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8 months injury

8 months injury

Please move it to the injury forum.
I was doing PE, and I think it have caused this injury I will describe(8 months ago), and it lasts up until now.
I can’t put up with the pain anymore. It has not grown stronger, but I just can’t tolerate it no more, so please help me.

Pain symptoms:
It hurts only on the right side, from the glans up to the base, and even below through the balls, but I think it is not from the balls, but from the inner penis.
It hurts almost constantly, and I think it hurts more now because it is summer and it is hot. When I go for a walk or go out and drink I forget about the pain, but I can’t work, I can’t do something hard, and that is the huge problem, so please please help me somehow.
Interesting symptom is that when I touch the glans at the right side it gets painful as a reaction on touch.
Also, when I pee there is some more pee left after peeing, I mean I can’t get it all out even after milking my penis. It was not like that before.(I don’t know if this connects)
And the only possible visual symptom is that when I am erect there is something little white(not totally, but more than middle artery), and it stretches through right side of the shaft like a vein, and I think it was not there before. It is also hard on touch. But, I can’t press anywhere on penis and say : “Oh it hurts there”, except for glans, but the pain is throughout whole penis as I described.

As for erection problems, I think there are none severe, since I can feel it get up a little even while standing on a street talking to a hot girl, as is normal since I am 18 yo. Please help me. It is not that strong but the pain somehow paralyses me. Thanks in advance!

BPEL 6.7'', EG 5.8''

Really .8 months.. Are you mad.. Get to a doctor and get it looked at?

Sounds like an inflamed lymph canal. Why haven’t you been to a doctor?

I have been at 2 urologists in my city, they basically looked only my testicles which are fine and said nothing more, now I am going for an better urologist/surgeon in capital city..

Yes I am mad, mainly because this is not the only health issue bothering me, and my family is breaking apart, and I have no strength to do anything because when I try pain paralyses me..

If it is inflamed lymph canal, how is it treated, and what are chances for recovery?

BPEL 6.7'', EG 5.8''

Here is the link to the picture of that thing I said was white, it is also hard as a guitar string, and it follows the pain line, I just don’t know if it is the cause of the pain, because I have the similar one on upper left side and it is not painful, and I also don’t know what it is.

BPEL 6.7'', EG 5.8''

I am not a doctor but here is my two cents.

If I understood correctly you are experiencing pain in the right cc which reaches the glans and down below your right testicle.

I saw your picture and your penis looks fine to me.

I guess what you did is you pulled a ligament or a nerve on you right side of your penis and the pain <<echoes >> iin all your right side. Does the pain feel stronger if you put pressure where the base of your penis meets your right testicle.? There is a soft spot there. Put some pressure on it. If you feel a sharp pain it’s a ligament. Apply some heat, massage the spot softly and try having your penis pointing your right leg at any time to keep the ligament/nerve loose.It will heal.

If you don’t experience any pain in that spot then, in my opinion, Marinera is right, there is some kind of inflammation and you should see a doctor.

BPEL 7 EG 5.5 NBPEL 6.5 Flaccid length 4.5. Started Jan 2015 at bpel 6.5 nbpel 6.0 and eg 5.2 flaccid length was 3.5

I have reached my goal. At least for now.

I can’t feel the pain spot there, but it is painful when moving around, or if I put it to point ground.

I went to and expert urologist, which couldn’t tell, touch or see anything wrong with the penis, and has now sent me to another urologist in 10 days. The pain still remains unchanged. Losing hope.

BPEL 6.7'', EG 5.8''

Don’t lose hope. You can and will fix it. Did you check your prostate? Simple blood test can show if there is an infection. Very cheap.You may only need antibiotics if that’s the case.

BPEL 7 EG 5.5 NBPEL 6.5 Flaccid length 4.5. Started Jan 2015 at bpel 6.5 nbpel 6.0 and eg 5.2 flaccid length was 3.5

I have reached my goal. At least for now.

I think I have already done blood tests. THE PAIN REMAINS THE SAME. REALLY HARD TIMES HERE.
The doctor suspects either Peyronies, or the pain connected to my discus-hernia in back (L4-L5), and since I am quite young so Peyronie is a hard call, they will probably send me to neuro-surgeon or what ever to surgery or something which I DON’T think will help BECAUSE:
FIRST TIME I FELT PAIN WAS 2-3 WEEKS AFTER STARTING DOING PE, and after strong stretches when 60-70 percent erect pointing bottom because I curve a lot upwards when erect.

What are the chances that my pain is due to my back, when it started due to (I think) this?
Please any advice?

BPEL 6.7'', EG 5.8''

There is a chance. From what I heard and know I can only say that. Spine issues can cause problems to your dick. I just can’t say that this is the case. But I strongly suggest to see the neuro-surgeon.

BPEL 7 EG 5.5 NBPEL 6.5 Flaccid length 4.5. Started Jan 2015 at bpel 6.5 nbpel 6.0 and eg 5.2 flaccid length was 3.5

I have reached my goal. At least for now.

