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No real gains from clamping, help please.

No real gains from clamping, help please.

Around the first week of June I started a clamping routine, and I basically followed this thread’s advice:Aristocane’s Thoughts On Clamping. I figured that since there were 2 prominent members (or 1 prominent, the other questionable to others apparently, but he still impressed the hell out of me) in agreement to what was being said, I should try using their method. So I started clamping for 3 sets for 10 minutes at high intensity (kegeling throughout the routine, being extremely hard etc.) roughly 6 days a week, only resting for roughly 1 minute in between sets. I only got at most 0.3 inches expansion while I did this, and I didn’t bother warming up because I really don’t think it does much (I have gotten length gains from manual stretching without warming up, and this thread: The PE Survey results!, question 15 says that warming up doesn’t help with gains but only injury prevention, something I have been fortunate enough so far to avoid).

I did not see any real gains (maybe 1/32 of an inch, but nothing that I couldn’t attribute to EQ) after 4 weeks, so I raised my workout to 3 x 15 minutes. 2 weeks later, again nothing really astonishing, but in total I gained maybe just over 1/16th of an inch. So I went from 4.7 MSEG to 4.75 inches MSEG in 6 weeks.

This kind of bother me, so I stopped clamping (July 18th was my last day). Since then I began kegeling (no formal routine, just doing it whenever) and I ended up gaining a bit, so now I am just under 4.8 (just under 4 and 13/16th inches) inches MSEG, which is because my EQ is very good (not to say it wasn’t good before).

My questions:

1. Did I do anything wrong with my clamping routine?

2. Since girth is what I am focusing on at the moment, does anyone have any suggestions as to what I should try?

Edit: By the way before this I had taking roughly 8 months off of PEing, just in case that changes anything.

You started off on a routine way to advanced. Starting off clamping, you should have gone 2 or 3 sets of 5 minutes and built it up over a period of weeks. Alot more rest time between sets are needed than just 1 minute. Try using a hot cloth between sets or jelq.

Aristocane was a PE freak, he might have gained alot and very easily at that, but don’t think that everybody who tries his routine will grow as well/fast.

If you are still want to clamp, get a few jelqs in before the session (50-100) than start back off clamping 3x5 with 5-10 minutes rest for a few weeks. See how that goes.

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Originally Posted by Biggie_Smallz
I didn’t bother warming up because I really don’t think it does much (I have gotten length gains from manual stretching without warming up, and this thread: The PE Survey results!, question 15 says that warming up doesn’t help with gains but only injury prevention, something I have been fortunate enough so far to avoid).

Heat is the secret ingredient.
Benefits of Heat in PE
Applying heat with girth routine.

Originally Posted by Biggie_Smallz
I did not see any real gains (maybe 1/32 of an inch, but nothing that I couldn’t attribute to EQ) after 4 weeks, so I raised my workout to 3 x 15 minutes. 2 weeks later, again nothing really astonishing, but in total I gained maybe just over 1/16th of an inch. So I went from 4.7 MSEG to 4.75 inches MSEG in 6 weeks.

Gains take time. There is just as much or more chance that you were overtraining rather than undertraining. 6 weeks is virtually no time at all in the PE journey. Think long-term and work out a routine that works for you and you can stick with. Learn to listen to your unit and know when to take a break or use lower intensity. Overtraining can stop gains dead in their tracks.

Physiologic Indicators (PIs) to help growth!
Drilla’s Clamp-o-rama

The thing is that when I was clamping, I only had every positive PI that is listed, and I have been PEing for just over 2 and a half years (minus the 8 month break and a few other breaks I have taken), so I doubt my routine was too advanced in terms of intensity, but then again I did not gain so I could have still been over training. I should have mentioned this in my first post, but I tried a 1 day on 1 day off clamping routine (with no definitive results) last year for about a month but stopped due to reasons unrelated with PE. So far I am one of those guys who gains length easily but not girth, but I hope to change that.

Anyways, I think I will take a month off, then start up clamping again with lower intensity while applying heat. I will probably consider doing 3 x 10 minutes with 5-10 minute breaks in between sets and only going 5 days on 2 days off as opposed to 6 days on 1 day off.

Thanks for the responses, it is nice to know there are people out there to help.


There are different types of tunicas: some people have 1 layer, some 2, and others 3. Para-Goomba - Tunica Differences

That could explain why some people can gain girth rapidly, while others have a hard time gaining any girth at all. I don’t get more that 1/4-1/2 inch expansion when I clamp. But I still think slow, incremental gains can be had over time. I include jelqing, O-bends, and light pumping with my clamping sessions.

Good luck finding a girth routine that works for you. I think heat is part of the answer, but it might take a lot of tweaking and trial and error to find the right routine if your a hard girth gainer.

