Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.



Hello all. I can’t post in the injury section, so I hope this is ok here. I’m asking for help figuring out what it is I injured, and some courage to get it treated. First, the injury. This happened at work. My job at the time consisted of sitting on a forklift 8 hours a day. The ride was rough to say the least. Going in and out of the trailers, the transition from dock to trailer would jar you. After about 6 months, one day I felt a sharp pain in my right leg and penis. I didnt want to tell anyone, tried to be a tough guy you know? The pain lasted about 30 sec-1minute. Then it was a dull ache in my leg, and a dull ache in my penis. I didnt tell anyone for a week. AT that point I went to the company doctor who said I pinched a nerve he thought. And showed me on his computer which one. I can’t remember, I think S4 maybe?? Anyhow for over a month I felt a sort of “lump” behind my scrotum on the shaft area. After this went away, everything was good leg wise, but my penis just didnt feel.right. Hard to explain. This has been about 6-7 months now. My penis still doesnt feel right.I’m thinking this injury is almost akin to a bicylcist who has a compression injury of the penis. Am I on the right track?

I’m sorry this is so long, please bare with me. Right now, right behind the scrotum, and at the base of my shaft(front of scrotum) the shaft feels like a dull ache. Has been slowly getting worse. My size has gone down from 5.7 in girth to right at 5 in girth at the base. I know longer work in that job position. I stand most of the day now. I can no longer get an erection just by thinking of sex, or seeing nudity. Manual stimulation will bring it up, but it isnt nearly the same as before. I cannot keep the erection for longer than 10 minutes. And the dull ache/pain is always there. Because of my former position where I sat down to work, my pelvic muscles are REALLY out of shape. I can stop urine flow, but ejaculate pressure isnt powerfull at all. I believe this to be tied directly to the pinched nerve. If not, I’m at a loss. Cause the ache/pain never really left. It just subsided, but now increasing again. My question is, can someone please point me in the right direction as to what may have happened? Maybe a site that has a diagram of the region? And I’m really ashamed to say this, but I feel embarrassed about this, and am afraid to go back to the company doctor. I know this is not a result of PE, since I quit PE about 2 months before this job. This is just really embarrassing, and sort of depressing. My sex life is at 0 right now. But my gf understands, she just wants me to get it checked ASAP. Any suggestions, or heck, even moral support would be great. I appreciate it. Thank you.

I know it won’t help so much, but I think you should ask to a Doc, a neurologist or maybe an urologist. Nerves are really a difficult matter, and without a direct examination performed by a specialist, and maybe some specifics exams, nothing could enlighten you. Asking on the Internet about what you have would not help, you are going to get just guesses.

Thanks, I appreciate the answer. I sort of expected that type answer. I was just hoping maybe someone went through something similar and had some advice. I think ill go to the company doctor tomorrow and let him know whats going on. Thanks again.

Sitting all day?.. I would ask about a shifting blood clot that may have dislodged/broken up from within your leg and has moved around a bit.

Originally Posted by oz
Sitting all day?. I would ask about a shifting blood clot that may have dislodged/broken up from within your leg and has moved around a bit.

Ill ask about that. But that wouldn’t make it feel like I took a blow to the area would it? Maybe I’m wrong.

Also, when you talk to the doc, preferably in his office, ask about sciatica as well. The sciatic nerve comes off the spinal cord at about L2/3. There are NO nerves coming off of S4, trust me on that. The spinal cord ends at L2/3 and then just a bundle of nerve endings go down from there to about S1/2.

sunny A day without sunshine is like a day without laughter :sun:

Dude as someone going through and thankfully recovering from a penis injury (nerve related) I can completely sympathise with the feeling of anxiety and helplesness.

Don’t worry though penis injuries are very rarely permanent.

First things first you need to go and see a another doctor. I know it may seem embarassing but dude for 5 minutes of anxiety waiting to go in the room, you will walk out with much more relief to compensate.

Even though my circumstance is different from yours and I’m no doctor feel free to PM me anytime if you want to talk.

How is your glans/shaft sensitivity BTW?

Currently 6.5 NBP 5.5EG.

Don’t worry too much, but see a specialist - and not the company doctor, as he may tend to minimize a work injury in defense of the company - I agree your spine could have been fatigued, which explains some of your symptoms. At any rate, try to rest and relax: it is very likely that the psychological involvement take his part in whole scenario. If I were you I would not quit sex with my girlfriend: she might understand, but she also needs consideration.

Perseverance wins

Originally Posted by pagirth

Hello all. I can’t post in the injury section, so I hope this is ok here.

It would be OK in Newbie, pagirth, but you may get some additional useful comments in the Injury/Treatment forum, so I moved it there for you.

For Lampwick, becoming hung like a donkey was the result of a total commitment.

Hm , it could be prostate problem. Sitting for long hours makes the prostate inflated. You should check the Internet mate.

Originally Posted by Lampwick
It would be OK in Newbie, pagirth, but you may get some additional useful comments in the Injury/Treatment forum, so I moved it there for you.

Thank you Lampwick, and thank you all for the suggestions. The company doctor was not in today, so I did not get a chance to see him. The reason why I would like to see him, is because I believe this started with the pinched nerve. Which makes this a workmens comp. Issue. I do not want to have to pay out of pocket if they are going to cover it. If not, my insurance will surely pay for it. Today it felt very good. After work, I sat down and within minutes right under my scrotum I could feel pressure again. I do have a boney butt, so maybe I’m putting undue pressure on the shaft? It’s confusing, and is overwhelming me. I think about it constantly.what could be wrong, and how to fix. The time has come to get some courage, and with a little luck the doctor will be in tomorrow. Thanks again all. Ill keep you posted.

Well I feel should take a break for about 2-3 weeks from PE. Do warm wrap 10 (Moist heat)minutes in the morning and evening. Apply Vit- E cream and Arnica regularly .

Also see a doctor.

Recover soon.

Originally Posted by seek9
Well I feel should take a break for about 2-3 weeks from PE. Do warm wrap 10 (Moist heat)minutes in the morning and evening. Apply Vit- E cream and Arnica regularly .

Also see a doctor.

Recover soon.

Ty seek9, but that isnt going to cure a pinched nerve. Ok, been a couple weeks so I thought to update. After being told to see my GP numerous times by the company doc, I finally had enough and put my foot down.Needless to say they are running things through workmens comp. And I have an appointment friday for an MRI(no contrast). The company doc seems to be stuck on the idea of prostitis, but once I start pressuring him, he admits it could very well be related to the pinched nerve. I am still feeling pressure in the area, and nothing really has changed. I hope the MRI sheds some light on the issue. I think, because it is a workmens comp issue, he is a little apprehensive on dealing with this. But I will not let up for a second. I will update again when I know more. Thank you all for the suggestions.

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