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Seeking answers, 2 months in with no real gains

Seeking answers, 2 months in with no real gains

I’ve been doing PE for about 2 months now (2.5 months if you count trial and error with the Bathmate). My starting measurements were roughly 5.65 NBPEL, 5.0 EG. I used the correct method of measuring but my BPEL isn’t very consistent (could be EQ or the fact that I’m losing a fair amount of weight). I recently measured my BPEL at roughly 6.8 to 7.0, yet my NBPEL and EG have not shown gains after a solid 2 months (not post pump, which has EG at up to 5.5). This could be due to a variety of things including inconsistent measuring (fabric tape ruler), inconsistent EQ, being a slow gainer or possibly poor technique/routine. I’m hoping someone more experienced can help me out and shed some light on this.

My current routine is as follows:

5 way stretches and rotations, 2 sets of 30sec each direction
150 jelqs (began this less than a week ago)
15min using Bathmate

I have a SG extender that I used most of May, but due to time constraints now, it’s difficult to fit that in with the rest of my routine, workout, dinner, etc.

I use moisturizer for jelqing as opposed to lube since cleanup is easier. I do find it difficult to stay at the correct erection level while jelqing. I start mostly flaccid and eventually end up with around a 90% erection.

When stretching, my only concern is cutting off circulation to the glans. After a few stretches, it’s red from having to squeeze enough to get a good grip. This goes away fairly quickly, but I’m wondering if this can negatively affect the small red dots (micro-tears maybe?) that I sometimes get from using the BM.

As far as the BM goes, I started slow (5min or less, flaccid) and worked my way up (15min, mostly erect) over the past two months. Sometimes I’ll get small red dots on the shaft/glans from too much pressure/time, but they are gone the next morning 95% of the time. I know some people discourage the use of the BM for those fairly new to PE, but I haven’t had any issues so far and it certainly feels like it’s working the tissue and ligaments when I stretch. The post pump is also encouraging even though temporary, as EG increases around half an inch.

My EQ hasn’t been as good as usual lately, but I’m fairly sure I know why this is. I’m taking an ADHD medication which has the side effect of lowered libido and used to cause turtling (my flaccid hang has improved lately, so that’s something). I’ve also been working through some stuff with my gf for the past 4 months (no sex or intimacy for 3 months now). To counteract this, I’ve been using a small amount of tadalafil and occasionally smoking something extra before my BM routine (no problems with EQ after that). That’s not to say my EQ is horrible without a little help, it just isn’t what it used to be under ideal circumstances.

I just recently added rest days, as I used to use the BM every day. I never had issues doing it every day, but I figured it’d be a good idea in order to achieve the best results. I’m planning on Mondays and Fridays being rest days.

Sorry for the long winded post, I wanted to get all my thoughts down in one place to make it easier. I understand PE is a marathon, not a sprint. I plan to stay dedicated to PE despite the lack of noticeable gains. It’s a bit discouraging to not see results after a period of time, which is why I decided to make this post. Hopefully, some PE veterans can chime in with some helpful comments.


Welcome to the forum.

You made the mistake of throwing the kitchen sink at the problem and assuming that highly advertised tools are good tools.

Put the tools away in a box and don’t touch them. Go back to basics. Start with a really limited routine and hope that you haven’t fucked your progress by going in too hard. The Newbie routine is a good starting point.

Jelqing is something that is of major importance but you’ve only recently added it.

Consistency is also important. Chopping and changing all the time will not get you to your goal. You probably need to watch the tendency to constantly modify things in the hope that you crack the secret (the secret is regular, continuous plodding towards your goal slowly increasing intensity as you are forced to).

Thunder's Place: increasing penis size one dick at a time.

Put the pump aside (for now). Get or build an extender you can do at least 4 hours a day in without interfering in your life. Keep up with the jelqing, even if it’s not causing growth directly it’s important for keeping the unit healthy. Extenders are proven for lengthening and both exercises are complimentary and relatively safe. Don’t forget heat, apply wherever and whenever possible.

28 Aug 2014: 6.25" x 6" (MEG) >>>>>>>> 30 Dec 2015: 7.25" x 6.5" (MEG)

Goal: Pump 40 min 2x daily 6 mos start 8/23/17 PICS AND PROGRESS

PE Growth Rate Study | Most Efficient Gainers List

Extenders are not proven. There is some very shoddy research paid for by companies that make the extenders. At best it’s a call for further research. Even the reports we have of extenders working either fit into the newbie gains category (where anything works) or are the result of thousands of hours of use (and still not massive). I exclude cantlook from this, his experience is different and his use of extenders is different from the norm.

