Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Forgot the Jelqing Fundamentals, Now I Have a Serious Problem


Originally Posted by Tavin142
Any update on the situation? I know it’s been a while but I’m in the similar situation right now

What sort of situation are you in? Do you have a numb penis?

Yes I think it’s hard flaccid. It hurts a little, what’s worse I have problems with urine incontinence

Urine incontinence? That’s your bladder not your penis. Have you seen a doctor?

It started after jelq injury. Never had problems like this before. I haven’t seen a doctor

Tavin, I sent you a message

Any Help?

Did anyone get help or recover from injury? I have had the same problems.. Hard flaccid, erection problems for quite some time now. As In like 10 Years.. :( .. It’s very sad and depressing. Anyone that could help please shoot me a message or reply here. Thank you


Does abstaining for a long period of time (3-4 months ) .. Actually help anyone? Can it just reverse hard flaccid (turtling shrunken cold feeling) and make erections better?

Originally Posted by CD7777

Does abstaining for a long period of time (3-4 months ) .. Actually help anyone? Can it just reverse hard flaccid (turtling shrunken cold feeling) and make erections better?

Yes, it will. It helped me. I haven’t abstained for so long though. I think the longest for me was like two weeks at a time. Take warm baths, get ginkgo and l arginine. You might notice the difference with hard flaccid at least.

Measurements as of January 2021

BPEL: 7.625" MSEG: 5.125" BEG 5.375"

Originally Posted by asdfasf
Yes, it will. It helped me. I haven’t abstained for so long though. I think the longest for me was like two weeks at a time. Take warm baths, get ginkgo and l arginine. You might notice the difference with hard flaccid at least.

What about with erections? I have the whole my erection s are pretty much non existent standing up, it goes away quickly when I change positions.. No morning wood or spontaneous wood. Constant stimulation and weak erections

CD7777, I recommend this to just about everybody with the spectre of ED:
1. Drink more water. A LOT more water. As in calculate your body weight in kilograms. Now drink THAT MANY ounces of water every day. Most people are chronically dehydrated which itself is an erectile nemesis.

2. Firegoat Rolls. Look them up on here. These should be a staple if not the backbone of your routine. Don’t do them violently, but perform them as described. It shouldn’t be placing any additional strain on your penis. This exercise is designed to get blood circulating through your tissues, and it’s done wonders for me, with the added peripheral benefit in your case of completely removing discoloration.

3. Exercise. Do some cardio, take care of your entire body. You can’t expect one part of it to function well if it’s not functioning well overall.

4. Look up DMSO + Iodine on the forums and on google. Be cautious with this stuff. Don’t overdo it, and observe extremely clean practices when applying it to your skin. Clean ANY part of your skin that it is going to contact. There are also concerns that it may be responsible for macular degeneration, so it should be used sparingly. The idea of DMSO and Iodine is that these two compounds have scar-tissue dissolving properties. DMSO being a solvent, it penetrates through the skin and will carry anything with a lower molecular weight along with it (hence the caution; you don’t want to introduce a path for carcinogens into the body).
DMSO + Iodine Experimental Treatment for Deflated Glans and Firm Flaccid

Hope this helps.

Originally Posted by CD7777
What about with erections? I have the whole my erection s are pretty much non existent standing up, it goes away quickly when I change positions.. No morning wood or spontaneous wood. Constant stimulation and weak erections

Maybe they are non existent standing up but at least you still get them sometimes. What do you mean when you write constant stimulation? Every time I felt like I’m losing it I would do some jelqs or pumping thinking it’s gonna help but it only fucked me up more. Leave it alone and keep checking if you see improvement. Spontaneous erections are even a rarity for me. Seeing improvement in morning wood will take weeks but if you want to see if it will make a difference you need to commit to it.

Measurements as of January 2021

BPEL: 7.625" MSEG: 5.125" BEG 5.375"

I’ve had this condition for ten years after stupidly looking up jelqing (and doing it) and buying an extender and using it overnight. I’m gunna try the abstaining, not touching it at all, for a few months and see if it ltll help me. I’m also going to pray, really really hard. This condition sucks and I don’t wish it upon anyone. I can say don’t be stupid , and just accept what you’ve been given. A girl would much rather be with a small penis that works as to that of a bigger penis that’s not functioning. Wish me luck guys. I need it


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