Just reading this thread makes my dick feel sore. I read similar experiences on webmd or some other type of site when I was first injured the day before around Nov. 25, 2014. I experienced pain initially after my injury, in the bottom part of the shaft, starting from the glans, to the frenulum, and the pain terminated toward the circumcision scar. That was one hot spot. Most of my pain was in the glans of my penis. And this pain peaked two weeks after the injury. The first week, the pain was more dull, then it just screamed one day after masturbating. The first few months I experienced unbearable pain in my glans, like a burning and strong aching feeling. The pain was so severe that I couldn’t think straight and felt suicidal. The weird part is I experienced no erectile dysfunction, and I could urinate but it was not pleasant and it took a long time to finish. At this point, as a former opioid addict, I made the difficult choice to visit a croaker doctor, posing as a gastroenterologist and a house plant, and he gave me as many 0.5/325 Norco hydrocodone tablets as I wanted after I told him I fucked up and hurt my dick really bad. The hydrocodone didn’t do much, so I decided to ask my dad to give me 30mg of morphine sulphate a day from my late mother’s morphine supply. She died of lung cancer a few months before this injury, and my family has already been ripped apart because of this. It only made the situation more unbearable for me. I would also combine morphine and tramadol for a while because this combination helped a lot for the pain….a lot. Then after a few weeks I snorted about a total amount of ~0.5g of raw `85% heroin….and it took me about four days to finish it. Then I said to myself, my mother wouldn’t want me doing heroin and I went back to the croaker doctor and he put me on buprenorphine/naloxone, 2mg a day, which helped a lot for the pain. I also was prescribed clonazepam and baclofen, which I take regularly, and occasionally even take hydroxizine, which is the only non-addictive substance listed.

I still felt pain, even on all these drugs. Once the pain went away, after 8 months, I started light pumping and my dick felt healthy, strong and robust. So, I continued on, increasing my PE intake and now I am taking some time off dealing with a soar penis. My penis is aching right now, in the bottom part of the shaft, right below the circumcision scar from typing about this. The pain will probably subside after I post this and will linger for about an hour. Really, psychological, physical pain is difficult to deal with.

Once you experience injuries like us, that last longer than 6 months; once the pain goes away, the new, neural connections you made, connected to suffering and thinking about your penis injury and how your life is in tatters, leaves a potent sting that really doesn’t go away. Unless you are 100% pain free, these emotional scars will never go away.

I recommend seeing a psychiatrist as well as keeping up with the urologist. There is nothing the urologist can do for us though. Even after thorough testing with radiology and ultrasounds, they probably won’t notice anything unless it is very apparent. I’m not even sure if the urologist can tell you if you hurt a nerve unless it is completely crushed or severed, which isn’t the case with us.

As far as your prognosis, bottom line, I mentioned that I read similar experiences to yours and this one guy healed after a few years, but he stressed that he didn’t start to heal until he went on a “dick vacation” as someone put it, in the thread. He didn’t masturbate, have sex, or touch his penis for 10 months and even wore briefs when he did some running or jogging because he speculated that having his dick bouncing around was not good.

I’m sorry for your pain but hang in there it gets better. I wouldn’t put to much emphasis into this person’s experience, since no case is the same. So healing times will vary considerably on the individual and how severe the injury was, and what type of injury it is. As far as I know, nerves will heal, as long as the cell bodies are not destroyed. When people severe nerves, or crush nerves to hamburger status, the outlook is permanent. It takes nerves anywhere from 4 to 18 months to heal, so it is pretty tricky.

Just stay positive, I don’t believe most PE injuries are permanent, but your case, and even my case, we may need to take a dick vacation for a year.

Before: 7” bpel * 4.9” meg

Current stats: 8” bpel * 5.2” meg

5.5” beg; 4.5” geg

I see a lot of Injuries on here from first timers. What’s your routine? This def. Strengthens my decision to start the routine at 2 days a week 3 rest days in between b/c this is new for me. How is your injury doing now and why did you wait so long?

I have a slight bulge at l5 too, but what causes the pain is a locked illiopsoas(runs from your spine to your pelvis I think)my strained/torn muscle is on the right, I had had some success with just working these muscles(just general core strenthening), you don’t want to be re-injuring yourself

I got the white thing on my cock too on the underside slightly to the right, I think it’s due to nerve compression higher up, trust me man you can get better, I’m a big advocate for bowen therapy, forget about the urologists if your dick is not severely damaged you are wasting your money most of the time. Get the surrounding muscle groups stronger.

I'm more concerned about EQ than gains.

Delete above post please; missed the edit timer

I have a slight bulge at l5 too, but what causes my pain is a locked illiopsoas(runs from your spine(sacrum?)to your pelvis I think)my strained/torn muscle is on the right, I had had some success with just working these muscles(just general core strenthening), you don’t want to be re-injuring yourself though go easy if you feel unstable in any stretch ease up and think about your form. Granted your spine issues are a contributing factor

I got the white thing on my cock too on the underside slightly to the right more prominent when erect though there have been times when erect the white thing isnt there at all., IMO I think it’s due to nerve compression higher up, trust me man you can get better(I did), I’m a big advocate for bowen therapy, forget about the urologists if your dick is not severely damaged no offence because I’ve been there but I think we are wasting our money most of the time I was like whats this white thing man its new he was like thats normal bro. Thanks heres your $150 I could have 3 hour bowen session for this price

some of these stretches could help relieve the compression. Fig.10 is the exact thing my bowen therapist (I assume most bowen therapists) does at the start of a session

I have the urinary retention(sometimes) and the white thing but mine is closer to the centre on the underside, I’ll ask you this bro do you feel like you are in decent physical shape? Can you get that last bit of urine out if you focus on relaxing?
Does your pelvis feel tilted a little?
Anyway our injuries might be completly different I’m just trying to share the info which helped me. For me bowen is the real deal people will say it’s just voodoo or quackery, take your pick

PM me if you want

I'm more concerned about EQ than gains.

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