Heat Lamp giving you dry/wrinkly glans skin too?
Hey guys, I use a heat lamp when warming up to pump (pump has a heat pad on it also), and to edge between and after pumping, or occasional clamping. I keep my unit well coated and lubed in Vitamin E oil during this process.
I’ve noticed my glans skin during edging sometimes appears a bit wrinkly and sometimes feels a bit rougher or drier than I’d expect for something moisturized with oil so often. Sometimes seems the outer layer of skin is kind of thin and papery.
I suspect this is from the heat lamp. I may be overdoing the heat and may be cooking the oil into my skin or something. That’s just my hunch. So I plan to knock off the heat lamp for a week or so and just see what happens.
I’m uncut (might be relevant) so my glans skin might be a bit “moister” and more supple than a cut guy most of the time. But it’s lookin a bit wrinkly and rough kind of more like a cut guy lately.
Wondering if anyone else has noticed an issue like this?