I personally think that 3x10 minutes may not be enough to make any gains. I know that I can make very significant gains (1/2” girth) in a few weeks if the total clamp time is 1 hour (or more) per day. I stopped after a few weeks because I figured I would do it again after trying to achieve some additional length. Discoloration of the skin also had some effect on the decision. I did lose the gains over time, but expected as much since it was only a few weeks of work.

I’m currently 10 days into a similar clamping program. The plan is to maintain the program for a few months as long as I can keep discoloration under control.

I clamped for quite some time with minimal gains, if any, and very little expansion during the sessions. I started to think of reasons why I was not getting any expansion, while some guys were reporting as much as a half inch or more. I started to study the tunica and began to think of it in terms of facial connective tissue density. Like Cheeva stated, some people have multiple layers and varying densities.

I have had previous training in the Rolfing method of tissue manipulation, which deals mainly with facial opening and restructuring for the benefit of structural alignment and freedom of range of motion. I began to apply these theories and techniques to PE and began a routine of semi erect bends and stretches, much like the Orange bends, or O-bends, with focus on slow deep tunica expansion.

Within no more than a month of focusing on this method, I have gained close to 1/4 inch of consistent girth. Just this week I have begun clamping again and am getting anywhere between 1/2 and 3/4 inch expansion during my sessions. Amazing feeling!!!

Up until this point I felt I was just not going to make any gains and was starting to become frustrated and feeling as though I was wasting my time. Stick with it, and be patient. It’s worth the work.

I started with an EG of about 4.9, I got about 1/4 inch gain from three months with the newbie routine, and another 1/4 inch from last months experimenting. Now when clamping I am hitting the six inch mark. My wife has not said anything about my gains, but I can sure tell the difference and I have to say it feels damn good. My flaccid hang is also very noticeably larger, and when I wear my cycling shorts I now feel proud for what I’ve got and not embarassed. I have found what works for me and hope the gains continue.

Hope this helps to inspire you, Cheers.

You might have some tough tunica. Eventually though it’s a structure that can be broken down like everything else. I think tunica work should be evaluated over months. Bib was a freak of nature. Even if he had only one layer of tunica, he stated that he put on about a quarter inch in length a month through tunica work. That’s from someone who is an extremely easy gainer.

I’d find a routine that you can stick and think long term- 10 minute sets, working for longer and longer sessions over the months and nothing too crazy with the pressure, as to keep discoloration to a minimum, if at all.

Six weeks = 1/16 inch. Then at that rate, 3 months = 1/8 inch. 12 months = 1/2 inch.

A half inch in girth over one year is not too bad. That is about what I am shooting for during the next 12 months.

I realize the primary focus of gain type in this thread is girth, but I must offer this thought.
What I’m about to say does not prove jack shit, but I believe it is worth a thought. I made this exact statement in another thread: “There is an environment where there is no external forces on the penis = zero gravity. There is also an environment that would rip the penis clean of the body = clamp it up very tight, tie a rope to it and a horse; fire a gun! We have both extremes; so I believe the middle ground would be to apply enough force to cause the tissues to stretch.”

Despite the thickness of the tunica, there must be a middle ground. Hanging has opened up this middle ground for me; after being stuck forever it seems. I know there are lots of factors in hanging, such as circulation and preservation of nerves. If we can get around those and apply the correct amount of force in time, you would think there would be no other option but to gain. Enough force can rip the dick off, this is common sense, so why is there no force than can make it to just stretch a little in time; there is, it’s just hard to find sometimes.

Wearing a condom during your routine is not necessarily practicing safe PE!

Biggie, from my threads you can tell I have clamped a good bit. I know everyone is different, but clamping works easily for me. I have gained a lot of girth just from jelqing—firm jelqing. But, I have found that clamping works quicker. It takes a lot of pressure on the tunica to get gains for me at this stage of PE. Clamping allows me to reach that pressure point without injury. I clamp for 4 sets of 20 minutes. I do strong squeezes while clamped. I will often add clamps to to keep engorgement in the later sets. I push the clamps all the way to the base and reset several times during the 20 minute set. I always add a traction wrap for 3 to 4 hours at the end of clamping. This keeps the unit somewhat engorged and extended as it recovers. Clamping will accentuate any discoloration that you have. If you hang heavy weights in a Bib-type of hanger as I do, clamping will cause any of the old blood spots to “fire up”. This dissipates for me in a few days if I don’t clamp.

Clamping will work for most anybody, but you have to reach a certain pressure threshold. Read Sarter7777’s post, that is the point he is making. You need to reach the pressure point that impacts the tunica without hurting yourself.

2-06 6.375 bpel 5.0 mseg

7-08 7.375 bpel 6.25 mseg

7-09 7.50 bpel 6.25 mseg

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