psyllium husk (or 2 tablespoons collagen or gelatin)
3) then crush 1-3 x 325 mg aspirin (or crystals) into glass
4) add to glass: 1/2 teaspoon ascorbic acid
5) add to glass: 1 teaspoon baking soda
6) then add hot water (can be boiling), let it fizz, then drink
7) take 1mg of k2 for each aspirin I take per day (stops bruising or bleeding)

I have started using it.

Also, anyone have any thoughts on possibility that there could be internal infection at the injury site? Can this happen internally?

Originally Posted by johnyandex
Also, anyone have any thoughts on possibility that there could be internal infection at the injury site? Can this happen internally?

As far as I know tears within homogenous tissues without contact with the ”outside” like urethra or intestines etc. shouldnt cause infections as there shouldnt be any foreign pathogens present or introduced by mechnism of the tissue rupture. So question I have is is this diagnosed as only an injury in the cc wall or is it a tunica injury or is it a ligament attachment injury? A weakenes ligament attachment I would think would be prone to continually getting sore since connective tissues like ligaments are pretty bad and slow at healing?

First thing that comes to my mind is injection of TB500 healing promoting peptide at the place of injury, maybe you could ask your doctor about tjat or research it yourself. It can be injected with a minimal invasive insulin needle like trimix etc is.

So basically your nocturnal erection are for the most part pretty good?

Originally Posted by srsabpe
Is this diagnosed as only an injury in the CC wall or is it a tunica injury or is it a ligament attachment injury? A weakenes ligament attachment I would think would be prone to continually getting sore since connective tissues like ligaments are pretty bad and slow at healing?

First thing that comes to my mind is injection of TB500 healing promoting peptide at the place of injury, maybe you could ask your doctor about tjat or research it yourself. It can be injected with a minimal invasive insulin needle like trimix etc is.

Thanks for response. The urologist said the “white tissue around Corpus cavernosum has been injured” so I presume he means tunica. When I look at anatomy pictures it doesn’t seem like the ligament that was injured, but I could be wrong. So probably tunica. But I will check with him and reply back here.

Re TB500 that is a great suggestion. I will ask him about it. Being that “TB500 is a peptide that is identical in structure and function to Thymosin Beta-4, a natural wound healing protein comprised of 43 amino acids that is produced by the thymus gland” (, do you know of an oral supplement one can take to stimulate this protein production from the thymus gland?

I have heard of thymus thumping ( Do you know if this stimulates production of Thymosin Beta-4?

Originally Posted by Jimmybob55
So basically your nocturnal erection are for the most part pretty good?

In the last few weeks, yes nocturnal erections are ok. Prior to that not really.

What changed? A few week ago I started doing:

1) Aspirin protocol mentioned above (2 aspirin pills, daily)
2) DMSO + Iodine (Lugol) + Magnesium rub once per week on the spot (in ratio of 4:2: 3 drops, with thin layer of castor first)
3) 1 drop Progesterone applied to spot once per week (with thin layer of vitamin E first)
4) Started very gentle masturbation of glans only to get erections (5 minutes, once or twice per week)

Any suggestions?

Note: A few weeks ago each time masturbating I noticed in erect state that my glans shape is different when compared to before the injury occurred. Basically the left side of the glans is not as full as the right side. The injury (mentioned at top of this thread) occurred on the left side of the shaft near the base. It looks like the attached photo (it is not me, but photo captures idea). (Note also that angle of urine passing is slightly to the left post-injury)

Why would left side of glans have less fullness? (attached photo)

Any ideas on what is going on?

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By the way, does anyone know of a good list of the best urologists in North America and also internationally. Where is a good place to start?

I think they are pretty good in china and asian countries, many novel procedures offered.

Start 7.28

Goal 9.2 nbp

Thought I’d post an update on the above injury. Basically, it is still the same. Except for inflammation also in the hip and inguinal ligament area now, and flaccid penis hangs to left whereas before it was hanging straight. When I sit for longer than 20 minutes, entire pelvis gets cold and blood flow stops to pelvis and penis and then the spot of injury feels like cold open cavity sucking in flesh. Painful to touch the spot of original injury. Discomfort in that spot during erection. Inflammation in that spot after erection, for up to 48 hours. Left side corpus is smaller than right side, and left side glans is smaller than right side now. I’ve had 2 MRI’s, and docs found nothing. 2 ultrasounds and docs just saw inflammation. At this point I am thinking something about the fascia.. I’ve seen osteopath and when they push my stomach, that spot gets sore. So maybe fascial adhesion / scar tissue and knot in the fascia? Also thinking possible internal infection.. Superficial thrombophlebitis perhaps caused by internal infection which was brought on by injury?

Any other ideas??

Highly appreciated.

Hey man, did you ever consider (I’m pretty sure you did) personally that this is may be serious nerve injury. I believe serious ones can take long times to heal, some never do.

Anyway I actually injured my dick about 2 years ago from jelqing and caused a probably 1 year and 4 month nerve injury in my opinion.

My urologist couldn’t help too much unfortunately (still a smart guy in my opinion), literally the only thing that caused about a 96% recovery overtime was having periods of time of not ejaculating, icing with frozen water in a baggie (maybe once per day ten minutes), and really staying present and focused while icing.

This is all simultaneously, and it may not work for you personally, it did for me (even though it took over a year and I was not that consistent), either way, I hope you can have a full recovery.

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