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Help with a mystery injury

Help with a mystery injury

I’ve been religiously jelqing/stretching now for 2 months, and occasionally doing it for about 9 months before that. Just today, when I got an erection, I noticed something that wasn’t there yesterday.

At the base of my cock, on the top and slightly to the left, there is a .25”-.5” stringy piece of a hard material under the skin. It has the texture of cartilage, in that it is firm but slightly flexible, almost rubbery. I can roll it a bit under my fingers but it seems relatively stationary at it’s spot under the skin. Have I damaged a ligament or have I done something more serious like gotten thrombosis or torn my CC.

I’m on an immediate hiatus until this goes away or if I find out it’s nothing serious. It literally appeared overnight, so I’m just really worried..

Any help?

EDIT: I thought I would add that it is still there when I’m flaccid, but I have to pull my penis slightly to reveal it (It’s basically inside of me while I’m flaccid), which is why I think it might be some sort of connective tissue.

Probably a lymphatic vessel injury due to excessive stretching (remember to warm up and to stretch gradually).

Nothing to be worry, rest one week or two and all will disappear


I just googled that term and it sounds like exactly what I have. Thank you. I was panicking thinking I was going to have to get my little friend amputated. :P

I always have a nice long warm up/cool down, but I guess sometimes the body just does what it wants.

Thanks, guess I’ll use this break to catch up on some reading

Originally Posted by foxymcfox
I was panicking thinking I was going to have to get my little friend amputated. :P

Haha I know I always think of the worst when stuff happens to me, specially when it comes to my unit, I always think “oh crap, it’s gonna need to be amputated or something”. Thank Thunder for this site and to know there is always someone going through the same thing you are and that for most of the times, there are solutions.

Start May-28-09 --- BPEL 5.875/EG 4.75/NBPEL 5.125/FL 3.00/FG 4.00 *Oct 24/09 --- BPEL 6.750/EG 4.875/NBPEL 5.875/FL 4.000/FG 4.250*

Short Term Goal --- BPEL 7.000/EG 5.000

Long Term Goal --- BPEL 7.500/EG 6.000

At least it’s a fixable problem.when this goes away, I’ll remember to ease back into my exercises. I hadn’t had any measurable gains yet anyway (But it was looking nicer if I do say so myself) so it’s not like I have to be afraid of losing any gains I’ve gotten. When I start back up, I’ll be sure to keep good, accurate measurements (And pictures) of progress. I’m honestly only looking for .5”, but wouldn’t complain if I got 1.5” :P

I set myself a goal of .5” within a year, given that I’ve already done two months, and will most like take a solid month off for recovery can anyone tell me if .5” would be a reasonable expectation to have for 9 months of the beginner routine (Obviously adapting it as I go/plateau)?

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