Thunder's Place: increasing penis size one dick at a time.

Ok, ‘proven’ was not a good choice of words. There is some evidence out there and relative to other bodies of scientific work it is shoddy, that’s true. I do believe it can be an effective method when combined with others like jelqing, and it does seem like he is in the market for some newbie gains.

28 Aug 2014: 6.25" x 6" (MEG) >>>>>>>> 30 Dec 2015: 7.25" x 6.5" (MEG)

Goal: Pump 40 min 2x daily 6 mos start 8/23/17 PICS AND PROGRESS

PE Growth Rate Study | Most Efficient Gainers List

2 months isn’t enough time.

BPEL: 8.35"/ NBPEL:7.0" /EG: Apprx. 5.5"

Originally Posted by TonyThaTyga
2 months isn’t enough time.


and might I add when you go into your bathmate try going fully erect. Listening to your penis into what kind of pressure you can handle and be careful. Good Luck.

Starting Stats: BPEL 7.4", MSEG 5.1" [16 May 09]

Current Stats: BPEL 8.25", USEG 5.75'', MSEG 5.5", BEG 6.75'' [7 Jun 15]

Long Term Goal: BPEL 8.5", MSEG 6.5"

Alright, so it sounds like I should lay off the BM for the time being, using it on an “as needed” basis for post pump maybe. I don’t like the idea of taking the BM out of my routine since I can feel it working, but I’ll set it to the side if I must.

I’m mostly curious about rest days. I’d love it if I could just avoid rest days all together and do PE every single day, but I realize that it probably wouldn’t be ideal.

My main concern is the red dots on my glans from gripping during stretches and jelqs. They may be fine, but I don’t want to keep at it and have the dots end up becoming permanent or something. I’m assuming the solution is to simply take rest days until it goes away, but I hate the idea of taking multiple days off and feeling like I’m slowing down any progress. I know it’s a long term commitment and can’t be rushed, but my personality is the type that can’t stand sitting still and not be working towards my goal.

I “threw the kitchen sink” at this because I hate taking half-measures (no pun intended). From everything I’ve read, manual PE is proven, but part of me still feels skeptical. Maybe it’s because it takes so long to see any kind of results or just the fact that I can’t feel it “working” like I can the BM. I’m afraid that if I just did manual PE that I might end up doing the exercises improperly and end up unknowingly wasting months or years with nothing to show. Either way, I’m not going to stop trying manual PE because a lack of results over X amount of months. When I find something I want, I tend to tunnel vision on it until I succeed. PE is no different, I may just be antsy if I don’t get results, but I’ll keep doing it.


You definitely have the right mentally but not the right approach from the very beginning. I would not regress from what you are doing now that would be a really dumb thing to do. Instead continue what you are doing but tweak your routine on the fly. Your penis is more use to the pressures of mechanical devices as a oppose to manual pressures. So with that being said I would up stretches some and slowly up your jelqs weekly and also add edging at the end of your sessions to help with your EQ. That would be the best approach from now. A routine from this point forward:

-Warm up x 10 mins
-stretch 15 mins
-continue your jelqs and 50 add every week from this point forward until you feel like the fatigue or tenderness in your penis.
-15 mins bathmate (go in fully erect) watch the pressure it will be a more than what you have been feeling in the past 2 months.
-15 mins edge without cumming.

Listen to your body and if you need a break or need to back off a little please do it. Good luck with your PE career. :-)

Starting Stats: BPEL 7.4", MSEG 5.1" [16 May 09]

Current Stats: BPEL 8.25", USEG 5.75'', MSEG 5.5", BEG 6.75'' [7 Jun 15]

Long Term Goal: BPEL 8.5", MSEG 6.5"

Just to reiterate the approach I am taking when I gave you that suggestion. The analogy I like to use is lets say it was your first time ever going swimming. Instead of sticking your feet in one at a time and testing the water temp and easing your self into the pool. You saw the swimming pool and took off running and jumped in and you had no idea how to swim. So instead of telling you to get back out the swimming pool and go test the water and slowly easing yourself back in; I am going to show you how to swimming, hell you already been drowning for 2 months….lol :-)

Starting Stats: BPEL 7.4", MSEG 5.1" [16 May 09]

Current Stats: BPEL 8.25", USEG 5.75'', MSEG 5.5", BEG 6.75'' [7 Jun 15]

Long Term Goal: BPEL 8.5", MSEG 6.5"

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